Things Are Getting Weird

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Lily POV: I was standing on the deck and leaning on the rail when I heard the count down start!"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" I turn around to go find Gordy and there he is right in front of me. He then leans in and... It finally happened! We kissed!

Gordy POV: I heard the count down and I decided I had to find Lily and tell her how I feel. So when I heard "...5...4..." I knew I had to tell her, I went to tap her shoulder and right has i put my hand out she turned around and we looked at each other for like .2 seconds then it just happened. We kissed. I can't believe it. She actually kissed back.

                                                                   ---A FEW DAYS LATER---

Lily POV: Well it was our last day in the cabin and I have barely talked to Gordy since New Years which was about 3 days ago.  So I decide to go talk to Gordy. I see him getting some breakfast because the mom's made breakfast for everyone. So I walk over and make my plate. Then I look at Gordy and asked if we could talk. He looked at me with a releaved expression and said "Yeah" so we go and sit on the porch. I told him how it had been really weird since New Years and he agreed and I told him that I was glad that everything (the kiss) had happened but I just wanted to be friends no matter what and I didn't want things to be weird and I always wanted to know that he would be there and I could talk to him. He then said " Yeah I really just want to be friends but mainly anything that makes it easy for us to talk like before everything. (he means the kiss) We both hug and then we had an amazing last day at the cabin and I actually could talk to him like the kiss that happened never happened. So we spent the day just hanging out with everyone and just having a really fun time. I really think Capron wanted to have a REALLY fun day because he litterly ran outside shirtless and jumped into a pile of snow, which started a snow ball fight. Once we came in our parents surprised us and they made cookies and hot chocolate and we all sat in the biggest room watching movies while bundled up drinking our cocoa and eating our cookies. Almost everyone fell asleep except me and Gordy so we got up, grabbed the whipped cream out of the fridge and we grabbed sprinkles and we put the whipped cream on everyone's faces and then used the sprinkles to decorate. Then we did it to each other so no one would expect it was us. Then we woke up Rydel and Capron and then pretended to be asleep so they would think that we were asleep then they would wake everyone up to tell them, then everyone thought they were the ones who did it. Best prank ever!

                                                                            ---THE NEXT DAY---

We all woke up and got our stuff put into the cars and then we got situated in the car and we headed off. I again fell asleep on Gordy's shoulder. He woke me up when we got to our first stop, but I honestly didn't want to move even though I wanted to stretch my legs. I just wanted to keep my head on his shoulder, but I soon realized I had to move because my legs we so cramped I had to stretch. So we got out of the car and then Gator, Gordy Tommy and I decided to just run around a bit so we could just have some air and so we could stretch before getting back in the car. When we got in the car Gator and Tommy passed out. I laid my head on Gordy's shoulder again and then he slowly went to grab my hand, I was going to pull away but I just didn't want to I wanted to hold his hand. So him and I held hands all the way back home and that was the most relaxed I have ever felt since New Years. When we got back to our houses Gordy and I woke up Tommy and Gator and told them. We got out of the car and we just went into our own houses. A few hours later I get a text from Gordy, we then talked for hours and it was like the kiss changed how I felt about him. It was around 4 AM when we decided to go back to sleep. We had a few days left of winter break so we decided to just have a few chill last days of break. Around 7 AM I got a call from Claire and she wanted to know about everything that happened at the cabin, so we talked for probably 3 hours. Then when I got off the phone I decided to see if Gordy was in his room, I could see his bedroom window from my bedroom window, so I look out the window, I kind of wish I didn't because I couldn't stop staring! I saw Gordy walking in his room shirtless. I litterly couldn't look away, and he saw me staring when I noticed him seeing that I was staring at him I instantly looked away. I then moved on with the day. 

                                                                      ---FEW DAYS LATER---

My first day back at school and I have no idea what could possibly go wrong.I then get a text from Gordy, he asked if I wanted to walk with him to school so I said yes. So I got ready and then went outside to wait for Gordy, he was already outside. I went over to him, and he said "looks like i'm gonna have to start closing the blinds to my room." I looked at him the I had to look down at the ground because if I stayed looking up my face would end up as red as a tomato. Gordy then just put his arm around me like he always did.

                                                                      ---FEW HOURS LATER---

School was finally over. I could go home and get in my PJ's and just lay back and watch some movies. While I was walking back from school someone came up behind me and picked me up and started running. The person holding me was making it so I couldn't see who it was, but I obviously knew who it was. I knew it was Gordy he is the only one who would do that. Finally I get put down and I turn around expecting to see Gordy but I had a big surprise.

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now