"don't wait. the time will never be just right."
originally posted on an old instagram account, whoisthisamateur, on feb. 9, 2020.
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i have to say as i continued waking up each day, i realized that there was no point in saying, "i'll do this tomorrow" or "i'll do this later" or "when i'm older, i'll" -- phrases like that.
just try now over and over.
do it now because you never know if you'll be able to get to the age you think you should do your task.
you never know if now is the absolute BEST time for you to be doing what you want.
you never know if now is when you have supporters and people to help you, or if you don't and that will make it easier for you/give you more motivation.
just do it.
Mind {Prose Vol. 2}✔
Poesia❝In my mind, there is pain. I am exhausted. I feel defeat from my hair tips to my feet- my body feels the stress weighing down on my shoulders. I try and try every day, but nothing seems to go my way. In my mind, there is pain, yet I try because one...