Grow up Black girl, grow up, grow up
your boobs are still small and they're still passing you with the glow ups
boys look at you, but that's just because you're a friend, one of the guys,
another dude, a boy turning into a man,
you are competitive, you want to prove them wrong, so you fight just to hold on,
pushing yourself to be great and surpassing their gender limits,
they thought you were cool, a girl who actually knew how to rock a game
a girl who held the spot in that arm-wrestling hall of fame,
but that was it.
you still remember it.
the day you realized that all of that was really it.
a guy who you could almost call your best friend was in the lunchline
and you were so not rated a ten
he and some guy classmates were talking about pretty girls,
and one asked about you,
you were all right behind me
and i heard you say "i said pretty girls"
you broke my heart,
i knew i was ugly,
i stood there pretending i didn't hear that laughter that erupted behind me
dammit Black girl, grow up, grow up
you knew this all along, just grow up, grow up!
Visuals via my Commaful account in the external link:
Part two of a long, unedited poem series; probably around seven parts written 10:58pm-12:09am June/9-10/2020.
Mind {Prose Vol. 2}✔
Poesía❝In my mind, there is pain. I am exhausted. I feel defeat from my hair tips to my feet- my body feels the stress weighing down on my shoulders. I try and try every day, but nothing seems to go my way. In my mind, there is pain, yet I try because one...