You were finally in the last year of middle school. It was almost over. You had been working hard and your grades were high, as were Kath's. You both worked hard and tried your best in every subject, though that didn't mean you weren't slight trouble makers.
"Hey! Crazy cat lady!" You heard Takuya yell from across the hall. Kath looked unamused to say the last. She turned back to look at the boy.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Someone told me you want to screw a cat!" He yelled back, followed by laughter.
"Oh really now?" She said, smirking. "Was that person's name Takuya's ass? Because I think you pulled that shit out of there." Takuya went quiet for a second, giving you time to drag Kath away before things got out of hand.
"I think we should do something about Takuya." You sighed.
"You mean like report him? Because that won't work. I've already tried." Kath exhaled sharply. "They don't do anything."
"No. I meant take it into our own hands." You smirked. Kath looked at you with the same mischievous grin.
"I like where this is going." She laughed and so did you. You didn't have time to form a plan right then because the bell sounded, but it was at the back of your mind for the next few days.
"So..." You began talking. It was lunch time and you and Kath were sitting on one of the benches in the courtyard. "How are we going to get him back then?"
"I dunno. You think of something. I have no idea how to even pull it off." She said with her mouth full, causing crumbs to fly out of her mouth. You sighed.
"I don't have the mind of a prankster. Plus, it's you who really has an issue with him. You come up with something." You explained.
"I'm a dumbass though."
"You're not."
"...but I am in this situation."
"Fair point."
"What do you mean by 'fair point', huh?" She looked at you with a jokingly mad expression. You laughed.
"Look, you should come up with something. This is for you after all." You repeated in a tired tone. "I'm sick of hearing him say stuff to you."
"So am I. But I don't know what we could do."
"Maybe we could lead like ten stray cats into his house?" You fiddled with the straw of your chocolate milk carton.
"No way! Do you have any idea how hard it is to gain the trust of someone else's cat? Let alone a stray? It's crazy."
"We could lure them with food or something."
"They won't blindly follow us though. Over the course of three years I have gained the trust of like two stray cats. And I'm good with animals! Imagine how long it would take to gain the trust of more than five!" Kath bellowed, clearly quite proud of herself for her bond with the stray cats.
"Well, do you have a different idea?" You asked, sipping the chocolate milk. Kath made a thoughtful expression, tapping her chin in a cartoonish way.

Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader
Roman d'amourAfter being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite literally fearing for your life, you make it into a well known private academy on a full scholarship. The life of an Ultimate isn't exactly easy...