"...are you... (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked. You froze, not knowing what to say. It was him. It really was your best friend. You had missed him so much. You felt tears come to your eyes as a wide smile spread across your face.
"Wait, you two know each other?" The albino named Olivia asked. You hadn't been able to say anything, but suddenly...
"Oh my gosh! Kiyo! I missed you!" You ran up to hug him. He wasn't prepared and was a bit confused. You were supposed to be meeting your teachers, but at the moment there were more important things to do. Suddenly, you remembered something. There, in your pocket right now, was the red pencil you had borrowed from him.
"(Y/N), are you okay? You appear to be really emotional right now." He asked, patting your head.
"I need to give something back to you." You said, pulling away and reaching into your pocket. You pulled out the red pencil and smiled, handing it to him.
"Oh my... you still have that?"
"Yeah, I've had it the whole time."
"That does sound like you. I didn't expect you to lose it. You mainly lose your own items."
"Um, hello? Where do you guys know each other from?" Olivia asked. She looked back and forth between both of you, but before you could answer, you heard a familiar voice.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! There you are! We lost you in the crowd! Where did you- oh!" It was Kath; she was dragging Laura behind her. She noticed you and Kiyo standing together and instantly recognised him as the boy from the photos. "You found him! Congrats!"
"Your name is Laura Phillips, correct? The jet pilot?" Kiyo asked, and Laura nodded. "Your flying skills are indeed impressive. But I'm afraid I don't know your friend. (Y/N), mind introducing her to me?" You could tell he smiled under his mask.
"Uh, yeah sure. That's Kath, short for Katherine. She's the Ultimate Veterinarian." You explained awkwardly.
"And we're half-sisters. Far from friends." Kath said matter-of-factly. He looked around at the people talking to him, when suddenly a girl wearing a dress with a spiderweb pattern on it approached the group. "Hey, who's that?" Kath inquired.
"Oh, good day. My name is Kirumi Tojo. I am the Ultimate Maid. It's lovely to meet you... (Y/N), is it? Ultimate Marine Biologist?" The girl said, smiling at you. You looked her up and down in slight confusion. Maybe he met this girl here?
"Hey, yeah that's me. Ultimate Marine Biologist, haha..." You uttered awkwardly. She reached out to shake your hand.
"It's lovely to finally see you! Kiyo here has told me so much about you!" Kirumi said, shaking your hand. So they met before... okay then. You didn't understand why, but you felt weird about this. It felt like you weren't supposed to be in this conversation. Wait a second... did she call him Kiyo just then? The last time you saw him, you were the only one who called him that. They were probably really good friends. Maybe you could all be in the same friendship circle or something. You felt the need to talk to Katherine away from everyone, so you pulled out your phone.
"Sorry, I have to call my mom. I'll be back." You said, texting Kath while walking away. You heard Kath's phone go off and she saw your text.
🐱 Kath 🐱
Come with me I need to talk to you
Sure but what should i say??
Just tell them that you need to speak to my mom or something
K hold on
"I need to ask her mom something, back in a bit!" And with that she was at your side. "So... what's up?"
"I'm getting an off feeling about this. You know, I was his only friend in elementary and middle school." You explained, trying to figure out how he suddenly made another friend. Then again, you had made friends with Kath so quickly... maybe you were just overthinking it.
"You sound like a jealous girlfriend right now." Kath sighed, glancing back at the group. They were having a conversation, seemingly getting along fairly well. "I don't think you need to worry. Kirumi seems like a nice person."
"You just met her, Kath."
"Yeah, and so did you. You shouldn't just dislike her already." She explained. She must have noticed your concerned look, because she placed a hand on your shoulder. "Look, I think you should be happy for him. He actually had someone to spend time with, so he wasn't super lonely. Plus, it would be kind of a warning sign if he didn't make friends with anyone else. That could mean he's seriously obsessed with you and could be a bit creepy, you know?"
"...I suppose you're right... he found someone to spend time with. I should try to be her friend too, because that would make him happy." You sighed, smiling. "Thanks for the free therapy Kath."
"No problemo!" Both of you went back to the group.
"Yeah, so then I walk into the stall, and you know what I see? The whole damn toilet roll in the bowl and a fat turd on it!" Olivia exclaimed, a literally twisted smile on her face. Everyone recoiled in disgust, except for Kirumi.
"As the Ultimate Maid, I've been assigned many rather... disturbing jobs. I have seen some horrifying bathrooms, but it isn't my job to judge." She explained matter-of-factly.
"Well, I-I've never been a maid, b-b-but I don't know if I could be one after what you s-said..." A small girl in a light pink dress muttered.
"Hey, I don't think all of us have introduced ourselves yet! How about we go around in a circle?" Katherine suggested. "After all, we might be classmates."
"Fair point Kath." Livia smiled. "You start then and we'll go to the person on the left."
"Alright. Hi, I'm Katherine Phillips and I'm the Ultimate Vet." Kath said.
"I'm Laura Phillips, Ultimate Jet Pilot in case you haven't seen my shows." Laura said, throwing her fist in the air in excitement.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm the Ultimate Marine Biologist. I love my talent." You smiled.
"I'm Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid as you already know." Kirumi reiterated.
"My name is Korekiyo Shinguji, I am called the Ultimate Anthropologist." Kiyo nodded his head.
"Hey, I'm Olivia Hart, Ultimate Arsonist at your service and I can smell something burning, hehehe." Olivia said and awkwardly backed into the crowd, presumably to look for the source of the burning smell.
"Oh no, I can smell that too... anyway though, I'm Livia James, Ultimate Animator." Livia rubbed the back of her neck.
"My name is Chitako Morimoto, I'm the Ultimate Surgeon. Charmed." Chitako said nonchalantly.
"I-I'm Naomi Okumura... I'm the Ultimate Singer. Y-Yeah, that's it." The petite girl in the dress stuttered.
"And I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" A random boy emerged from the crowd, his strange, purple, gravity-defying hair poking Naomi in the head. "Also, I'm pretty sure where that burning smell is coming from..." He said, before screams erupted from the other side of the room.
"Oops!" Olivia shouted from the direction of the huge sudden fire.
"Damn you Olli..." Chitako face-palmed.

Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader
RomanceAfter being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite literally fearing for your life, you make it into a well known private academy on a full scholarship. The life of an Ultimate isn't exactly easy...