Ch. 6 (Kate)

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"What the hell is he doing here?" Sarah asks with arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face.

"Hi Sarah." The Sarah I remember had long, dark brown hair and was constantly in sweatpants and long sleeve tees unless she was going out. This Sarah had a cute bob and was much more stylish wearing dark wash jeans, brown flats, and a cream chunky knit sweater. She had the same beautiful, friendly face though.

I know we're supposed to be best friends now, but I don't have any memories of us getting super close. This whole thing is so weird. Obviously, Sarah has strong feelings about Dylan's presence here and he must feel awkward as hell sitting here on the couch next to me with my roommate staring daggers at him.

"Dylan picked me up from the hospital today and has been keeping an eye on me here while you were gone."

She continues to stare with her arms crossed.

"Remember, I told you I was having a friend take me home?"

I felt like a kid who just got caught by her parents doing something against the rules.

"Yeah, but I didn't know it was going to be him. I would've found another ride for you, Kate."

Wow, she's really mad. Had more drama gone down between me and Dylan in the past 2 years that he was keeping from me?

"That's the problem, Sarah. I don't remember anyone else," I say in a quiet voice.

Her gaze softens and I can see she feels sorry for putting me in this awkward position. She comes over to the couch and I can sense Dylan tense up next to me, no doubt a little afraid she might come and punch him. But, she comes to give me a gentle hug, "I'm so glad you're home and that you're okay."

The hug feels familiar and I relax into her warm embrace, "Thanks." I let her hug me for as long as she wants. It must have been scary for her to see me in a coma and all banged up.

She finally pulls away and gives my face a good look before going to sit in the armchair across from the couch.

"You're going to have to help me fill in the blanks of the past two and a half years! Has my life been pretty boring? Then, you won't have to tell me too much," I joke to try to make light of the mess that is my life currently.

"Oh no, sis, your life has been anything but boring the past couple of years," she gives Dylan a dirty look.

"Well, I should let you girls catch up," Dylan starts to stand up.

"I hope you don't feel like you have to leave, Dylan. You're welcome to stay a while longer."

"I hope he does feel like he has to leave," Sarah looks down at her nails.

Dylan gives a nervous chuckle, "No, I should really get going. But let me know if you need anything. My schedule is pretty flexible. I can come check on you or bring you more food. Anything."

"Hello? I'm here." Sarah waves her hands to show she's not invisible.

"Even you need a break sometimes, Sarah. Plus, you've got classes and work. I'm just letting Kate know I'm more than happy to help her out," Dylan says defensively.

Sensing that the tension isn't going to ease up any time soon, I stand up. "Thanks for everything today. I really wouldn't have been able to manage without you," I told him and I meant it. Whatever messed up past Dylan and I had, I couldn't think about that right now. Right now I had to recover and figure out my life. I would welcome any help I could get.

Dylan nods, "Yeah, of course. I'd do anything for you, Kate."

Sarah scoffs and Dylan rolls his eyes. "Guys, can we just chill out with the jabs. You're giving me a headache and I don't think you should annoy the girl with the head wound," I point to my gauze wrapped head.

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