Winter Break

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Lily POV: Iv'e been here in L.A for just over 5 months now. I have made a few friends and I am still great friends with Gordy, Gus, Gil, Gator, and Kyla. Almost every weekend either my family goes over to there house or their family comes over to my house for lunch or dinner. It has been an amazing few months and I am just so greatful that I get to spend this time with my mom and my brother. I'm also so glad I could make friends like the G's because they have been helping me so much with getting situated into a new state, a new house, and a new school. I am also glad that I am able to stay great friends with Claire, and I even had her meet the De St Jeors over FaceTime, which was really fun getting to see her reaction while meeting them because she is more obsessed with them then I am. We just got out of school for winter break. I can't wait because the lynch's invited us up to the cabin since the De St Jeors are going to be there so it is like a four family vacation because the laufers are going to be there too. Plus we are also great friends with the Lynch's, so we are going to have so much fun. My mom and Angela (The G's mom) were trying to figure out which kids would go in which car and that took them like an hour. So after that we agreed on me, Gordy, Gator, and Tommy going in my moms car, and Gus, Kyla, Sophie, and Gil in Angela's car. 

Gordy POV: We all got in the cars and we took off. We got a few hours in before we had to stop for gas. Besides all of the gas and bathroom stops we drove 16 hours straight. We sang along with the radio, we played some car ride games, we watched Netflix on Lily's phone. Then for about the last hour driving Lily and I were listening to Christmas music and like one song in she fell asleep on my shoulder. I noticed we were getting really close to the cabin so I woke everyone up. The second we were all out of the car Lily, Gator, and Tommy all threw snow at me. so I started throwing snow back at them.

Lily POV: After our snow fight we all went in the cabin and everyone showed my mom, Tommy and I around. We put all of our stuff in the rooms we were staying in because we were going to be there for a while 2 weeks to be exact. So we got everything situated and then we all sat on the couch by the fire and we had hot chocolate. We all just relaxed while the sun came up. then a few hours later we went and started making a video. Then Rydel and I both went down to the nearest Starbucks and we got drinks for everyone. When we got back all of the boys were outside in the snow playing spike ball. So Rydel and I decided to Join. We played for a bit then went inside and did our own things.

Ross POV: So this trip wasn't just for us to have fun, we are also having two shows as R5 even though we aren't known as R5 anymore. It is exciting to be able to sing the R5 songs on stage with my brothers and sister again. We decided it would be fun to not only have us on stage but to also have our cousins, Kyla and Lily all up there with us. Our first show is tomorrow and we are now about to start rehersals.

                                                                                 ---3 HOURS LATER---

Lily POV: We just finished rehersing and I am so excited for this show. Anyways in like five minutes a few of us are going to go on a hike to the top of the mountain. I was standing there waiting for everyone to be ready then all the sudden Gordy picks me up and runs outside. he finally put me down and we walked with Gus, Kyla, Rydel, Capron, Riker, Savanah, Sophy, Gil, Gator, Tommy, and Jayden. We got to the top like 45 minutes later. We sat up there for like an hour then headed back down. Once we got back to the cabin all of the parents were sitting there talking, telling stories, making jokes, and playing cards. I was so happy to know that all of our families have become so close over the last few months. The lynch boys started playing chess, the game went on for like an hour but meanwhile the girls and I were playing Twister. We got board after a while so we started watching a movie. the majority voted on watching a Christmas movie. After the movie the girls made cookies and brownies, and the boys all went outside and played Spike ball a little more, we all got to do something fun because us girls love cooking and baking and the boys love playing spike ball. After the cookies and brownies were done, My mom turned on some Christmas music and we all sang along and started dinner.                                                                                   *****meanwhile*****

Gordy POV: We were playing spike ball and of course Gus and Capron won. we all decided to take a Five minute break and we go inside and we are welcomed in by the smell of just baked brownies and cookies along with what ever is for dinner. Us guys all grabbed a drink then headed back outside. Gil and Gator took too long so I went inside to go see what was taking so long. Stormie and my mom both come over to the door and they both at the same time tell me to be quiet. I look over and see a bunch of birthday decorations, and I immediately realize that the decorations were for an early birthday celebration for Ross. When I see Gil and Gator I tell them to hurry and then Stormie tells me not to say anything about the surprise to anyone out there, and to not let Ross in the cabin. So I walk out and we all keep playing for about an hour, Then Stormie comes out and tells us to come in for dinner.

Lily POV: Stormie and I had a great idea to decorate for Ross' birthday since we he will be performing for his birthday. So we hurry and put up stuff just as Gordy, Gil, and Gator all walk out. Once we were all done we still had to finish dinner which only took like another 5 minutes. Then it was time to tell the boys to come in. So Stormie walks outside and tells the boys to come in. Then the second Ross walks in you can just see the smile forming on his face. He knew it was for him because there was a huge banner with the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSS!" We had so much fun and it was time to go to sleep. 

Ross POV: We all woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfas. So everybody came down stairs and out of their rooms and ate food. We then had to get ready because we had a show today! On my birthday! So we got dressed and the moms did all of our hair and the girls makeup. Then we got on the road. We got there then had a sound check then it was almost show time.

Lily POV: We were doing our last touch ups before show time. We hear "We Are Family" playing so we know we have to run up on stage in just a second. Then we run up and I am standing between Riker and Ross and Gordy was standing next to me. when they start to play the music I knew it was almost time to sing. 

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