"I lost my pencil again... It was my favourite one as well!" You sighed, desperately searching through your grey pencil case. The green pencil was nowhere to be found. "I can't believe I lost it! I'm such an idiot!"
"Do not say such things. You are smarter than you think. Losing things is perfectly normal. It happens to the best of us." Your best friend remarked. Even though you couldn't see it, you knew he was giving you a small smile. You could tell just by the tone of his voice.
"After a point it gets kind of ridiculous though, Kiyo." You chuckled, not giving up on your search. You reached into your bag and dug around.
"Well, I must say you do lose things more often than anyone else I know, but that does not mean you're any less smart." He comforted you. You took the bag and were about to flip it upside down to dump its contents onto the floor, when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder signalling for you to stop and rethink what you're doing. Where would you be without your best friend?
"Sorry, I got kind of carried away... it's just that... that was my best pencil. All my other ones are really bad and they smudge everywhere and break all the time..."
"If you wish, you may borrow my pencil." He explained, reaching into his bag.
"Didn't you say you only had one pencil? I remember you telling me you gave the rest to your sister because she loves to draw." You questioned. For a brief moment, Kiyo stopped rummaging through his bag and stared at the desk in front of him.
"You... you remember me saying that?" He asked, not making eye contact.
"Well... yeah. Should I forget it now?" You laughed a little. He shook his head.
"No, of course not. I just didn't think you would remember me talking about my sister. Not many people listen to me when I mention her." He explained, looking down into his bag and continuing to search through it for his pencil.
Soon, he pulled out a sharp red pencil, handing it to you. You gladly took it and discreetly moved your desk closer to his, just enough that the teacher wouldn't notice the change.
Once again, before you knew it class was over. You started gathering your things, accidentally packing the red pencil along with your belongings. Kiyo either didn't notice, or simply didn't mind. As you made your way out of the classroom together, you heard a voice calling you.
"(Y/N)! Korekiyo! Wait up!" It was the voice of your friend. Ami Takahashi, one of the most popular people in the entire school. You briefly glanced over at Kiyo, noticing his serious expression. He never really liked Ami, but then again, it took him a while to warm up to you.
"Hey Ami!" You smiled at her as she caught up to you. "How are you?" She flicked her blonde fringe out of her dark brown eyes.
"I'm good! What 'bout you?" She questioned in return.
"I'm okay I guess. How's Rika?" Rika was Ami's sister. She was in the same year as you. For a reason unknown to you she was proclaimed the Ultimate Prom Queen. There were many Ultimates in the world, but you never knew that prom queen could be a talent.
"Oh, she's as cocky as usual." Ami sighed. "All I ever hear about from my parents is that she's an Ultimate and that I should be like her. Her talent is so useless! How many proms will she go to in her life?" She ranted. Her ranting soon became background noise as you made eye contact with Kiyo again.
For a long time you knew he was an Ultimate. He was so smart, so sophisticated... everything he did just made him seem like one, so it was no surprise when he told you he was the Ultimate Anthropologist. You didn't know what that meant at first, but his explanations always sparked your interest. You had been proclaimed the Ultimate Marine Biologist. You didn't talk about it much, because it tended to bore people; Kiyo was different. He listened to you ramble about deep-sea creatures like it was the most interesting thing he's ever heard.

Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader
RomanceAfter being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite literally fearing for your life, you make it into a well known private academy on a full scholarship. The life of an Ultimate isn't exactly easy...