A/N 2

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Hey everyone! I'm glad you're enjoying my story! I honestly can't believe so many people have noticed it and voted and commented, added to reading lists... honestly I'm still in disbelief. I didn't know people would like my writing this much!

Thank you all for reading this story, as I don't really plan ahead much, so I didn't think it would be that good, haha...

So I thought I would mention something that is important to me. All the new characters in this story are from a comic series that I'm working on called The Roommates, where people who have already died get brought back to life to fight evil creatures! It's kinda like a superhero thing. I'm very passionate about it, and would like to write a story about it on here.

Feel free to tell me if you would be interested in reading it or not!

Sorry for the shameless promotion here, but this universe, along with the characters, is very dear to me and I'm very passionate about it. Though I have started this comic, I'm going to restart it or possibly make it into a kind of storyboard series on youtube, since I'm still learning the basics of animation!

Anyways, thank you for sticking around and reading my fanfiction! I will try to update as much as I can! Also, check out my youtube and deviantart accounts!



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