Here Goes Nothing

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(a/n: hey, so my friend told me I should make a Boston fanfic/x reader/imagines book should I? Also which one of the three should I do? Anyways  on to the chapter! Hope you enjoy!)

*Texts with Lily and Boston*
B: Can't wait for tonight!
L: Me neither!
B: What movies should we watch?
L:  thinking we watch a bunch of lame netflix horror movies and then at the end watch something that is actually a really great movie?
B: I'm down, as long as I can pick the last movie.
L: Deal! You just have to promise it won't be boring... Because remember the last time you picked the movie. I ended up falling asleep on your shoulder.
B: Okay I promise! I have the perfect movie that will actually scare you.
L: Yeah right!
B: Well I guess I'll see you in a few hours.
L: Okay bye Boston!
B: Bye!👋
*End of messages*

I have 3 hours until Boston will be here! I put on some music and then I started getting ready. It normally doesn't take me long to get ready, but my brother and his friends obviously trashed the front room right before they left. I went downstairs and cleaned up. It took me an hour and a half to clean it up. I then ran up to my room and took a fast shower then blow dried my hair. I did a casual makeup look after putting on clothes. I put on a pair of black, white, and grey camo cargo joggers. With a light grey flowy crop top. I put my hair in two french braids and I was ready. I went downstairs and a few snack dishes since I had time. Normally I would ask my mom for help with making the snacks because it would go faster, but she said she wasn't going to be home until late. So I finished up the snacks and then brought them to the front room. I then grabbed a couple soft blankets because my house is so cold for some reason and the heater won't work. Then I was just standing up on while on my phone. I then heard a knock at the door. I went over and opened it up. "Hey!" I said before hugging him. "Hey! How was your day?" "It was good, or at least the best it could get." "Right, I'm sorry I forgo-" "Don't be sorry, it's fine." "Where's Tommy." "He went to a friend's house." "Oh okay." We both sat down and talked for a bit. "Okay let's get this movie night started!" "Yeah! What are we watching first?" "I think we should start with 'Don't Knock Twice'." "Sounds good to me." I put in the movie and we both got comfortable. We were holding hands and I had my head on his shoulder.
*Towards the end of the 2nd to last movie*
In the movie we saw a little boy get taken from his older sister. After that all I could think about was Tommy. I may not say it out show it that much, but I live him. He's like my best friend. I don't want him leaving. He means to much. Without realizing it iscooted even closer to Boston, and I ended up hugging his arm. Then the movie ended. "Did you get scared towards the end?" "No!" "You do realize I noticed you scoot closer to me and hug my arm." "I didn't do that because I was scared. Well I did but I wasn't scared from the movie." "What do you mean?" "I can't do thinking about Tommy. I really don't want my dad to get custody." "Everything will be alright." "But we don't know that. I can't risk it." When I said that I could feel tears filling my eyes. "Hey! Don't cry." He said before hugging me tight. I felt do secure and the smell of his cologne made me so relaxed. "Thank you Boston. I'm sorry, I probably just ruined the date with crying." "You didn't ruin anything." "Seriously though thank you." "I get your going through a lot. I'll be here for you everyday." When he said that I couldn't help but smile. Slowly we both started to lean in. And then we kissed! But this time felt different. I felt more comfortable and relaxed. It was also a lot longer than our last. After a few moments we went back to watching movies. Boston chose a movie called 'Candyman' I've never seen it before, I also never knew it existed. I'm not going to lie, it was scary, but I only jumped twice. After the movie was over we just sat and had dinner great conversation. I then decided to ask him something. "Bos?" "Yes?" "Can I ask you something important?" "Always!" "Will you... Be my boyfriend?" I said slowly getting quiter. "Seriously?" I just nodded. "Of course!" He said before hugging me. We broke our hug because we heard someone come in the front door. "Oh hey Boston!" My mom said. "Hi!" Boston said while waving. "Have you guys had something other than snack food?" My mom asked while walking to the kitchen. "Ummmm... No not yet." I replied. "Okay well how about I whip up some chicken pasta?" "You don't have to!" "I insist." "Okay fine." We all know Boston would be okay with that because he LOVES pasta especially chicken pasta. We then ate and just sat and talked. "Hey sweetie I'm going to head to bed, feel free to look at those pictures I printed out the other day." "Okay good night mom!" "Good night." My mom went to bed and Boston and I looked at some old pictures. "Oh my god is that you!?!" "Sadly it is." "What do you mean sadly. That picture is awesome!" "I have half a watermelon on my head and the other half is inside my diaper." We both laughed while looking at pictures. Then after a while Boston said, "Okay well I should get going." "Nooooooooooooooooo!" "I have to it's almost 12:30" "fineeeeeeee!" I walked him to the door and then I hugged him goodbye. "Goodnight Boston! I'll see you later." "Yeah, Goodnight." He walked out and I closed the door. Wow! Best! Date! Ever! I have a boyfriend who i really like. I texted Claire telling her everything even though she wouldn't answer for a few hours. Then I got ready for bed and then went to sleep.

(A/N: So now Lily has a boyfriend. What do you think will happen when the G's find out especially Gordy. Hope you are having a great Day/Night, ❤️ you all! Thank you for reading my book. The picture at the top is from Beauty's live today aka December 4th, 2020.)

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now