The Sorenson international chain of dealer ships is the most known company in todays world of cars and motorbikes.
Who is it lead by no body has a clue, but everyone knows to never try to find out 'cause the minute someone even thinks about it they...
If you somehow don't know what's going on in america right now i would suggest you go and see a couple of videos and articles.
But the short story of what happened a man named George Floyd was murdered by a police named derek chauvin he killed by kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes and 45 seconds while three other officers did nothing to help the dying on the ground as matter of fact one of them stood guard while the other two helped restrain George even though big Floyd wasn't resisting in anyway the murderer still kneeled on his neck while George kept saying "i can't breath, they're going to kill me i can't breath" and with his last breath George called out for his mum who died two years ago now you might be wondering what did he do to get arrested and brutally murdered like that will allegedly George paid the store clerk who called the cops on him a 'fake' twenty dollar bill.
There was no reason what so ever for the so called officer to put his knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 45 seconds straight other then blatant racism
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And the video of his killing became viral then protests started first in Minneapolis which was where he was killed then it moved on to other parts of the state New York, Texas, Atlanta, L.A, Chicago and many other places it even reached London, Toronto and other countrys all against police brutality.
Now of you wanna help in anyway the cause Check out @shaunking 's Instagram there's a link in his bio if you want to donate and other things you could help with and you could also follow him on twitter to keep up with what's going on.