What A Crazy Year

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So it has been a year since I had been diagnosed with cancer. It was all a year of no fun and being overprotected. I did nothing, and I wasn't even able to go to school, I guess there is to many germs there. So my year consisted on being at home or in the hospital and the G,s being with me as much as they could. Oh and I almost forgot Gordy got a girlfriend. I mean i'm happy for him but I am a little hurt. Anyway, my next and hopefully last cancer appointment in next Saturday two days before New Years Eve. 8 more days!

*last appointment day*

I am excited to be able to spend time with my friends and family outside my house without the worry of me getting worse. Gus, Kyla, Gordy, and his girlfriend are all coming over in an hour to go with me to my survivor ship appointment. Then we are going to meet up with the rest of the G's and have lunch. I'm glad that this year is almost over I have been through so much so this year will be perfect. I am ready to be DONE with cancer.

*at the hospital*

"I can now say that my best friend no longer has cancer!" Gordy said super excited. "this will be the best day of my life!" I couldn't be happier. "Ms. Hargrave, I can now say that you are a cancer survivor." I was so happy I couldn't even speak. I just got a hug from everyone.

*After we got to the lunch place*

We ended up going to Shake Shack. We all ordered and just talked, laughed, and all round had a great time. We were a just talking for a bit when all of the sudden Gil dropped his burger. "What is it Gil?" I asked looking he the direction he was. "No way!" "What is it?" I asked again. Then Gus, Gordy and, Gator all looked over. "No freaking way!" "Okay are you all seeing things." "It's our cousin Boston." I was a little confused because they said that Boston lived in colorado. Then a guy walked over to our table and said, "What's up guys." That was Boston. Everyone got up and hugged him, and I just introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Lily. I have heard a lot about you" "Its nice to meet you." After a bit of catching up with Boston we all went to the G's house.

*at the G's house*

We all decided to watch a movie. We were about half way through the movie and we paused the movie so the few people who needed to go to the bathroom wouldn't miss anything. When Boston got up I asked everyone very quietly, "Boston doesn't know about me having cancer right?" "I didn't say anything." Gil said. "Neither did I." said Gordy. Then Boston walked back in. "Why are you guys all so quiet?" "Because you were taking forever and we didn't want to disrupt the movie vibe." Gil said. "Makes sense." We started the movie back up and relaxed. I was between Gordy and Boston. Gordy was next to Amber aka his girlfriend and then Gator was on the end. On the other side of Boston was Gus then Kyla and then Gil then Sophy. Everyone ended up falling asleep besides me and Boston. Well I couldn't fall asleep because someone aka Gordy knew me too well and picked IT Chapter 1. I yawned, then Boston said "if your tired then why don't you go to sleep." "I don't want to get up because for one I would probably wake up Gordy who would wake up Amber, and I'm comfortable." "Then just go to sleep here." "That wouldn't work because then I'll end up moving in my sleep and end up on top of you or Gordy." "Then stay awake until everyone else wakes up." "I plan on it. Plus this is like my favorite movie, so I couldn't fall asleep even if I tried." "Makes sense." We continued watching the movie. When the movie was over we turned on The conjuring. I ended up calling asleep.

*In the morning*

I woke up and every was still asleep. I look over to my left and noticed Boston wasn't there. I then heard a noise from the kitchen. I got up and went to the kitchen to see what was making that noise. I walk in and saw Boston making coffee. "Oh, hey. Good morning." He said realizing that I walked in. "Good morning." "You know you fell asleep last night." "Yeah. Not my fault you chose a boring movie." "BORING?!?!" "Yeah I only fall asleep during boring movies." 'Whatever." We both laughed and got some coffee. "Thanks for making coffee. Gordy will probably have to make more though because he drinks like a whole pot." "That's true, but he probably won't wake up for a while so it doesn't really matter." "I guess." We talked a bit longer and then I started to make breakfast. "What are you making?" "Bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, and sausage." "sound delicious. Do you need help with anything?" "If you want you can make the bacon and sausage." "Okay sounds great." We made breakfast and we had fun talking. We had just finished breakfast when all 4 G's ran in "Do I smell bacon!" Gil yells. "Yeah and its only for us." Boston said joking. "Not fair!" Gator said. "We were just about to go wake everyone up to come eat." I said "Why don't you two go get your girlfriends. And Sophy." Boston said while pointing at Gordy and Gus. We all sat down but right as I was about to sit down Gordy said, "Lily can I talk to you real quick?" "I'll be right back." I said to everyone at the table. I walk over to Gordy and said, "Whats up bro?" "More like whats up with you and my cousin?" "What do you mean?" "I was half asleep last night, I heard your guys' conversation." "So?" "Then your both up early laughing and talking. Plus he never gets up early. For anything." "And what does this have to do with me?" "Come on it obvious he likes you." "WHAT!" "Seriously i think it's the most obvious thing ever." "He does not like me! Plus it wouldn't matter because I like someone else." I said it and I instantly wished I didn't. "Wait! Who do you like?" I couldn't tell him the truth, I had to make up a fake name but for some reason the first name I thought of was Boston. "Boston" I said it without thinking. "Wait I thought you said It wouldn't matter because you like someone else." "I lied. But I swear if you say anything, I will seriously never talk to you again." "I won't!" I had to pretend like Boston was my crush. We went and sat down. I sat between Amber and Boston. Amber and I are actually really good friends, even with the whole situation with Gordy. She in the begining thought I like Gordy which I did but I could tell they both liked each other so I reasured he that I didn't like him. During breakfast Gordy kept making faces at me when Boston wasn't looking. It was annoying but it was also funny. While talking we all found out that Boston would be able to stay for a whole year. When he said that Gordy bumped my foot which made me jump my water then spilled all over me. We all started laughing which made Gil spit out his orange juice and then that made us all laugh even harder. After breakfast we all hung out for a bit, but then my mom called me. "Hey mom whats up?" "Hey so Tommy fell while riding scooter with his friends and I have to take him to the hospital. I think he may have broken his wrist. SO I just wanted to let you know because I don't know when we will be home." "Okay mom I will probably head home soon." "Okay i'll see you later." "Bye mom." "bye." I hung up and then Gus asked, "What was your mom calling for?" "She said Tommy fell and most likely broke his arm." "Oh, is he okay?" Boston asked. "He'll be fine. he's broken many bones and yet the only time iv'e ever seen him cry was when he was a baby and when I was in the hospital." "Why did you go to the hospital." Boston asked. Shit! I didn't mean to say that. "Ummmm... I had pasted out and the doctor thought I was going into a coma." "Oh, okay" we all talked a bit longer and then I headed home.


When I got back home I decided to call Claire. "Hey Claire, How is your day going?" "Good what about you." "I'm doing good. Earlier I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants though." "What made you laugh so hard?" "Well you see Boston told us he was staying for a whole year then Gordy kicked my foot which made me jump which caused my water to spill then we all laughed which made Gil spit out his OJ and then we all laughed so hard." (I already told Claire about Boston coming from Colorado.) "Wait but why would Gordy kick you when Boston said he was staying all year?" "because I told Gordy I like Boston." "Wait you like Boston! I thought that you liked Gordy! And how come you told Gordy before you told me!" "I don't actually like Boston. Gordy asked me who I liked and I couldn't tell him I liked him, and the first name that came to my mind was Boston." "Oh, so you don't like Boston and you still like Gordy." "Yes." "Okay now am I all caught up?" "Well Gordy thinks that Boston likes me, and i'm scared that if Boston tells Gordy he likes me then Gordy will tell him that I like him. I don't want Boston to think that I like him because I hate leading people on." "I don't think Gordy would do that though. Anyways I have to get going. Let me know if anything else happens." "Okay bye." "bye" After we hung up I kicked back and watched a show. I heard mom mom come through the door. I ran down stairs to see my mom and brother. When I saw my brother he had a splint on his wrist and a sling. "Oh my gosh! Is it broken?" "I have a slight fracture, bent bone, and slightly broken bone." "Damn dude how did you bend your bone?!?!" "The doctor said that since my bones are still growing it pretty much makes my bones like a stiff putty. So that means that when I caught myself the impact bent my bone." "Will you be getting a cast?" "The doctor said we needed to wait for the swelling to go down and then we can go get me a cast." "Oh okay."

(Hey ya'll, its been a long time since I have wrote in this story. Since I haven't updated in a while I decided to make this a long chapter. I also decided to bring Boston into this chapter. I am very excited for you all to see what I have in store for this book. Hope you all enjoyed. Love you all and hope you have a good rest of your Day/Night.)

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now