Teacher 6

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Alice wiped her face and saw blood on her fingers and she really didn't like the sight of blood so she fainted. Mr Anderson, panicking about Alice, ran out of the classroom. FP saw Mr Anderson running and thought it was kinda weird and something didn't sit right with him so he went back to the English classroom and glanced through the window and didn't see anything. He was going to leave until he saw one of Alice's feet. He hurriedly opened the door and ran to her as she was laying unconscious on the floor.

"Alice! Alice!" FP shouted while holding Alice in his arms. "Alice! Can you hear me?" His eyes filled with tears, "I love you" he managed to say and softly kissed her forehead.

FP was worried that Alice wasn't waking up so he picked her up, like how groom's carry their wives over the threshold after they get married, and took her to the nurse's office. He pushed the nurse's door open with his foot. The nurse stood up startled and hurried over to FP. She helped FP put Alice down on the bed and asked FP what happened. He explained that he just found her on the floor in the classroom. FP stayed with Alice until she woke up, holding her hand. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at FP and smiled.

"FP" she managed to say in a soft voice.

"Oh my god, thank god you're ok!" FP said completely relieved. He kissed her hand.

"What happened?" Alice asked rubbing her head.

"You tell me! I saw you kissing Mr Anderson and then next thing I know you're laying on the floor."

"Oh yeah I remember now." Alice said as the nurse walked in. "I kissed Mr Anderson," she said and the nurse looked at her shocked. "And then he hit me-"

"What?! I'm gonna kill that guy!" FP said

"That won't happen under my watch." The nurse said holding FP's arm.

"And then I saw the blood from my face and fainted." Alice continued.

"You realise I have to report this to the headmaster." The nurse said.

Almost ignoring the nurse, Alice said "you're not still angry, are you?"

"Of course not" FP said rubbing Alice's hand. "I can come with you to the head's office, if you want."

"I would love that." Alice said slowly getting up.

So FP, Alice and the nurse went to the headmaster's office and Alice and the nurse told him everything that had happened. While FP had to wait outside, he nervously played with a loose strand from his jacket. Alice came out and FP jumped up.

"They're calling my parents." Alice said with a shaky voice.

"It's ok, I won't let your father hit you anymore. I won't allow it."

So when Alice's parents arrived, FP stuck by her side.

"Alice," her dad said. "I'm so sorry this happened. I should of done something or seen that you weren't ok. I can't apologise enough for what I've been doing to you." He was referring to hitting Alice. "I promise I'll stop drinking." With that, he pulled Alice into a hug and they both cried, even FP let out a tear.

"So what's going to happen to this Mr Anderson? Surely he will be fired?!" Alice's mother said.

"As soon as you leave here, he will be fired and won't ever teach again." Headmaster Featherhead said.

"Thank you so much FP." Alice's mother said and hugged FP, "Who knows what would have happened if you weren't there."

"He's always there isn't he?" Alice said walking over to FP and without thinking who was there, kissed FP. It wasn't like how she kissed him earlier nor how she kissed Mr Anderson but it was more passionate and slow. "I love you too." Alice said.

I hope you've liked this story!!

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