(soon to be a title)

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I woke up to light shaking. "Hey, I brought you some coffee." I heard the word 'coffe' and I was definitely awake. I slowly sat up. My eyes were sort of blurt but after I rubbed them I could see who brought me the coffee. "Thanks!" "Of course. So, how was your date last night?" "It was great!" "That's amazing." "Yeah I guess." "Why the 'i guess' did my cousin hurt you!" "No it's not like that. My mom said something that really had me thinking." "What was it?" "We she asked me if I actually liked Boston or if I like someone else and I was using Boston as a way to get over him." "Well there's only one way to know." "And what's that." "Talk to the first guy. If you still like him you won't be able to tell your feelings to him." "Oh, that makes sense." "Well I am always right." "Shut up!" "So do I get to know who this guys is?" Here I go, it's time to finally tell him how I feel or felt. "I liked you." I said really straight forward. "Wai-" I cut him off by saying, "yes I liked you, I liked you for a long time, then I was going to ask you out but then you and Amber announced that you were dating. I was happy for you don't get me wrong. But it did suck. Anyways you can forget everything I just said. Because just like I thought I wasn't using Boston to get over you." It was silent. "Can we please forget everything I just said. Please" I begged. "Yeah of course." We talked for a bit but then he had to go. "I heard everything." My mom says barging in. "Told you I don't like Gordy anymore." "I guess you were right." "Yup." "Is everything okay." "I just feel like I ruined mine and Gordys friendship by saying what I said " "I mean he asked for it." "Yeah but he had no clue." "Didn't you guys kiss?" "Yeah but then things were awkward after and then we agreed that we were meant to be friends and friends only." "Okay." My mom left the room and I got up. I did my hair and changed into decent clothes. I got a text from Boston.
B: Good morning
L: Good morning!
B: Hey can I come over today
L: Yeah, if your free you can come over now. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO board.
B: Okay I'll be there in 10
L: See you then.

I ran downstairs and told my mom and Tommy he was coming over so they needed to leave. JK... I just told him that he was coming over and ai told Tommy not to bother us. I didn't realize it but I out on the jacket that Boston let me barrow on New Years. I was about to go change it but then he rung the doorbell. "I'll get it." I called out. I opened the door and saw Boston. "Hey!" "Hey" we said while hugging. When we pulled away Boston looked at me kind of funny. "Is that my jacket?" "Yeah sorry, I thought I gave it back to you and I put it on thinking that it was mine. Here you can have it back." I said while taking it off slowly. "No, keep it. It looks better on you then it ever did on me." "Thanks." We came in and sat in the kitchen. "Hey Boston long time no see." Tommy said while walking in. I was about to yell at him but I then saw how much him and Boston were getting along. One major flaw for me is if they don't get along with my family then they aren't the one. I'm glad that they like each other. "Do you guys want to play a board game?" Tommy said interrupting my thoughts. "Ummm... Sure I'm in if Boston's in." I said. "Wait seriously!" Tommy said a little way to excited. "Yeah. So Boston you want to play a board game?" "Let's do it." We grabbed out monopoly partners, and I thought that either Boston or Tommy would be my partner. But no! I'm the third wheel in this situation! We had a lot of fun, but then it was time for Tommy and my mom to leave for Tommy's doctor appointment. He might be getting his cast off. "Good luck bub!" I said.while he walked out. Once they went out I said, "I really hope he'll be okay. He might have to get surgery but it's not definite." "Oh that's not good." "No it's not. Anyways what do you want to do?" "Well I mean since you brought it up more than once, why don't you play the guitar and sing." "I couldn't." "Why?" "I mess up badly when I play around people even if it's just one person." "Well I'm not just any person." "One song. Only because your right." I started to play 'Life Of The Party' by Shawn Mendes.

"Cause we don't have to be Ordinary, make your best mistakes, cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party, I'm telling you to take your shot it might be be scary, hearts are gonna break, cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life if the party." I finished the song a d I was waiting for Boston to make up some lie about me sounding good. "That was amazing. How come you don't sing infront of people. You could honestly get a lot of money off of it." "I'm just to scared to play in front of people." "Well you shouldn't be. You sounded amazing!" "Well thanks." I said sort of blushing. "You should play me some more music." "I don't know..." "Come one it will be fun." "Bostonnnnnn..." "Please! If you don't have fun then we can do anything you want afterwards. Please." "Fine! What should I play?" "So you know any of my cousins songs?" "Most of them." "Then do one of those." "Okay... Ummmm..." I started to play 'if I can't be with you' "and I can never get enough, baby give it all up up I'd give it all up, if I can't be with you all of the stuff suck yeah all this sucks if I can't be with you, no osar, no Grammy, no meantion in miami, the sun don't shine and they sky ain't blue, if I can't be with you...(rest of song)." "Wow that was also amazing!" "Thanks." We talked and I played some music and we had lots of fun. That is until my mom and brother got home. My brother walked in the door with red around his eyes and a few tears rolling down his cheek. "Tommy!" I ran over to him. "Life sucks!" He said before storming upstairs. "Boston can you go check on him? I'm sure he would want to see you more than me." I said while he was getting up. "Of course." He went to Tommy, and I went out front to see what happened. "Mom what's happening is Tommy's arm okay?" "His arm is completely healed." "Then what's happening?" "Your Dad" "What about my dad?" "He's coming here. He's talking about divorce and also about taking custody of Tommy." "WHAT! THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!" "I know." "Go be with your brother. He needs his sister." "Okay." I ran into the house and ran straight to Tommy's room. But I was surprised. Him and Boston were laughing. He wasn't crying anymore. "Tommy, hey." "Hey, sis!" He said trying not to die laughing."did I miss something?" "Oh Tommy and I looked over and found this picture of you when you were like four." I looked at the picture and it had to be the most embarrassing picture of me ever. My mom's friends daughter decided to dress me up. She found a fake seashell bra, a blue hawaiian skirt, and a cowboy hat with cowboy boots. She also had put makeup on me so I had like Miranda Sings lips. "Oh My God how embarrassing!" I said. "Well it is my job to embarrass you infront of your boyfriend." Tommy said. "Oh Tommy, Boston isn't my boyfriend." "Wait really. I just thought since you guys went in a date that he is your boyfriend. Well in my defense you would make a great couple." I just blushed hard and tried so hard to cover it up. Luckily neither of them noticed. Boston got a text and then said he had to go. Tommy and I both hugged him and said bye. After he left I layed on Tommy's bed doing everything I could to comfort him. "Hey Lils?" "Yeah?" "Will you sing and play you guitar for me?" "Yeah, I will, let me go grab my guitar." "Wait seriously?!?" "Yeah!" "Awesome." He said while I left to grab my guitar. I'm so glad that him and I like a lot of the same singers. I played quiet a few Shawn Mendes songs, I also played a few songs by Ed Sheeran, also some R5. Tommy started to fall asleep while I was playing 'one last dance' by R5 and by the end of the song he was passed out. "I love you Tommy." "I love you too sis."

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now