The Last Airbender

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Lynn slowly approached the Prince, who was standing by the railing, overlooking the vast ocean. Her right hand awkwardly rubbed her left forearm. "Hey."

He turned to face her, and he could feel his face flushing slightly. His clothes seemed to fit her perfectly. Despite that, he brushed it off as the cold. "Hello." Clearing his throat awkwardly , he spoke again. "It's Umm good that the clothes fit."

She glanced down. "Oh, y-yeah. Thanks for letting me borrow them, and you know, for saving my life. I'll give them back when my clothes are dry."

He turned away to face the sea. "You're welcome. And you can keep them, it's not like they fit anyways."

A tension filled silence filled the chilly air. "So, your Uncle told me you're hunting the Avatar and the Deity. Any luck so far?"

"No, but I'm getting close, I can feel it."

She leaned against the railing, her eyes focusing on the ocean. "I bet they're closer than you think."

Lynn turned her head to look at him, and for the first time, she fully absorbed what he looked like. He had dark amber eyes that seemed to dance like the flames he controlled. His body clearly revealed the hours a day he probably spent working out. If he had better hair, she might have even described him as 'cute.'

"He um, also mentioned that you think it'd help regain your honor. But you're a Prince, shouldn't you already be honored?"

He scoffed slightly. "Of course he did. I'm guessing he also failed to mention that I'm banished?"

She chose her next words carefully. "He did. If you don't mind me asking, why? From what I've seen, your honor is in tact, despite what your Father thinks."

Before anything else could be said, a loud 'boom' shook the ship. Lynn had a death grip on the railing as she tried to fit the urge to water bend. "What was that?"

Zuko lowered the telescope and passed it to her without a second thought. " The last air-bender. He's quite agile for his old age." He turned over his shoulders, barking orders at his guards.

Lynn lowered the telescope. Oh Aang, what have you done? "What's the plan?"

He didn't even bother to turn around. "A trade. The avatar...for the pretty water tribe girl."

She raised an eyebrow as she followed him. "You think I'm pretty?"

He let out a frustrated huff and a small burst of flames which she ignored. "Uggh you completely missed my point!"

She smirked and crossed her arms. "Did I though?"

He turned and glared at her. "Yes. Now stay here, I need to get into my armor."

She let out a huff as she was left alone with the guard. "What are you looking at?"

Lynn was strangely relaxed for someone with a sword held to their throat. She didn't think Zuko'd actually have her killed. He was mostly talk.

She smirked slightly as she felt Aang's presence. He doesn't know who I am.

Aang gasped slightly at Lynn's voice echoing through his head. They had only talked like that two other times and he still wasn't used to it. He leaned forwards to pick up speed as he shot between the older teens legs, knocking him over.

Using Aang as a distraction, Lynn took the opportunity to make her escape. Dropping the clothes she was carrying, she elbowed the guard harshly in the upper ribs and dropped her weight. As his upper body jerked back, she made a grab for the sword. In seconds, Lynn was standing confidently in front of the guard. She had moved back so her arm was fully extended, the tip of the sword inches from his throat.

Lynn's eyes scanned her surroundings while the rest of her body remained motionless. Both Sokka and Zuko were still splayed out on the snow. The fire nation soldiers seemed to shocked to be fighting someone competent to actually do anything besides get into a fighting stance.

Zuko scowled as he stood up. "Don't just stand there, attack!"

Lynn smirked. Thought he'd never ask. A burst of water broke through the ice like a mini geyser, encasing the fire nation soldiers in ice except for Zuko.

He practically growled as he approached her. "I helped you!" The two circled each other as everyone else seemed to be holding their breath.

"You're also hunting me down."

Zuko sent a burst of fire her way which she dismissed using snow to extinguish it. He narrowed his eyes and frowned as they continued their 'dance'. "You never needed help, did you? So it was all a lie."

Zuko sent another burst of flames which was stopped by a wall of snow. Her steely expressionless face faltered momentarily. "No, the only lie was me needing help."

Aang nervously approached the older teens. "Umm Lynn, maybe we should take this somewhere else." Come on, I have a plan.

Sighing, she lowered the sword. "If we go with you, do you promise to leave everyone alone?"

Zuko thought about it and nodded. Lynn dropped the sword with a huff.

The guards moved behind her and Aang as they tied up their hands. Lynn's intense stare seemed to be dissecting Zuko's soul, and for all he knew, she could be.

"Take the Avatar to the prison hold."

The guards started to guide the two prisoners, but Zuko cut them off. "Not her. I don't want her out of my sight."

The Fire bender, the Avatar, and the Deity, oh myWhere stories live. Discover now