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I'm standing at the door of the G's house waiting for someone to answer the door. I was about to knock the door again when Gus opened the door. "Hey!" "Hey!" he let me in and I saw everyone was out back (the G's, Boston, Sophy, and Kyla.). I walk out and see they have a bunch of pool rafts at the top of the hill and a tarp going from the top all the way down to the pool. I look back up at the boys and see Gator run and jump on the pool float and then go straight into the pool. I got completely soaked. "You guys are lucky I come prepared when I come over." I said while pulling my shirt over my head revealing the bathing suit I was smart enough to bring with me. "So who's next!" Gil yelled. "I think Lily should go!" Gator and Gus yelled. "I'm Down!" I ran up the hill and went down the homemade slip n' slide. Everyone went a few times and then we all sat outside and had lunch. "So! How was your guys's date last night?" Kyla and Sophy asked Boston and I. "Wait that's where you were last night!?!" Gator said to Boston. We all laughed at Gators remark. Everyone kept making assumptions about what happened on our date. Most of what they said wasn't true. We had a bunch of fun and stuff and then The G's and Kyla said there was something important that we needed to talk about. So I guess I'm going to go out and have dinner with them.

*At Dinner*

"Soooooooooo... What was the point of us coming here?" "We need to ask you something." Kyla spoke up. "Why do I feel like I just got called into the principals office?" "This is more important than that." Gus said. "I get it you guys are all weird, what is this all about?" "We wanted to ask..." Gil started. "...If you.." Gordy and Gator said at the same time. "Join the Gang." They all said at the same time. Wait seriously?!?" "Yeah! I really need another girl in this group." Kyla said. "So, Are you in?'" Gil asked. "Hell yeah I'm in." "In that case, we have something for you." Gordy said. I was very confused. Then Gator grabbed out a black hoodie. "The new merch." Gus said. "Thank you guys!" I hugged them all. "Okay this hoodie is sick!" I said while looking at it. We finished up and they went back to their house and I went back to mine. I ran upstairs to go see Tommy. I opened his door and said, "You will never believe what happened today and last night!" "What, no 'Hi Tommy. I missed you while you were at your friends. Did you have fun.' 'yeah I did have fun thanks for asking.'." "yeah yeah. So you will seriously never believe what happened!" "What!" "Well you know how the other day Boston asked me to be his girlfriend and I said to ask me a different time?" "Yeah?" "Well he took to long to ask again so I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes." "That's awesome sis! What else happened? You said something happened today." "Well I went to dinner with the G's and Kyla. They were all being super suspicious, then they asked me to join the Gang." "No way that's so cool!" Tommy and I kept talking and then our mom came in and asked what was going on. We told her everything and then she said she needed to talk to me privately. I was guessing that she wanted to say something like, 'you sure you like Boston enough to be his girlfriend?' but she surprised me when she said, "The court date is set for Sunday."(a/n: it is currently Friday.) "Wait what!" "So spend time with your brother. Maybe have his friends and the G's and everyone come over so he can hang out with them just in case." "Okay well are you telling Tommy?" "I want him to feel like tonight and tomorrow are normal days." "No! He deserves to know! So if you don't tell him I will!" "Don't!" "I don't care what you say. He deserves to know that this might be his last time seeing me and his friends!" "Fine! You tell him. See how hard it is!" I went into Tommy's room and he invited his friends and I invited the G's, Kyla, Sophy, and Boston over to stay the night tonight and tomorrow. But before we sent the messages I needed to tell him. "Tommy real quick..." "What?" "Mom told me, that the court date is on Sunday." "I know." "Wait! How did you know?" "You and mom aren't the most quiet people ever." We both laughed and sent the messages. After about 20 minutes everyone was there.

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now