If you felt down, I'd be your listening ear, I'd wrap you up in my arms and hold you there, even if it's for forever. I'd rub your back and listen to your troubles, say the magic words that somehow make you feel better.
"If you cried, I'd catch your tears on my shirt. I'd give you a million tissues and wipe underneath your eyes with my thumbs and hold you until you felt better. And when you let out all the tears that needed to be released, I'd just smile and tell you that you owe me a new shirt. XD"
If you tried to offer me thanks, I'd brush it off and give you a smile, it's what I'm here for, no need to thank me, I'm just glad you chose to confide in me.
If you tried to repay me, I'd tell you that you don't have to, but you'd try anyway and I'd smile heartily no matter what you did. It's the thought that counts, your presence is enough... words I'd mutter from my mouth that wouldn't satisfy you.
If you were scared, I'd fight all your demons and fears away, a metaphorical sword that would slay them all or at lease keep them at bay. I'd hold you in my arms, hold your hand and take the leap, even if I was scared too. I'd do it all for you.
If you expressed your love, then I would do so too, express it through my words with a simple but real "I love you." I'd kiss you until my lungs gave out, until you took my last breath, then be revived by your sweet lips that would nurse me back to health.
If you got down on one knee and looked up at me, pulled out a small box with a ring and said: "Will you marry me?" I'd cry and I'd laugh, sure signs of joy and nod my head yes, I mean come on, you could've guessed and I'd kiss you harder than I ever have before, my legs leaving the floor because you opened a new door.
~ Just edited out a stupid af author's note ~
Mind {Prose Vol. 2}✔
Poésie❝In my mind, there is pain. I am exhausted. I feel defeat from my hair tips to my feet- my body feels the stress weighing down on my shoulders. I try and try every day, but nothing seems to go my way. In my mind, there is pain, yet I try because one...