Ch. 26 (Kate)

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A girls' night in is just what I need right now. Sarah and Mallory are my only two girl friends and I need a night to just relax, gossip, and not care if my clothes are matching or if I'm wearing makeup or not. I wish my sister was here, but I guess FaceTime will have to suffice until I can see her this summer.

Mallory is coming over for dinner and then we've got a night planned of movies, more food, drinks, face masks, and whatever else comes to mind. I'd say it will be a good distraction from my love life, but I'm not going to pretend that I won't be talking about Dylan and Carter or at least thinking about them throughout the night.

"Hey! I'm so glad you could come tonight and we could have this girls' night we've been talking about for so long," I let Mallory in the apartment.

"I know! Finally!" Mallory walks in with her floral printed duffle bag on her shoulder with me following behind her after I lock the door.

"You can just put your bag anywhere. We dragged our mattresses out into the living room to make a super sized mattress. Figured we can sleep out there since we'll be up watching movies and stuff."

"Looks comfy!" She lowered her bag next to the couch.

Sarah came out of her bedroom, "You remember my friend Sarah?"

"Yeah, of course, hi Sarah," she smiles and does a little wave.

"Hey! It's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. Ready for the semester to end. You?"

"Oh my god, same. It's been a tough semester. My brain is fried."

"Tell me about it."

"So Mallory, we were thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. Are you okay with that?"

"Sure, pizza's always a good idea."

"Great, you guys figure out what toppings you want and I'll order."


After a few hours have passed, pizza has been eaten, margaritas have been had, we lay on the super sized mattress with Netflix chick flicks playing in the background as we talk about anything and everything.

I start to peel off the sheet mask on my face as I listen to the girls gush about their boyfriends. Mallory wistfully talks about how in love with Josh she is and what she hopes for their future together. Sarah talks about how unexpected Marcus was, but how she now can't picture life without him. I said plenty in response to both of them, but mostly kept quiet about my own situation. Not because I wanted to keep it private, but because I couldn't find the words to explain what I'm going through. My feelings for Dylan are definitely stronger than my feelings for Carter, but how can I be certain that Dylan won't freak out and self-sabotage again?

"So, Dylan is so excited for the concert next week," Mallory says to me, waking me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah? I'm really excited too. I can't believe he managed to get tickets so late."

"Oh once he found out about the concert, there was no price he wasn't willing to pay. He really wanted to do something special for you, especially since that other thing didn't work out." She let out a little gasp immediately after she said that and covered her mouth.

"What thing?" I ask her. She stayed silent and her eyes darted to Sarah whose eyes got wide and I swear I saw her subtly shake her head signaling Mallory to keep quiet.

"Guys, what thing?"

"It's nothing. I misspoke. Too many margaritas," she waved her hand trying to dismiss what she said.

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