❤️ Chapter 15 ❤️

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(Author's Note: It's finally here! Sorry, I'm so overwhelmed by the college work. I have a shitload of coursework for art, a lot of notes to do for psychology, and preparation for criminology as well. English is probably the least stressful subject I have and that's saying something... I'll try to update more, but I'm not promising anything!)

"Hello (Y/N)..." That voice... no way... it had to be him but you couldn't bring yourself to think that he would... wait... how did he know your number?

"No, this is... uh... this is Olivia Hart! Now go away or I'll... set your house on fire... or something." You responded, trying to be as calm as possible. You didn't know what you were doing really. It was a spontaneous decision. As you listened for the other voice to come over the phone, suddenly you heard a raspy laughter.

"I know who this is, you can't fool me!" The man who had attacked you, followed you and probably caused Takuya to be attacked said over the phone. You felt your hands shaking as you tried to respond again. This guy was the reason your friend got targetted, you should say something snarky to him! You should yell at him! Tell him he's gonna be in trouble! Despite your thoughts, you couldn't bring yourself to do anything but move the phone away from your ear. You stared at the phone, the man's words somehow merging together into one incoherent mess. As you continued to stare, you heard someone walk in, but their words and voice were just as incoherent. You slowly looked up at the person in your room. It was none other than Kiyo.

"(Y/N), are you alright? You look pale. Who is that on the phone?" He questioned you as you stared at him, mouth agape and eyes wide. You closed your mouth and swallowed hard, trying to stop the anxiety from overtaking you. As you watched him walk over to you and look at the phone as well, you realised that the man had gone silent. You also looked at your phone. He hung up. 

"I... it was... it was one of the attackers!" You finally managed to spit out. You felt nauseous and faint, you hadn't felt like this since... well, ever. You didn't know what was going on. You had never felt so anxious in your life, and if you did, you had no memory of it.

"Are you sure?" Kiyo asked, placing his hands on your shoulders as all three of your brothers showed up at your door.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Are you okay?" Hiroya asked. You dropped your phone onto the ground, not even realising it had slipped from your hand. Hiroya continued to stare at you, but when you didn't answer he made his way over to you. "(Y/N), what happened?" He crouched next to you, looking at you.

"She got a call from one of the attackers." Kiyo explained, as Hiroya whipped his head around.

"She... what?" He questioned in a concerned tone. Your palms began to sweat as your chest tightened and the prick of tears came to your eyes. You couldn't open your mouth, in fear of sobbing. You really didn't want to cry. It gave you a headache. Plus there stood Kiyo and you really didn't want to start bawling like this in front of him.

"(Y/N)? Hey, are you even breathing?" Toichi asked from the doorway. You looked up at him, and seeing the concerned faces of everyone staring at you proved to be too much. You let out a single sob and then cupped your hands over your mouth. That single sob was enough to cause everyone to crowd around you, trying to calm you down simultaneously.

"Hey, hey! It's fine, you'll be fine!" Toichi said, trying to hug you but failing because he was too far away. As you continued to stare in fear at the phone on the ground, almost awaiting the voice of the man to come from the other end, your mother entered the room.

"What's going on up here!?" She yelled, looking at your terrified expression.

"Mom, the gang. She got a call from one of the members." Naoki turned to face her, looking more worried than you'd thought him capable of being. Your mother's mouth dropped open and she ran over to you, pushing past everyone else. She grabbed your arm and began to drag you out of the room.

"Mom? Where are we going?" You barely managed to ask.

"We are calling the police. Right now." She stated sternly. You froze and yanked your arm out of her grasp.

"No way! They'll just tell us to move again! I don't want to lose everything I have again!" You yelled, feeling tears rolling down your cheeks. You didn't want to lose it all, you had just about rebuilt your life and you didn't want to start another one yet again.

"(Y/N), this is out of the question! We have to report this! It doesn't mean we're moving!" She explained. You still felt apprehensive towards the whole situation, but your mother's strict tone caused you to comply with her demands.

"Mom! What's going on!?" Hiroya yelled as four heads peeked out from your room.

"We're reporting this." Your mother explained. Hiroya ran out of the room.

"They're not gonna do anything, you know this! The same thing happened last time! They did jackshit!"

"Language, Hiroya." Your mother shot him a stern look, causing him to shrink back down.

"But he's right. Last time all they did was tell us to move. They don't really care about this gang, and you wanna know why?" Naoki snapped. "It's because they haven't done anything to affect the actual area. No property damage, no theft, nothing. They've been attacking kids from poorer families! The police don't give a shit about it!"

"Language, all of you!" Your mother yelled.

"I AM AN ADULT! I CAN SWEAR AS MUCH AS I WANT!" Naoki screamed back. "At the moment, we're in the same situation as last time! And I am not about to let it change our lives again! I'm sick of this, and so are Hiroya, Toichi and (Y/N)! If we want this to be sorted, we'll have to deal with it on our own!" Silence filled the house as everyone stared at Naoki. You had never seen him this emotional about anything. He was always so calm and relaxed, but now he was literally shaking with anger.

"Naoki, listen dear. We have to at least try." Your mother sighed, gripping the bridge of her nose. "But I'll make you a deal."

"And that is?" Naoki questioned, going back to his usual calm state.

"If the police don't do anything... again... I will let you take this matter into your own hands. I understand how stressful this is, but we have to try to do this the lawful way, okay?" She explained, her eyes moving between all three brothers.

"FIne." Naoki sighed and started walking downstairs, most likely to soothe his mind with his green tea.

"Now, (Y/N) is coming with me and we are calling the cops." She stated, turning back to you and motioning for you to walk downstairs with her. At this point, you just hoped everything would be sorted without anyone you loved getting hurt. You didn't notice, but Kiyo had pulled out a note from his pocket which he had intended to show you. Now, he slowly put it back into his pocket, not wanting to worry you any more than you already were.

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