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Lily POV: I turned around and I saw my ex who lived in New York. Jake! What are you doing here! "I need a reason to come see my closest friend?" "You do when your closest friend lives across the country." "I just really missed you and I wanted to make sure no other guy is replacing me." Just after he said that I hear "Lily! Who is that!" I for sure knew who that was, and I was trying my hardest to not let Jake know about Gordy and for Gordy to not know about Jake. Then Gordy runs over and introduces himself to Jake. Him and Jake actually got along. We all start talking, and I sort of was put in a position where I had to tell Gordy that Jake and I used to date. After I told him he just said, "Oh, well I gotta go. See you around I guess." and then he just walked off not saying anything to me.

Gordy POV: I walk into my house and the second Gus saw me he asked "Whats wrong bro?" I then just decided to tell him everything, "Well I went to go surprise Lily and ask her to the dance and then I got to her house and he was standing outside with some guy and I knew it was someone she was close with, and then when I went over there to go introduce my self and him and I got along but then out of nowhere Lily blurted out that he is her ex boyfriend and he came all the way from New York just to see her and then all the sudden I thought I was going to barf." Gus just said " Wow, well dude you need to go talk to her before that guy swoops her off her feet." I knew he was right yet now anytime I even think about Lily without Thinking that Jake would pull her away from me. She is my best friend.

                                                                ---FEW HOURS LATER---

I decided I was going to ask Lily to the dance.

Lily POV: Jake had just left because his mom wanted to be on the road back to New York. I was sad I had to say goodbye to him but I was also happy he was leaving because him being here was messing with mine and Gordys friendship. So I went out of my house because I was about to go for a run, and I saw Gordy so I asked if he wanted to join. He said yes and then got changed into clothes he could run in. About half way through the run I told him I needed to stop. Something was wrong. I had a really bad pain in my stomach. So I sat down on the bench by the store down the street from my house. I sat there with Gordy for a few minutes  so I decided I was good enough to run but the second I moved the pain came back but it felt 100 times worse. So I went to grab my phone to call my mom but when I moved it got worse so Gordy grabbed it for me and called my mom and told her what happened and where we were all I remember after that was seeing my moms car then passing out from trying to stand and then I woke up in the hospital with an iv in my hand and Gordy sitting there holding my other hand.

In Love With My Best friend (A Gordy De St Jeor story)Where stories live. Discover now