125th Poem: Ten Million Scars - INCOMPLETE -

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It's okay. Even if you give me ten million scars...


That is how far I got with this poem. I'm not even going to finish it, so it'll stay like this. I know who it's about, though I've forgotten what instance this was from... Anyway, I could finish it, but I'm honestly not in the mood for it and I don't think I ever will be. So I have a challenge for whoever is reading this. Yes, you.

Read this two sentence "poem" and reflect on it. Think about how it makes you feel and the tone. Is this about an object to you? An idea? A person or even multiple people? An object, like your bike or skateboard. A person, like yourself or an unintentional bully? Or intentional...

How will you overcome those scars and keep moving? You don't have to tell me, or anyone else on this site/app, but I think it would be good for you to reflect for yourself.

Good luck.

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