Ch. 2 (Dylan)

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The phone call was from the last person I'd ever expect to call me. When I saw Kate's name pop up on the caller ID, my heart started racing. It still said "Kate <3" because I had never changed it after we broke up. I had also never deleted her number. I wondered if she had called me by accident. I didn't pick up on the first ring or the second ring because I wanted to see if it would stop abruptly - signaling that it was in fact a mistake. But, it kept ringing. She had meant to call me. I picked up and she immediately began talking. I could hear her saying she was in an accident, had lost some of her memory, and could only remember me. Most people probably would not have been able to figure out what she was saying in between sobs, but I had known her for so long and seen her full on sobbing before. Don't even get me started with how hard she cried when Spiderman said he didn't want to die during Avengers: Infinity War.

Of course, I said I would go to the hospital. It was a no brainer. Kate needed me. As I drive the 15 minutes to get to the hospital, I think of what to say to her, what condition she might be in, and much I miss her.

It's been over two years since we broke up. When we first broke up, I felt bad, but quickly got over it by partying and drinking all the time. I called it "enjoying life". My best friend Josh called it a "coping mechanism". Whatever. But, after a while, I really regretted what happened. A lot. These days whenever something reminds of Kate, it instantly plunges me into a sea of regret. Why did I feel like I had to break up with her? Why did I think partying and flirting with other girls who meant nothing to me, was more important?

I never tried to reach out to her though, despite my change of heart. I mean, I did try to apologize a few times when we first broke up just because I didn't want her to hate me. But apparently, that's what she needed. She refused to speak to me. Refused to see me. If she absolutely had to see me it was very brief and she kept her answers to the bare minimum. She mostly used her roommate, Sarah, as the go-between when we had to give each other back our belongings. There was one time a year after the breakup when we ran into each other. I tried to have a real conversation with her, but we'd both been drinking and let's just say it wasn't pretty.

She didn't deserve how I treated her at the end. But, maybe this will be my second chance. Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to get her to see how much I've changed and grown up.

I slowly drive over the speed bumps in the hospital parking lot. I put my parking ticket in my wallet for later and start heading into the main lobby. It occurs to me that I have no idea what room she's in.

I have to sign in at the front desk so I ask the nice woman in a security uniform behind the desk if she can tell me what room a patient is in.

"We're not allowed to share patient information, but you can tell me the person's name as well as your name and I can see if you're on the list. If the patient has put you on the list then I can give you the room number," the woman said in the most monotone voice. She was clearly over this job.

"Her name is Kate Weber."

The guard types her name in and keeps scrolling and scrolling. "She might be under Katherine for her first name."

"Okay, I found her. What's your name?"

"My name is Dylan Holmes."

The guard doesn't answer me right away and I start to worry that I'm not on the list.

"ID, please," she holds her hand out.

I take my wallet out of my pocket and fumble to get my license out.

She holds my ID and takes a look back and forth at my face and my picture until she's satisfied.

"Okay, sign in on the log. Your friend is in room 211 West. Make sure to put that on the log. Write your name on the name tag and make sure it's visible"

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