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"Hey beautiful, wanna have a good time with me?" the clearly drunk guy propositions Kate.

"Uh, no thanks," she tries to keep her distance from him while avoiding all the other drunk creeps and girls who look about 2 seconds away from throwing up.

"Aw, why not, princess? You look lonely," he inches forward and Kate can smell the stench of alcohol all over him.

"I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Oh yeah? Where is he?" the creep feigns looking around the party.

That's a good question. Kate searches the room with her eyes. Her boyfriend talked her into coming to this house party and then abandoned her. 4 years Kate and Dylan have been together. "High school sweethearts" is the term that comes to mind - though things haven't been so sweet lately. They were inseparable in high school and chose the same college. So in love, or so Kate thought. But two months into freshman year of college and their love didn't look so grand anymore.

Kate wasn't into these house parties. Drinking was fine, but being surrounded by sweaty, vomit-y people was not her idea of fun. But, Dylan really wanted to go and party with his new friends so she went along. It didn't cross her mind that he would leave her to her own devices once they got there.

She successfully got away from the wannabe smooth talker and started to walk around looking for him while tightly clasping her red solo cup of some random concoction these frat boys thought passed as a "good" drink.

Kate's been in school for two months now, but hasn't made many friends yet. Her roommate, Sarah, is cool but they haven't really bonded. It's mostly Kate's fault as she's been more preoccupied trying to keep her love afloat.

Finally, she finds him in a back room laughing it up with a bunch of guys wearing pretty much the same clothing - jeans and polos. No one could accuse them of having individual style. Mixed in with the guys Dylan's talking with are a few scantily clad girls too. Dylan stands there lapping up the attention. Kate makes her way over and tries to insert herself into the circle. She touches Dylan's arm, "Hey babe, are you ready to go?"

"Hey!" he wraps an arm around her shoulders, "But we just got here! You said you'd stay a while!" he answers jovially, clearly enjoying himself and the god awful mixed drinks the frat provided.

"It's been almost 2 hours. I'm getting tired and I'm not having a great time."

He doesn't even look like he's listening to her.


"Huh? Oh yeah, it's been 2 hours already? Damn, time flies."

Before she can even answer, a blonde in a crop top and denim booty shorts grabs his other arm, "Dylan, we're up for beer pong! Come on!"

Dylan resists for a second and then turns to Kate with apologetic eyes.

"Just one game!" he charmingly pleads.

"Stop talking to that rando, we have to play and defend our title!" the blonde tugs his arm.

Jaw dropped and feeling hurt, Kate had 2 choices: Storm out and refuse to be treated this way or hang back and let him do his thing. Be the "good girlfriend" who's so "understanding" and be sad inside. She ended up choosing a combination of the 2. She wouldn't wait around for him if she wasn't having a good time, but she wouldn't cause a scene either so she quietly slipped out and walked back to her dorm. There were plenty of people walking to and from parties, the 21+ crowd (or those with fake IDs) walking to bars, so Kate wasn't too concerned about walking alone.

When Dylan showed up at her dorm room at 3am, she thought if anything they'd have a fight and then make up. An exercise that was happening with increasing frequency lately. But, he came in and didn't even sit down.

"We should break up."

Kate shook the sleep from her head, "Excuse me?"

"Kate, we had an amazing 4 years, but I think it's just time to move on, ya know?"

"What happened to staying together through all the ups and downs and obstacles that came our way in college?" A mix of shock, hurt, and anger was evident in her voice. This had to be a dream. A nightmare.

"I did mean that...back then," he rubs the back of his neck.

"You mean, you meant it until parties and slutty girls came into the picture," Kate was seething now.

"I just think we should experience college, not tied to each other," he shoved his hands in his pant pockets now.

"I didn't realize you felt like you were stuck with me. You know, I went to these awful parties for you. I told you it was okay if you went without me. You could drink, party, whatever. I never told you you couldn't go."


Furious with this one word answer, Kate started to see red.

"Get out. We're done." Kate pointed aggressively to the door.

"Kate...don't be mad."

"This is what you wanted. I never want to see you again. Get. Out." she raised her voice more now.

Dylan slowly walks out of the room. Perhaps there's a glimmer of regret in his eyes, but it's overshadowed by the look of anger in Kate's. He stepped in the hall and Kate threw the covers off of her, jumped out of bed, slammed the door, and locked it. 


Thank you for reading my new story! Ch. 1 will be up in a few minutes! 

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