Campfire Confessions

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And then... Boston said "Happy New Year!" "Happy new year!"

*April 2020*

I was sitting on the couch with Gus, Kyla, Gil, Gator, Boston, and Sophy. We wanted to watch a movie in the theaters, but Covid-19 hit and now we are stuck here. Gordy was at Amber's house because she said she had to tell him something importantI was squished between Sophy and Boston. We of course chose a horror movie which made Sophy and Gil scared. So Gil was smashing into Boston and Sophy was smashing Into me. Boston and I were just laughing at how scared everyone was. The movie was getting to a so called scary part when the front door slammed shut. Everyone screamed except me and Boston. The all of a sudden Gordy came in with slightly red eyes. We paused the movie and then looked at Gordy. "What happened?" I asked. Gordy was about to speak up but then he couldn't. He then just walked out of the room. "I got this." I said to everyone. I ran after Gordy to go see what was wrong. "Gor... What happened?" I said while turning him around by his shoulder. "Amber... She broke up with me." I looked in his eyes and could see that his heart was broken. "Hey listen I'm here for you and so is everyone else." I hugged him while talking to him. I knew it was hard for him because I could tell how much he loved her. They were together for over a year. "Do you know why she broke up with you?" "She said she thinks I have feelings for someone else." "Oh. Well do you?" " I'm not sure." "Okay. Well know you can always talk to me." "I know. Anyways should you be going and finishing that movie?" "I should. Do you want to join us?" "Sure." "Great." We walked back and sat on the couch. This time I was between Gordy and Boston. For the first time in a long time I got scared. I ended up holding hands with Boston. We finished the movie and then watched another one and through the whole thing I was still holding hands with Boston. After the movie I looked down and saw that we were holding hands and I just pulled away as fast as possible. I was scared for some reason. He just looked at me and chuckled and then shook his head. I started to blush a little. We all decided to do an all nighter. We then got up to go do a campfire. "Guys I'm out I'm tired." Kyla said. "Me to." Gus said. "Yeah I think I'm going to go to bed." Gordy said. "Same" Gil and Gator said at the same time. "Yeah I should get headed home." "Okay well good night." Boston said. "Yeah good night guys." "Will you be staying tonight?" Kyla asked. "Umm yeah my mom is out late again." "Okay well I'll see you in the morning. Don't stay up to late." "We won't." "Yeah right." Boston said. We all laughed and then everyone went to bed but me and Boston. Boston and I stayed out just staring at the fire. It was so silent but we really didn't have to say anything. "Hey lily?" "Yeah." "What happened with Gordy?" "Amber broke up with him." "Oh." "Yeah." We sat silent for a few moments until I finally spoke up. "So change of subject... Do you have some special girlfriend back home?" "Why do you want to know?" "Just making conversation." "Well for your information, I don't have any girlfriend back home." "Oh." "What about you, I'm sure you have a boyfriend." "The closest thing I have to a boyfriend is my best friends who happen to be guys." "Makes sense. I'm sure your brother would scare them away." "Heh yeah he would probably say that he broke his arm by punching my last boyfriend." "I'm sure he would." "Have you had any past relationships?" "Yeah, but I've never been in a serious relationship." "Yeah neither have I." We sat in a bit of silence again and then I asked. "Hey, can we talk about earlier?" "Yeah what about it?" "During the movie, I held you hand because I was scared. I swear it was nothing else." "listen it's fine." "Seriously though, I don't want you thinking something that's not true." "Oh okay." When he said that he looked upset. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah everything is fine." I smiled and then he said "actually it's not. I like you a lot but if you don't like me I get it." "Boston. I didn't mean it like that. I do like you. A lot." "You do?" "Yeah. I guess I have for a while." "Would you maybe want to watch a movie... Like just us." "It's a date" We both smiled and then went back to looking at the fire. I leaned my head on Boston's shoulder and held his hand. I then realized that this meant I would have to tell him about want happened last year. I'll wait until tomorrow.

(I hope you guys enjoyed. I can't wait for you guys to see what I have in store for the characters.❤️ You all have a good rest of your Day/Night)

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now