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"hey, Claire so do you want to have a sleep over tonight i'm really board and I have nothing to do and if you don't come over my mom will make me have diner at home! My mom is cooking chicken for the 20th night in a row!" Lily says while on the phone with Claire. "I'm in! You had me at sleepover!" Claire says. "YAY!" they both scream at the same time. Okay I will meet you at Dennys in an hour. sounds great! okay bye, bye!

Lily POV: I run upstairs and get ready. I rummage through my closet and try to find something to wear, and I found this Black lace up black crop top and I decided to wear it and then I put it on and then find a good pair of jeans to match it so I grabbed a pair of dark blue ripped jeans. then I rush to get my makeup done so I look okay when I leave my house. I just do a light and natural look. Then I grab my mini backpack and head out the door. I walk to Dennys since it is right by my house. 

                                                                 ---20 MINUTES LATER---

I am about to cross the street to get to Dennys and I see my friends mom park to drop her off. I cross the street and the second I see her I run up and jump on her back and she screams and almost falls over. We walk inside and get a table and then we order and I said "Omg I saw the cutest picture on instagram this morning." and the second I said the Clarie jumps up and says "You wont believe who liked my post and commented!" I said Who!?!?! and she blurts out Gus De St Jeor! No way! Are you being serious! Yes! He commented saying he loved my post which was a glow up slide of him and his brothers. Wow! Lucky! I wish Gordy would notice me like Gus noticed you. I know, maybe it will happen one day. After we ate Clarie and I walked back to my house and went straight to my room and were looking at all of the G's intsa pics.

                                                                  ---3 HOURS LATER---

It is now around 11:50 and Claire and I decide to go to bed and like five minutes in to us trying to sleep my phone buzzes. I look at it and it was a notification saying Gordy had posted so I looked at it and it was just a new picture so I liked then commented and then went to bed. I woke up in the morning and found out that while I was sleeping Gordy had liked my comment on his most recent post then he had also liked a photo I had posted which was a screen shot of how Gus noticed Claire and then I had put the caption Wish (gordys username) would notice me like this. Then Claire and I both screamed probably waking up the entire block. My mom and brother run upstairs asking if everything's okay and Claire and I both just look at each other and start dying laughing, and they just look at us confused. Claire looked at her phone noticed her mom had called her 5 times and messaged her a bunch saying when she saw the messages she needed to ask my mom to take her home. So she asked my mom to take her home and I went with. We got to her house I hugged her and then said bye. I got back in the car and my mom looked at me with a sad face, I didn't say anything so I just sat there silently. When we turned onto my street my mom said that we needed to have a family meeting when we got home, and I didn't think much of it.

                                                      ---WHEN WE GOT TO MY HOUSE---

I walk in the door and see my dad and brother sitting on the couch and my brother was sobbing tears and my mom yelled at my dad "WHY DID YOU TELL HIM I WANTED TO TELL THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!!" and then my dad yelled back " NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT" as he said that I looked around and saw that everything in my house had been trashed and I looked at my brother and he just ran over and rapped his arms around me trying not to cry even more and through it all my parents were still arguing so I took Tommy outside and he sat next to me and I asked him what happened and he told me that our mom and dad are splitting up and we were moving with mom and dad was staying here. I asked him where we we're moving to he said L.A and I just sat with him until I heard my dad yell that we had 2 hours to grab all of our belongings and leave. So my brother and I run in and get all of our stuff packed. I then realized that I would not be seeing Claire ever again. So I finish packing then I help my brother and then we get all of our stuff in the car and we left. No turning back. We drove a bit and I saw the Dennys we were at the night before and I had asked my mom to take me to see Claire and she said okay. So we head to her house. We pull up and I start to cry and then my mom tells me she and my brother are staying in the car. So I walk up and knock on her door, she answers the door and I think she already knows somethings up.

Claire POV: I was sitting on my couch and I hear a knock on the door, so I get up and answer the door. I open it and I see Lily and she looked like she was about to cry then I see her mom and brother were sitting in their car surrounded by all of their stuff, I then knew exactly why she was here.

Lily POV: I go to say that I am moving and then all the sudden Claire hugs me and whispers where are you moving to. I tell her L.A then she just said never forget me and call me. She then just looks at me then says bye, and closes the door. I then just walk away slowly. I then step into my car and buckle up and lay my head against the window and put in my earbuds in then turn on R5 music. I end up falling asleep. Then when I wake up and it was late and my mom said we were in Indiana. I was still tired so I went back to sleep. for a few more hours then we had to get on a plane to Utah and from Utah we drove to L.A. We got there around 2:30 AM, then we quietly walked into a house that was owned by my moms friend. We get inside and put all of our bags in the house and I instantly run upstairs and try to find the best room. I found mine and called out saying "I CALL THIS ROOM!!" and then I brought up my stuff. And laid out a blanket on the floor then put out my pillow and tried to sleep but I couldn't. After like an hour and a half. Then since it was 6:30 AM in New York I decided to call Claire, I knew she would be up because she always wakes up early. 

Keep reading to find out how her life turns out, and by the title i'm sure you want to know how she meets Gordy. It is within the next 2 chapters.

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now