"(Y/N) wake up! How much longer do I have to throw things at you!?" Toichi yelled, leaning into your room next to a pile of plushies that he was throwing at you. If you were woken up suddenly, it wasn't exactly safe to be close to you. The last time that happened you accidentally punched Hiroya so hard in the nose that you fractured it.
"Keep throwing the plushies. She's bound to get up eventually." Naoki walked past your door, another cup of green tea in hand. He really was a sucker for that drink. As a particularly hard plushie hit you in the face, you picked up a book that was laying next to your bed and lobbed it at Toichi.
"Ah! Hiroya! She tried to kill me!" He yelled, running out of the room.
"Get over yourself idiot." Hiroya sighed.
"She threw a book at my- OW!" A loud smack echoed throughout the house.
"That's what it would've felt like if she was trying to kill you." Hiroya put an end to the argument and you sat up in your bed. It was the day of the python plan. You were so excited that your eyes shot open and you sprung out of bed. It was time to get up and go. Kath was meeting you at the front door. You didn't have any pets to bring, but snakes always sparked your interest. You had never seen one outside of a zoo.
"Alright guys, I'm gonna be out the door first in this house!" You said, getting dressed and sprinting out of your room. The guys looked at you in shock as you shoved the half-burnt bagel that Hiroya made into your mouth, running out the door without looking back. You almost knocked Kath over when you left.
"Damn, calm it! It's only me!" She chuckled, pulling out the translucent plastic container.
"Is Salazar in there?" You asked, curiously peeking in. Kath looked at you with a disappointed face.
"No, I just randomly have this giant ass box. Of course he's in there!" She said, dragging you to school.
As you were met by the front gates, Kath smiled at you mischievously. You couldn't wait to pull the prank off. You wondered whether Takuya screamed like a girl. That would be funny.
"Come on, let's go. It's gonna be real fun!" Kath grabbed your arm, still keeping a steady grip on the box with Salazar in it. You entered the school grounds and saw a lot of people with dogs and cats, with a few people holding hamsters or ferrets. There were of course the people who didn't bring a pet in, but they were admiring everyone else's pets.
"Hey, Kath! What's in that box?" A boy with blonde hair asked.
"Oh, that's my pet! His name is Salazar and he's a python." Kath explained cheerfully.
"Oh my gosh! She brought a python to school!" The boy yelled, attracting a crowd of interested students. Everyone wanted to look inside the box, but Kath told them that it would scare him.
The bell rang, signaling that it was time for class. You and Kath rushed towards the building and up the stairs to your homeroom.
"Hey, no one is here yet, but all the bags are here! That's weird..." You whispered to Kath, who looked at you with a smile.
"You know what that means." She giggled like a child. "Commence operation 'There's a snake in my bag!', haha!" She opened the box carefully, simultaneously opening Takuya's bag, allowing Salazar to slither into it. You heard footsteps coming up the stairs and you grabbed the box that was still slightly open, placing it next to Kath's desk.
The majority of the class rushed into the room, clearly out of breath. They relaxed when they noticed the teacher wasn't there yet. Takuya took a seat and started having a conversation with someone next to him. Suddenly, the teacher arrived.
"Hello class! How many of you have brought a pet today?" She questioned. A few people in the class raised their hands, Kath being one of them.
"Hey, Katherine! Is it true that you brought a python to school?" A girl in the class inquired. Kath smiled.
"Yeah, wanna see him? Just don't be too loud, or you'll stress him out." She reached down to the box and looked at it for a second. "Hold on, that's not how it was last time I saw it." The silence in the room was tense. Kath carefully removed the lid from the box. "Oh my gosh! He's gone!" She yelled. It took almost all your willpower to not burst out laughing at Kath's shocked face. And with that, everyone started panicking, with some girls getting up on the tables to avoid the missing python.
"Alright, everyone calm down! We have to look for the python and if you find it, call Katherine over, okay?" Everyone that wasn't on tables started searching the room. Takuya reached for his bag and both you and Kath froze, waiting for it. He opened the bag, reached in, and froze. His face went pale. You watched him look into the bag, and then came the screaming.
"AAAAAH! OH MY GOD! IT'S IN MY BAG! SOMEONE HELP MEEEEE!" He yanked his hand out of the bag and fell out of his chair. Kath looked at him and walked over.
"Hey, calm down. He wouldn't hurt anyone anyway." She said, calmly and carefully taking the python out of the bag. He was on the floor, panting like a dog, while Kath casually put Salazar back into his box.
"Alright. Did anyone try to open the box?" You asked. Everyone silently denied. "Okay. We have to be careful with Salazar."
"Yeah, we do. He isn't dangerous, but I wouldn't exactly want to lose him." Kath laughed.
"Um, Kath..." Takuya said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I... I wanted to say thanks. I was really scared and you just picked him up and..."
"Hey, it's nothing. Luckily he's really calm all the time." She smiled at him, slightly patting the box.
Before you knew it, the bell rang and you were leaving. The day hadn't really been eventful, except some kid in another class brought in a chameleon and it escaped, ending up on someone's head. You were just about to start making your way home, when you heard a familiar voice. It was Takuya.
"Hey! Wait up!" He called out after you and Kath. You both turned to look at him and saw him sprinting at full speed towards you. You started to worry that he wouldn't be able to stop in time and would crash into you.
"Huh? What is it?" Kath asked, while you tensed up, bracing for impact. He stopped a few centimetres from you, barely managing to do so.
"I wanted to know if... I could walk home with you guys...? It's alright if you say no, but-"
"Yeah, sure. As long as (Y/N) is cool with it." Kath looked at you curiously. You looked at her, then at Takuya, then back to her.
"Um... sure, I guess..." You rubbed the back of your neck, continuing to walk in the direction of your house.
"I just wanted to... apologise, I guess. I feel kind of stupid about everything I said to you guys... and I'm really thankful that you helped me when the python was in my bag." He smiled slightly, looking back and forth between both of you.
"Hey, it's cool. Nothing to worry about. We're almost out of here, so there's no point being hateful, right?" Kath smirked, patting his shoulder.
As he split off from you to go to his house, you looked at Katherine with a worried expression.
"Are you gonna tell him that it was us?" You whispered a little loudly, but not loud enough for him to hear.
"Nah. Let him believe what he wants to believe. I don't feel like dealing with him being annoying anymore, so this will be an improvement." She laughed. You felt slightly guilty. Maybe you should've just told him, but if it wasn't what Kath wanted, then you would just stay quiet about it.
All you knew right now was that the python plan had been a success, but in a different way than you had imagined.

Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader
RomanceAfter being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite literally fearing for your life, you make it into a well known private academy on a full scholarship. The life of an Ultimate isn't exactly easy...