Ch. 8 (Kate)

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"So you work in a cafe?" I ask Sarah as she makes me some breakfast.

"Yup. I started working there during freshman year and stuck with it. They're so great there and really flexible with my schedule."

Realizing I had no idea what Sarah was studying in school, I felt terrible. "I'm sorry, what are you studying to be? I just realized I don't know." I slide onto the bar stool at the kitchen island, wrapped in my fluffy robe.

Sarah waves her hand to signal to me that it's fine that I don't remember. "Event planning and hospitality."

"Ooh that's so cool. Planning parties and stuff sounds so fun. Stressful, but fun."

"You have no idea. I've been interning at a hotel downtown and helping to run events there. Some brides are nightmares, but luckily most are really nice. And it's just fun to help design parties and events and come up with whole concepts for weddings and stuff."

"I bet you have some crazy stories!"

"Oh, I do. We'll have to talk about some of them later," she giggles.

"What was your work trip for?" I sip my orange juice that Sarah had placed in front of me.

"My boss, the owner of the cafe, took me along with her to some coffee expo. We got to taste all different kinds of coffee beans and see what we want to order for the shop."

"You are living the life, Sarah! Helping to plan weddings, going on trips to try all different coffees."

"Don't forget that I finally found a good guy, too."

I throw my hands in the air, "Well, that's it! Can I have your life?!" I joke.

She pats my hand, laughing, "It's all going to come together for you soon, I can feel it," she gives me a wink.

"Well, I do have a boyfriend. But, you said he's just alright?" I ask tentatively.

"I shouldn't have said that last night. I don't want to influence your feelings for him."

"No, if that's how I really feel I should know."

"Keep an open mind. Maybe you'll feel more strongly for him now that you got knocked upside the head," she gives me an amused smile. "But speaking of him, you should probably try to call him or video chat him while I'm here so I can help you tell him you have no idea who he is."

"Good idea, I wouldn't want my first conversation with him to be alone." I get up to go grab my phone from my bedroom.

"Okay, you said his name is Carter?" I scroll to the C's in my phonebook.


"I'll try calling him. Less stressful than showing my face right now. Wait, can you show me a picture of him so I can picture who I'm talking to?"

Sarah took my phone from my hands and found a photo of us from Christmas. He was good looking. Dirty blonde hair, tall, and in good shape. He had blue eyes and dimples. Definitely looked preppy with his plaid oxford blue button down shirt and khaki pants. Different style from Dylan who was more comfortable in jeans or joggers to khaki pants and a belt.

"Okay, here goes." The phone rang a few times and went to voicemail. I mouthed "Voicemail" to Sarah and then put it on speakerphone.

"Hi, you've reached Carter. I'm unavailable by mobile at the moment. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

When Carter said "mobile", I caught Sarah rolling her eyes.

"Hi Carter, it's Kate. I got released from the hospital yesterday and I'm back at my place. I just wanted to let you know that I'm having some memory problems currently and can't remember anything after late 2017. The doctor said my memories will probably come back, but there's no guarantees. I just wanted to let you know in case I seem confused when you talk to me later. Um, anyway, call me back or video call me when you have time....Bye."

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