New boyfriend and his daughter

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(A/N: This chapter takes place a few months after the last one, so it's like August.)

"Hello!" "Hi!" I jumped up when I saw Boston walk into my room with coffee in one hand and doughnuts in the other. "Good morning beautiful." he said while hugging him. "Well I brought you breakfast to eat in bed, but your no longer in bed." "Yeah well i'd rater hug my amazing boyfriend." "Okay. I'm fine with that." We both laughed and sat down on my bed. "Thanks for bringing breakfast." "Of course." We finished eating and drinking our coffee and then went downstairs. "Hey mom!" I said as we into the kitchen. "Hey Sweetie." She took a pause then said, "Well what are you two up to today?" "Probably going to head to the park, and then later we are going to meet up with the G's. What are you doing?" "I'm going out to meet my boss later, and I probably wont be home until late. So Boston free to stay as long as you want." "Thanks Ms. Hargrave." "Please call me Kylie." Boston went and sat on the couch while I really quickly ran upstairs to change my clothes. "Ready to go?" I asked while walking back downstairs. "Yeah let's go." he said taking my hand as we walked out the door. We walked to the park which was right down the street. We went and walked through the whole park and then we sat down on a bench. Then my phone started to ring. "Sorry, I'll be right back." I said after I looked down and saw it was my mom calling. "Whats up mom?" "Hey, so you know how I have been going out to see my boss a lot recently?" "Yeah." "Well, him and I have been going out on well dates and he asked to be my boyfriend. I said yes, and tonight I want you to meet him and his daughter." "Tonight!" "Yeah, as long as your not busy." "Oh, yeah of course. Is it okay if Boston comes?" "Yeah. We will be having dinner at the house." "Okay, I guess we are set for dinner." "Okay. See you later sweetie." "Bye mom." "Bye." I went back over to Boston and said, "Hey, so you don't have any dinner plans right?" "No probably just with the G's. Why?" "Well, my mom wants me to meet her boyfriend and his daughter. And I really don't want to do it alone." "Okay, then I'm there. So wait your mom's boyfriend. So she isn't dating her boss." "Her boyfriend is her boss." "Oh..." "yeah." "Anyways, are you ready to go back to the G's?" "Yeah, lets go." We went to the G's house so we could have lunch with them. "Hey everyone!" I said as Boston and I walked into the house. "Hello!" I hugged everyone and we all sat down. "So our mom is making some tacos, so we can pretty much do whatever." "Okay." I replied to Gus.

*Dinner time*

"Hello!" I said as I opened the door to Let in Bob and Ava. "Nice to meet you. I'm Bob and this is my daughter Ava." "Nice to meet you too. I'm Lily, and this is my boyfriend Boston." We all sat down at the table and made small talk. Then Bob said, "So I hear you and a few of your friends have a YouTube channel." "Yeah." "I'm a big fan." Ava said. "Really?" "Yeah, my best friend and I both were big fans of R5 and then we found out about the G's being cousins to the lynch's and so her and I started to watch their videos and then a few months later you were in one of their videos and then you became part of The Gang." "Wow." We all kept talking and then it was time for Ava and Bob to leave. Once they left Boston left soon after.

(A/N: Hey guys. sorry this one is short. I just want to let you know I might be taking a break from this book because I am having major writers block with this story. So I guess we will see what will happen.)

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now