Court Surprise

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(I won't be writing while inside court because I don't really know what happenes in court.)

*right before court*

We walked up to the building and I saw someone I never thought I would see. "Jake!?!" "Lily!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" "A few people from school wanted to surprise you guys. We all heard about your dad trying to take custody of Tommy." "Wait how di- Claire!" I had told Claire what was happening and I guess she told everyone at my old school. "So what you and Claire came?" "Sort of." Then everyone came up to us. "Jake you remember everyone." "Hey guys." Everyone said hi and then I said, "Oh, Boston this is Jake, Jake this is my boyfriend Boston." "It's nice to meet you." I had told Boston about Jake so he already knew that I had dated Jake. Surprisingly they got along. "Well guys it's time to go in." We all walked into the first entrance and I saw a whole bunch of people. They were all from my old school. It was all my friends, Tommy's friends, and even people we didn't know. I the saw Clarie. I ran to her and hugged her. "What the heck! How did you? When did you?" Well Jake and I got together when we heard about your brother so then we got the while school in on it and the principal turned this into a 'feild trip' for the whole school." "Thank you!" I hugged her again and I said hi and thank you to everyone. We then went in.

*After court*
I walked outside and I sat on the steps that led to the building. I had my head in my hands and I heard someone sit next to me. "Hey." I ignored. "I know it sucks, I'm not happy about it either." Still ignored the person next to me. "Listen I get your upset, but I don't want to spend the last day I have with my sister being the only one talking." I look up at Tommy and hugged him. "We're both scared sis, I'll be fine. Plus I'll call you every night. I love you so much. We can get through it." "How come I'm older and you and your more wise?" "Not sure." We both laughed and then everyone came out. "Let go and help you pack." Gus said as they all came out.

*At the house*
We were almost done packing up Tommy's things and it was about time for him to go. Then there was a knock at the front door so I opened it. I was to mad and upset, so Boston went with me to open the door, he had his arm around my waist as I opened the door."Hey." I said quietly when I saw my dad. "Hey." It was quiet for a second once he came in and then he said, "So this must be your boyfriend. I guess I don't get to have the Father and daughters boyfriend talk." "Yeah you kind of lost that chance when you stabbed me and Tommy in the back." I said snapping back. It went quiet again and I spoke up.."Tommy will be down in a minute. Why don't you make yourself useful and move the boxes to the moving truck." He nodded and grabbed a few boxes. Boston and I went upstairs and the second we opened the door Gator said, "WE HEARD EVERYTHING!" "GATOR!" Tommy yelled. "Of course you heard everything, even if there want much to hear." We all hugged Tommy at the same time and I could feel a small tear roll down my cheek. We pulled apart and I immediately wiped the tear. We all walked downstairs. And it was time for Tommy to leave. "Bye Tommy." I said as he hugged me one last time. "Bye Lily." We all walked him outside and watched as he got in the car. I waved bye and then I realized he left something. I ran in the house and grabbed his skateboard but when I came back they had already drove off. He was gone. We all went inside and I just went to Tommy's room. My mom then came in. "He left a lot of stuff." I said looking at all his walls which still had stuff on them. "Yeah." I hugged my mom and she said she was going to bed. I went downstairs with everyone and we did things trying to get my mind off of Tommy. I pretended like it was working, but it wasn't. After a while everyone had to leave, but I asked Boston to stay a bit longer. Him and I just sat on the couch. We started talking. "So how did you feel about meeting all my friends? Especially Jake." It was weird to ask but I need to make sure he was okay with the fact that I'm still friends with Jake. "Your friends were really nice. Meeting Jake was a bit awkward. But I'm glad your still friends with him." I wasn't expecting that. "Wait really?" "Yeah, I think he's a good guy, that is as long as he knows you're mine." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." "For what?" "Being okay with him and I being friends. Also for being here when I really needed you." "I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens with our relationship." I can't even begin to describe how I feel about Boston. He makes me feel so happy even in really low times. I couldn't ask for more. He cares about me and that's all I need to know. We sat on the lounge part of the couch and I cuddled up to him. I felt warm and safe knowing I was with him. We both slowly fell asleep while talking. I before falling asleep started to think about Boston. I like him so much, possibly love. I don't know, even if I did it's not like I could say anything. At least not yet. We've only been official for a few days.

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