New Years Break

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"hey sweetie...I know your upset, so I made you some cookies." "Thanks mom. But I'm fine." I paused then said, "I mean, sure my boyfriend is going back home in half a day and who knows when I will see him again... I'm completely fine though." "Well, what time is the barbeque?" "4. So I need to get ready soon." "Okay."

(45 minutes later)

I'm rushing to finish getting ready. I'm almost done with my hair and makeup but something is off and I can't figure out what.

(10 minutes later)

I'm walking over to Stormie and Mark's house. Once I got there I knocked on the door. Of course Stormie answered it. "Hey! Happy New Year's Eve!" "You too." She let me in and of course, the house was decked out in decorations. Gil, Gordy, Boston, Capron, Ross, and Ryland were all playing poker. I walked over and nobody noticed. So I went behind Boston and hugged him. "Oh, hey." He said while looking up at me. "Hey." I said hiding my sadness. "You okay?" "Yeah. Why do you ask?" "You just seem different." "Just tired." "Okay." I said hi to everyone else then went in the kitchen and saw Sophy and Kyla. "Hey." "Hey!" They both said. I hugged them both and then we all started talking. "So, what's going to happen with you and Boston when he leaves?" Kyla asked me. "I'm not sure." "Well, it will work it's self out." "Yeah, your right." "Let's go outside." "Okay." For some reason it's the middle of winter yet it feels like summer. "You brought your swimsuit right?" "Yup." Once we went outside I said hello to everyone and hugged them all. I then slipped off my black ripped jeans and my "goodbye 2020" t-shirt. I was about to put my feet in the pool when I felt warm arms wrap around my waist. I smiled knowing it was my boyfriend. "What are you doing?" He asked me. "I was about to put my feet in the water." "Oh..." Then out of nowhere he picked me up and jumped in the pool with me in his arms. "BOSTON!" I yelled as I came up from under the water. Then I splashed him. Then he splashed me back. Then everyone else jumped into the pool. Then we all had a full on water fight. Once everyone calmed down we all just chilled in the pool for a bit. I got out and dried off and got a drink. "Hey." "Hey Gor." I said as he walked over to me. "Can you believe it's already been basically a year of COVID." "I know, it's crazy." "Well I'm going to go jump back in the pool." "Okay." After he left I sat down and watched everyone have fun. I started to think... What's gonna happen after midnight? what's going to happen with Boston and I? will we do long distance? Will we see each other on holidays? Will we break up? My thoughts were interupted by the one and only amazing Stormie Lynch. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "Well your friends and boyfriend are in the pool and your sitting here talking to me." "I just needed some air." "Is everything alright?" "I'm just thinking about what's going to happen with Boston and I. You know, when he goes back home. Every time I try to bring it up he changes the subject." "I'm sorry sweetheart. Young love can be amazing but it can also be very hard." "Yeah your right." "Well we only have like an hour until midnight. Maybe you should spend time with Boston before he leaves." I smiled then walked over to the edge of the pool. I put my feet in and after a few minutes Boston swam over to me. "Hello beautiful." I smiled at the name then said, "Hey." "What are you doing sitting by yourself?" I shrugged my shoulders and we continued talking. Then my mom came with Bob and Ava.

(1 hour later)

"3!2!1! JAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" We all shouted then I turned and kissed my boyfriend. "I love you so much lily." I smiled then said, "I love you to." Then I saw him frown. "What's wrong?" I asked kind of worried. "I love you, but I'm leaving in a few hours." "That's okay. We can make it work." "I don't want you to have to go through long distance. I love you too much too put you through that." "Boston, what are you saying?" I asked even though I knew what was about to happen. "I think we should just be friends." "Oh, okay." "And because I'm your friend, I have some information for you." "And what's that?" "Gordy." "What about Gordy?" "He likes you still. No matter how much he denies you." "Okay, and what am I supposed to do with this information?" "That's up to you to decide." "Hey, Hey, Hey, Party people! Sorry I missed the count down. The bus broke down." I turned around and saw the best thing ever. It was Tommy! "Tommy!?!?" We all shouted. Except for my mom, Bob, and Ava. I ran over and hugged my brother. "When did you? How did you? Why did you?" I asked. "I left last night, dad went to jail so now mom has 100% custody of me." "Seriously!?!" "Yup. I'm back home for good." I hugged him and smiled. Then we walked over to everyone. He said hi to everyone Boston last. "Hello my sisters boyfriend!" "Actually were just friends." I said to Tommy. "Wait really?!?" Everyone said. "Yeah." We both said at the same time. "Well happy new year everyone." Tommy said. "Happy new year."

(When Boston leaves.)

I'm over at the G's house and I'm saying bye to Boston. "I'll miss you." I said as I hugged him. "Just text me whenever you need. I'll always be here for you." "Back at ya." We were about to pull apart but then I said, "Boston?" "Yeah?" "Can we do one last thing before our relationship is completely over?" "What's that?" "Have one last kiss." He leaned in and kissed me softly. "Bye Lily." "Bye Boston."

(A/n: Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed this. So now Boston is out of the picture, let me know what you think will happen between Gordy and Lily. Love you all do much, thank you for the support on this book. It means the world to me that people are actually reading it.💜🖤)

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