It had been a while since you moved out and you had been going to your new school for almost a week. No friends yet, but to be perfectly honest you weren't searching for companionship. You still missed your old school, and the people there. Of course you felt lonely here. You didn't know anyone and friend groups had already been formed, meaning there wasn't really anyone who wanted to hang out with you.
You were currently asleep, dreaming of your old home and friends. You remembered going to the small park in your town. The one next to the school. Your brothers would always take you there in the summer, and you would go on the swing all the time. As you dreamed, you saw someone.
"Um, hello." You heard the voice of a boy. He had dark hair that reached his shoulders and wore a black dust mask. You looked at him awkwardly as your brothers were on the huge climbing frame.
"Hi?" You responded. You were sure you had seen him around before.
"You dropped this." He handed you a purple bracelet. The bracelet that you got for your birthday last year.
"Oh, thanks! What's your name?" You asked, bowing your head at the boy.
"My name is Korekiyo." He replied, bowing his head as well. "What is your name?"
"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you!" You smiled at him. He looked at you strangely. His gaze had this intensity as if he found you interesting.
"(Y/N)! We gotta go! Dinner's ready!" Naoki called you over. You jumped slightly and looked back to Korekiyo.
"Sorry, I have to go. See ya!" You waved and turned to leave.
"Wait. I have a question." He stopped you. You turned back to him. "Do you go to Westview Elementary school?" He asked.
"Yeah, I do. Do you?"
"Oh, cool! I'll see you there then!" Suddenly, an older girl walked up to you two and tapped Korekiyo on the shoulder.
"Kiyo, we have to go. We mustn't be late." She explained. "Sorry for dragging him away like this, dear." She said to you. "I'm Miyadera. I hope to see you around soon!" And with that they left. And soon, so did you.
The alarm clock woke you, and you sat up in your bed. It was time for school. You dreaded the walk there, class, lunch... everything. You didn't want to go, but you had to.
You were ready quickly and soon were out the door, walking to school. It was unbelievably boring without anyone. You and Kiyo would always walk to school together, but here you had no one to walk with. Your brothers were all in other schools, Naoki was taking a gap year before going to university.
As you reached the school, you sat on one of the benches near the entrance. Suddenly, someone approached you.
"Hey there! D'ya mind if I sit here?" A female voice said. You looked up and saw a girl with long blonde hair that was dip dyed orange. You nodded and she sat down next to you. "I'm Katherine. You can call me Kath." She said with a smile.
"Oh, uhh... I'm (Y/N). I don't really have a nickname though." You smirked awkwardly.
"Hmm... Do you have some kind of special talent?" Kath asked. You were slightly caught off guard. Did she know that you were an Ultimate? It's not like you were super popular. Some Ultimates were constantly on the news; you definitely weren't one of them.

Subject | Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader
RomanceAfter being separated from your childhood best friend, moving to a new school in a new town, and quite literally fearing for your life, you make it into a well known private academy on a full scholarship. The life of an Ultimate isn't exactly easy...