Ch. 11 (Kate)

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The first few days of hanging out at the apartment without someone watching over me were nice and I felt so free. It was like a little kid who's been left alone by their parents for the first time. I woke up when I wanted to, ate what I wanted to. I even snuck in some computer and tv time. So rebellious of me, I know.

When Wednesday rolled around, it was time to put real clothes on and go to Dylan's for the day to avoid the loud construction noises in my apartment building. We had talked a little here and there since I last saw him on Saturday. He asked me how I was feeling and what I felt like doing/eating for lunch when I went over. He was being so considerate. It was hard to reconcile it with the memory I have of him being a selfish jerk prior to our breakup. He seems to have outgrown that childish, douchebag phase and that makes me happy.

And then there's Carter. When I first learned about him, I was confused. He didn't seem like my type and that first conversation did not go too well. It left me questioning my taste in guys, to be quite honest. But then he shows up to apologize and it was the sweetest thing ever. I can totally see myself getting swept off my feet by his charm and warmth. If you asked me last week, I would've told you he seemed cold and self-absorbed. Now, he just seems like the kind of guy who would bend over backwards to make things right. The kind who would fly across oceans to apologize. Literally. His reasoning for his cold behavior last week was that he didn't know how to act around me. I can sorta see where he's coming from. It must mess with your head to have to explain to your girlfriend who you are. Especially when you're currently on another continent.

Sarah drops me off at Dylan's building and I make my way up to his apartment. Where my apartment is a bit more modern in a timeless way, his is more trendy. The neighborhood has lots of cafes, coffee shops, art galleries, and boutiques. The apartments here are converted lofts and definitely speaks to my artsy soul.

I knock on the wide metal door of Dylan's apartment and a moment later he slides it open.

"Hey, Kate, come on in."

"Hey, thanks. Sorry, you just can't get rid of me," I shrug with a playful smile as I walk in.

"Like I'd want to get rid of you," he slides the door closed.

Uh, well you did want to at one point.

"Here, let me take your jacket." He comes from behind to help take my jacket off to hang up. I put my bag on a kitchen chair.

"Nice place you got here," I say looking up at the high ceilings and exposed brick. "I love the vibe in here and the whole neighborhood is so cool."

"Yeah, it's a great area. There's always so much going on around here. You'd love all the art exhibitions. I'm sure you've probably been to a couple."

"Probably," I shrug. Anything's possible during my 2+ lost years.

I walk around taking a look at all the decor and details of the loft. I reach the doors to the balcony and can see the view of the river that Dylan had told me about.

"Wow, what an awesome view," I say, moving the curtains out of the way to get a better look. I can see people walking along the banks of the river and all the bare trees that will no doubt be full of buds and leaves in the next few weeks.

"Yeah, it's spectacular. And it's nice that we face the back. Less noise than a street facing apartment."

Dylan takes a seat in a plush armchair in the living room. "So what have you been up to since I saw you over the weekend?"

"Not much...I've been sorting through my photos for my projects. Resting a lot."

Should I tell him that Carter came to see me? We're friends. And friends tell each other things.

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