Let's drink dinosaur pee!

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"That's filtered dinosaur pee you're drinking." Peter, the kid Danny had beat up, said with a straight face as if what he was saying was not weirdly random at all.

My water bottle stopped midway to my mouth and I turned away from Peter to land my gaze on my brother who was snickering in the corner looking at the both of us.

"Shut up." I dryly said, putting the cap back on my water bottle. A part of me regretted stopping Danny earlier which was morbid but I have never denied being insane.

Daniel, Peter and I were currently sitting in detention and the worst part wasn't even the fact that Peter had the most absurd random thoughts. No. It was the fact that Miss Jean was monitoring us and ever since the first day of school she hadn't stopped giving me funny looks. Every ten minutes the woman looked at me and mumbled something to herself, it was disturbing.

"Ah look it's time for my bathroom break." She declared with a goofy grin on her face. The grin went away just as fast as it had come with Miss Jean standing up and pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, her eyes narrowed and she pushed her chin up in the air. "Behave." She sneered and walked out of the room, her heels producing horrendous clank-clanks on the tiled floor.

"We have thirty minutes." I turned to my brother to see his eyes narrow at what I said.

"How do you know?" He inquired and I was reminded of why I was the bright one of my family. For me to be able to pull the pranks that I did I had to notice everything around me and analyze every single change. For instance, I had been in detention about... two times before.

The first time was in sixth grade when Miss Emma, my English teacher, had monitored me. She turned her chair around every five minutes while reading a book and kept it that way for two minutes at the most. At the time I had a purple nail paint my mom had bought me when I really wanted the pink one so I poured the whole bottle in Miss Emma's purse. She never confronted me about it but I knew she knew it was me because the second time I had detention, it was with Miss Jean.

Miss Jean, whose face reminded me of how if you removed the H from carboxylic acids, they became esters. Miss Jean who I had never gotten to prank even once and nor did I plan on pranking her. That was something for the day I would be leaving this high school. I wasn't scared of her, that would never happen. I was rather cautious of my doings to ensure that they didn't get me in trouble like I was right now because I thought my brother would never snitch on me. Boy was I wrong.

Miss Jean's "bathroom breaks" consisted of her walking carefully to the bathroom because in all honesty she did not know how to walk in heels, this took her about five minutes. She would do her business for the next ten minutes, what she did there I did not want to know at all. She washed her hands for five minutes humming to two different tunes I did not recognize. The last five minutes of her break she would spend on touching up her makeup. And of course it would take her five minutes to walk back to the room.

When I said I analyzed the environment around me, I did not lie. It was a habit and I was keeping it. It kept me out of unwanted trouble.

"We have thirty minutes, doofus. We either swing by the cafeteria or starve here for the next two hours, feeding only on Miss Jean's stares." I remarked and proceeded to get up.

"You can't leave." Peter decided to comment. I frowned to myself and turned towards him, his shoulders were hunched, hands folded on his lap. I smiled looking at the kid and brought myself to his level to look into his eyes.

"You keep your smart mouth shut or I will make you drink dinosaur pee." I innocently threatened and watched his expression go from frightened to confused at my words. Not waiting for his confusion to clear I left the room, Danny was beside me in a second.

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