I Have Explaining To Do

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I saw everyone standing there and I felt like I was going to cry. I knew it was about to happen so I just ran out the front door. I sat down on their driveway and had me head on my knees. I felt a few tears run down my cheeks. The cold crisp spring breeze blew my hair and I wish that I could take back everything that happened within the last 30 minutes. "Hey." I didn't say anything. "The silent treatment okay." Still didn't say anything. "Don't say anything if you want me too leave." "Please stay." "I wasn't planning on leaving. " He paused then said "Listen I wa-" I cut him off and said, "how much of that did you hear." "Almost all of it." "Great." I finally look up and see Boston. "I'm sure you hate me." I said looking into his eyes trying not to cry. "I don't hate you. I never have and I never will." "I'm sorry." "For what? You didn't do anything wrong. So what if you liked my cousin. That shit happens all the time." "I just, I'm so embarrassed and humiliated. I feel like I just lost my best friend and I feel like I let down the guy I like. It's all too much." "Listen I know for a fact that Gordy doesn't hate you. And for the guy you like, you could never let him down." "Listen, yes I liked Gordy and yes I kissed him. But then he got a girlfriend him and Amber were happy and I wanted to be happy for them. I was bit I was also slightly jealous. But on New Years, it was the first time since I kissed Gordy that I could care less about him. All that mattered was you and me, and the moment we were in. Ever since then I knew for a fact that I didn't like Gordy anymore. Then when you asked me on a date, I was so happy. Happier than I've been in a long time. I swear I don't like Gordy like that anymore." "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I get it." "I just want you to know that I like you a lot and I'm really happy that over the last four months we were able to get to know each other better and so glad that we can go on a date without it being awkward. I seriously want you to understand that I only have feelings for you." "I only have feelings for you too." We slowly leaned in and then it happened. He kissed me, and I kissed him. I felt like we were the only two people on planet Earth. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I heard fireworks. All I know is I really like Boston. He means so much to me and I really want to be more than friends, but I think I need to figure everything out with Gordy first. I have to fix my friendship before I start a new relationship. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "You just did." "I'm being serious." "What's up?" "Would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?" "That's really sweet Boston. But I honestly think that I need to fix my friendship with Gordy before I start a relationship." "I guess that makes sense." "Ask me in a few days, weeks tops. We will see if my response has changed." "Okay." I hugged him and then we went back inside. I talked to everyone but I couldn't find Gordy. I started walking around the house and still no hope. I checked in the back yard, and he was sitting with his feet in the pool. "Hey, can we talk." "That depends. What about?" "That argument. We need to compromise on something so we aren't hating each other." "Listen I don't hate you. And I sure as hell hope you don't hate me, but when you said that I should be happy for you my brain stopped working. I am and always will be happy for you. I know your happy and that's all I need to know. If you want to date Boston then you should. I see how happy he makes you and I couldn't keep you away from that." "I love you Gor, but not like that, at least not anymore. I moved on, and so should you. Just please don't hate me for moving on." "How could I ever hate you." I hugged him and we went inside. I walked over to Boston and then grabbed his hand and said, "So how about a movie night, just me and you." "I'd like that." "Let's say tomorrow at 8." "Yeah it's a date." I may have had a bit of problems but let's hope they are all gone. I like Boston not Gordy, and I'm gonna prove it!

(A/n: sorry this one's a little shorter. I wanted to leave it there. Hope you all enjoyed ❤️)

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now