Interview with @freedomorpeace

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Genre: Paranormal/Thriller

Summary: Laney Silvers is deemed crazy. After a run in with an armed thief, her telekinesis secret is out. Her parents -instead of being thankful they're alive- send her to Marigold Mental Institution for Troubled Teens. Laney, being the rebel of her school, is welcoming the facility with open arms. But the dark secrets at Marigold may be too much for Laney. Something's been awakened but no one will say anything.. Why are there charred pictures of a child with her face scratched out? What is really going on, right under Laney and her friends' noses?

What Readers Think About It:

Something interesting has came to Wattpad, and the fact that it's Paranormal makes it so much better. I love things like Spirits and Demons. For one this was so well written. I didn't see any cons in this story just all pros. It was great I absolutely love it. @juanitaiseffingweird

I really enjoyed this, surprisingly.  Especially all the little sayings here and there.  I could get a sense of how you naturally speak. :)

Nice work. @Epaige94

This is so good so far. It gave me the chills (that's a good thing) I'm so hooked on this book and it's just the prologue :O @Gooslia

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

A- I have to say it's Romance with badasses. That isn't a genre is it? :P But I mean, I need some action in my reading. Girls kicking the butts of guys is something that's definitely needed :)

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

A- I love how people are so nice and supportive of stories. They actually offer great critique... at least some of them!

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

A- It's much too hard to say one story that I absolutely love just because there are way too many. My library is filled with more than 50 stories and it's only been my 11th day on wattpad. Yes, I'm a newbie :) Oh, and the same with stories in real life.

Q- What is your hobby?

A- I'm a musician that can play the piano and sing at the same time. I also write my own music which reflects off my writing on here.

Q- What is your favorite color?

A- Erm, I really like blue but what shade depends on my mood. When I'm sad, I really like dark blue and when I'm happy, electric blue!

Q- What country do you live in?

A- Well, what do you think, eh? I don't like giving away info, but can you guess if you think about that first sentence, eh? EH? (If you don't get this... just google it.)

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

A- Well, mostly because it's what I want to do. I'm inspired by the fact that so many authors are able to pain such a Picasso with some words. There are lives and places woven with the power of just 26 different letters and 10 different number. (I'm forgetting symbols.. I know.) There's also the fact that I have all these ideas in my head and I just need to write them down.

Q- What age did you start writing?

A- I knew I wanted to write when I was in sixth grade (I'm in 8th right now.) But that doesn't mean that I started there. I started writing when I was in first grade and have been trying to perfect that skill ever since.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

A- I'm an oldie! Actually no, I LOVE Canadian bands like Marianas Trench, Hedley and Billy Talent. I'm more of a rocker than a Top 40 kind of girl. I also LOVE Paramore and Evanescence even though they're kind of sad.

Q- How many fans do you have?

A- 18! I've been on wattpad for 11 days, so I think I'm doing well.

Q- What is your real name?

A- Um, that isn't something I really want to share. I go by Novalee and I'd like it if you respected me by calling me Novalee too. Or Nova. Nova works too. I just don't want anything to do with my real self on here.

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

A- Like I said, wattpad on the 4th of November. I used something called Google to find it. It's a very magical device and it's amazing to use. You people should try it sometime :)

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

A- Nup

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

A- I don't have a fanbase (or even a supporter) yet cause I'm new but if I had to choose, I'd said@gooslia because she's so nice and has commented on so many chapters of mine!

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

A- Well, not really...

Anything random?

A- I love pickles, but I hate cucumbers...

Anything for the interviewer?

A- You're awesome! And all you people should leave her a comment, I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

Anything else people should know about you?

A- I have a big anger problem so please don't piss me off.

"Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey Hey Hey! goodbye!"

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