The Pirates

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Lynn's blue eyes followed her brother as he paced back and forth. "We can find a lake or river today I can start teaching you and Katara. I'm technically a master, so I'm qualified. Now sit down."

"Maybe you three can find a nice puddle to splash in." Sokka raised an eyebrow as they landed by a waterfall. "Nice puddle."

Lynn smiled over at him. "Why thank you, I tried." Her brown hair was down for once, cascading over her shoulders and framing her face perfectly.

Sokka couldn't help but smile back. "I see that. So, what am I supposed to do?"

Aang bent over to grab a long tree branch. "You could get the mud out of Appa's feet."

The water tribe boy seemed dissatisfied with the response, but grabbed the stick anyways.

Lynn turned back to her new pupils. "Okay, so first, I think we should start with what Katara already knows and add on from there."

The younger of the two shrugged. "I guess that makes sense. Katara, I guess your up."

Katara let out a small 'oh' sound before demonstrating. Aang had it down almost in seconds, much to her surprise and disappointment.

"Well, you had to figure it out on your own. I'm lucky enough to have two fantastic teachers."

"Plus," Lynn interjected, "we've done this in a thousand lifetimes. You haven't. I'm sure that's helped."

"Y-yeah, I'm sure."

Lynn found herself letting out a sound of protest as Aang's wave washed over their supplies. Closing her eyes, she used her bending to drag some of the supplies back. As she bent over to pick up the supplies, Sokka's eyes widened. That scratch of her neck, it looked new.

He scrambled out of the water and caught her wrist. Carefully he lead her away from the others. "Is that from Zuko?"

Lynn's eyes widened as her hand reached for her throat, barely touching the scar. "Yes. It was an accident."

He tossed a glance at the others as she flicked her wrist, drying his clothes in seconds. "Are you sure about that? He held a knife to your throat."

She glanced away to avoid his harsh gaze. "No. But his goal has always been to capture me, alive. If I died, I would just come back as an earth bender and they'd have to find me again. Just...don't tell Aang, he's already freaking out as it is."

Sokka sighed. "I don't like this. You should tell him."

Lynn ran a hand through her hair. "I know, and I will... after we win the war. I'm going to buy a chocker at the market today. Promise you won't tell him Sokka."

His eyes softened at her almost scared expression. "I promise. But if that jerk-bender touches another hair on your head, I'll kill him."

Lynn beamed at his response and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

As she walked away, Sokka raised a hand to his cheek, which was now dusted red. "You're welcome."

Lynn was very reluctant to follow Aang onto the pirate boat, but she did it anyways. Ōumi — who had settled on her owner's shoulder — seemed just as opposed to it as Lynn was. Her fur and feathers were puffed up to make her seem twice as big as she actually was.

The water bender paused as she reached the jewelry section . She had never been one to wear jewelry besides earrings on occasion. It wasn't that she didn't find the accessories beautiful, because they often were. Lynn just disliked the feeling of metal against her skin.

Gingerly, Lynn picked up a chocker. It didn't have the gem in the middle, meaning it wasn't a betrothal necklace. Instead it was a simple pattern of white and two different shades of blue. (Pretend that the other two pieces of the necklace aren't there.)

It's perfect, chimed her mind as she examined it, but one look at the price tag made her think twice

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It's perfect, chimed her mind as she examined it, but one look at the price tag made her think twice. But I don't need it. Sighing, Lynn set it back down. Katara frowned as she glanced at the older water tribe girl before she glanced away, biting her lip.

Needless to say, Lynn did not want to spend her afternoon running from pirates, but on the bright side, she got to keep the necklace.

"Sokka, can you help me put this on?"

Both teens felt their face flush as he struggled with the clasp. "There!"

"Thanks." Next, Lynn turned her attention to Katara with soft understanding eyes, but a stern expression. "I appreciate that you got me the necklace as well as the scroll, but I don't want you to steal again unless if it's an absolute necessity, understood?"

Katara hung her head slightly. "Understood."

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