Hospital Rooms.

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After waking up in the hospital I realize the only person in there was Gordy. He had fallen asleep holding my hand. then I look through the window at the door and see my mom and brother standing there. I kind of shook Gordy's hand to wake him up. He was only half asleep which was probably why he woke up almost instantly. He then looked at me and he just started asking me a bunch of questions like, "how are you feeling? Are you warm enough?Do you need something to drink? Do you need something to eat?" I just looked at him and said "I feel fine except I am a little sore, I am really warm, I am a little thirsty and a little hungry. But I just want to know what happened and why you are in here and my mom and brother are outside the door." He said he wanted my mom to tell me what happened, and the reason he was in there and not my mom and Tommy was because the doctor said until you woke up I could only have one person in there with me and it had to be the person I was closest to, and because I tell Gordy everything he was the person I was closest to. He then told me that My mom and brother wern't to only people out there waiting for me to wake up. "All the De St Jeors, and lynch's, The Funks, Savannah Latimer/Lynch, the laufers, and some friends from New York." I looked at him confused when he said friends from New York. He then told me he would be right back. He came back in with five people behind him. It took me a minute to notice who it was but the second I did my eyes got wide and I was about to scream when I felt Gordys hand on my mouth. He was just trying to stop me from screaming. My closest friends from New York came Claire, Sam,Kate,Carrie, and Jake. They all gave me a hug and we just talked for like 30 minutes. Then they went out and got everyone else. Then when they came back in they told me that they all had to head to the air port because their flight left in 45 minutes so I hugged them all and told them all I would face time them when I left the hospital. They all left and then everyone else just surounded me until the doctor came in with an upset look on his face. He whispered something to my mom then my mom said "I'll tell them." she looked at me and I said "So. Whats wrong? Can we go home soon?" She looked at me and i knew she wanted to know if I wanted her to tell me what was wrong in front of everyone or privately so I just said "Mom just say it already." She then started to talk "The doctor found..."

Hey guys. What do you think the doctor found inside Lily's stomach? Do you think whatever it was is bad? How long do you think she will be in the hospital? Comment what you think will happen and if you think she is ok.

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