Ch. 22 (Kate)

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Carter had spent the prior evening hanging out with his friends. I did miss him a little, which surprised me since this was the first time we'd seen so much of each other. I didn't want to be one of those girlfriends that needs to be with their boyfriend 24/7 though so I declined when he asked if I wanted to tag along. I figured his friends would like him to themselves to catch up before he heads back to London. Besides I would get him all to myself for the next 2 days. I spent Sunday morning packing for our trip upstate and chatting with Kate before she left to run errands.

"Are you excited? Nervous?" Kate asked me as she helped me fold some clothes.

"Both, I think. I've had a really nice time with Carter the past few days so I'm excited to spend 2 whole days with him and see how it goes. Nervous because I've never been away with a guy before, all alone. That I remember, that is. It seems so grown-up." I giggle.

"A trip away with your boyfriend is pretty adult. And you're going to wineries? That's like the epitome of adulting," she laughs. "Most kids our age are doing body shots in Cancun."

"That's so gross. Who would want to drink alcohol off of someone's body?" I shudder at the thought.

"I don't know. People," she shrugs and puts some items in my small suitcase for me.

"Soooo, does Dylan know you're going away with Carter?"

"No..." I stop packing. "Should I have told him? I just felt awkward bringing it up with him and the more I thought about it, the more I thought it's not really his business anyway. At least that's how I'm justifying it."

"You're right, it's not his business. But I know you're like...figuring out things between Dylan and Carter so I thought you might have told him. You're not obligated to, of course, I'm not saying that."

"Well, if he asks me what I'm doing, I won't lie. But I didn't feel like rubbing it in his face that Carter was in town and taking me away on a trip."

"Makes sense."

I shake my head, "Anyway, I'm hoping that after this trip I'll have a better idea of what I want and I can stop feeling so confused and guilty all the time."

I continue packing up things in my suitcase and making sure my toiletry bag is zipped up. I start to think about how Carter had called out his mom yesterday for calling me "exotic." It felt really good to have him defend me, even if his mom didn't mean to be rude. The memory brought a smile to my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Sarah teased.

"Just remembering something from brunch yesterday," I wave my hand in the air to brush the thought away.

"You know, I told you weeks ago that I liked Carter but I wasn't sure he was right for you. I said I thought you were playing it safe."

I nod, remembering everything she said to me.

"But, I've gotta be honest. It's nice to see you smile so much with him. Dinner the other night with you guys - you looked so happy. Maybe you guys are a better couple together than I had originally thought."

Sarah's semi-approval meant more to me than I had thought it would. I couldn't stop grinning. That is until she said, "But, you look happy with Dylan too when you're with him, so who am I to judge."

"If you're going to sit here and make me more confused, you can go back to your room, Sarah Elise," I point a shoe at her.

"Whoa, first and middle name? You must mean business," she chuckles.

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