New Home

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Claire POV: It was about 6:30 and I couldn't sleep knowing that I wouldn't see my best friend for a long time and who knows maybe forever. So I was up and I realized that my phone was ringing, so I popped backed into reality and looked over and saw the caller ID was Lily. I answer as soon as I saw who it was. We talked for hours and then she said she really wanted to stay, so I said " Hey, who knows maybe you will meet the Lynch's or the De St Jeors. she replied with "yeah right" Hey you could try to get a job with him. You have been wanting to act more, or maybe you could use the work email and ask if you could tag along any photo shoots so you can lean more about cameras. Yeah, but he probably wont even reply. Whatever. Well I have to go talk to you later. Okay bye lils.

Lily POV: It was about 5:45 when I got off the phone with Claire and I hear something down stairs so I go down to see what it is. I then see my mom sitting on the kitchen floor crying. I go and sit next to her and I ask what was wrong. She said nothing was wrong but why else would she be on the floor crying. She then just said "Listen I am so sorry we had to move away from all of our friends and family I just thought it would be best if we left and didn't worry about what was left behind because then it would make me go back to your father. Things had been bad with him and I for a while but after he said what he said, I just had to leave him and to keep you guys safe I had to take you guys with me." I was scared to ask but I did anyway, " Wha-What did dad say?" I said it hoping it wasn't to bad but then my mom said, " Well he wanted to ship you off to England and pretty much give you up for adoption and then he said he wanted to ship your brother off to Military school." And I said, "But he's only 12!" Then she told me to get my brother up and to get ready because we were going to drive to get something for breakfast. so I went up stairs and woke up my brother, then told him what was happening (didn't mention what my mom and I were previously talking about) then I went to my room and got ready. About 20 minutes later we got to a doughnut place. We got a doughnut and then we went for a walk while eating. I look over and I see the mall that The Gang (AKA Gus, Gil, Gator, Gordy De St Jeor, and Kyla laufer) shot their hide and seek in the mall video. I then thought about the fact that they said the mall was right down the street from their house so that means I was really close to their house. EEK! I stopped being a fan girl for like 20 seconds until I saw...

Sorry this chapter is short I thought I should leave it on a cliff hanger. Next chapter coming soon. Comment who you think lily saw and tell me what you think will happen, do you think she will go up to whoever it is? Well hope you are liking the story. Can't wait for you to find out what happens. Love ya'll!

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now