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This is a work of fiction. It's a dark romance story, and has some pretty dark themes. Manipulation, abuse, rough mature scenes, strong language etc. If you're in mood for a fluffy romance, I suggest you check out my other book. If not...welcome to the dark realm of Russian mafia. :D Every vote and comment makes my day. Please hit the star if you enjoy the story, it gets my spirits up and makes me want to write more! This story is pre-written. I will be posting a chapter every day until it is completed. Enjoy! 

Angelique had always admired how city lit up in the night. Thousands of lights coming to life all at once to disturb the inevitable darkness. 

This night was different. Way different. 

Her stomach in knots, she nearly felt her lunch climbing back up her throat. Trembling fingers gripped the edges of her trench coat and her sea blue eyes were wide with terror.

'Royal Club' - Read a threateningly large neon sign above door leading to a basement. It's red light cast an odd glow on the bouncer standing underneath, making the bald man look ten times more scary. As if the tattoos and constantly squinted eyes weren't enough. 

The poor blond haired girl standing across the street was ready to bend over the nearest trashcan at this point. She did not want to go there or be anywhere near the place, but the clock had already hit midnight five minutes ago, and she hardly had the choice. 

Forcing her stiff legs to move, Angelique finally gathered enough courage to approach. She tried to look brave, keep her head high. Emphasis on tried. Her steps in the high heels were clumsy and her complexion had turned greenish. 

She was terrified. 

"Hello, My name is-" 

"The back door." The guard grunted out without the second look at her. 


"The staff goes through the back door." He repeated, already sounding annoyed. 

She hadn't expected a friendly welcome, but this was hardly encouraging. "Right. Thanks..." 

First brick dropped on my head. Oh, dad...Why did we come to this?

There was only one reason, and one reason alone, why she had wind up questing for the right entrance into a strip club - Her father's addiction to gambling. It was bad, but she hadn't realized just how much until couple days ago, when she found him in middle of the living room, surrounded by three armed goons. 

Apparently he's in debt to a very dangerous man, and of course, being the bad gambler he is, he's broke as a joke. 

So there she was, scouting for the backdoor of some Russian club to repay his debt by dancing. 

Five more minutes later she was finally let inside by another guard. The building wasn't much to tell a story about, but once the door opened, she was left awestruck. Red color dominated the surroundings, oozing luxury. Pictures of naked women were hanged along the walls, not allowing her to forget where she was for a second. 

The interior was magnificent, and the least of her problems. When the guard lead her to changing room, she was greeted by ear-splitting voices of two women. 

"Oh my God! I'm sweating like a pig!" The first one exclaimed, slumped into a chair near huge, brightly lit mirror.

"Duah. Cuz' you are one." 

"Shut the fuck up, Zoe. I gained only two pounds and they're on my butt unlike yours." 

"What are you trying to tell me, you fat-Oh." The angered woman, Zoe, cut herself off when she spotted Angelique awkwardly standing in the doorway. Her long, fake lashes fluttered, the green eyes hiding underneath scanning the newcomer from head to toe. "And who might you be?" 

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