Crypt of Dracula S5E15 (Different Part 1)

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(This is not related to the other Crypt of Dracula before this one. It's another one I've written. Sorry for confusion. Pictures will be the same for the same chapters. So just look at the picture above to tell which is which.)

The carriage just pulled off and Raph stepped forward. "Not-Not feeling so.....good." Raph said slowly and his words were slurred and he dropped to his knees and hands and threw up. "Raph !" Mikey said and went immediately to his older brother's side. Donnie and Leo stood behind Mikey and Renet stood to Raph's other side. "Raphael ?" Renet asked and Raph gagged. "He's sick ?" Renet asked and looked at Leo. "I didn't know." Leo said and Donnie intervened, "I think I'd be the one to know if he was sick or not. And he looked fine before...before..." Donnie started when he realized something. "What Donnie ?" Leo asked. Donnie looked at Raph then Renet and Leo. "Raph did look fine, until we found him on his back alone and he moaned and said..." Donnie started when Raph said, "I'm...feeling really...woozie." Raph gagged again and Donnie said, "Exactly. Something must have happened when he was alone !" Donnie said proud of figuring it out. "You see this is what happens when you go off alone ! I've told you plenty of times before that..." Leo started lecturing Raph when he got interrupted by Raph grabbing Leo's shell and pulled Leo close to him and said, "I think I've learned my lesson." Raph let Leo go immediately when an intense wave of nausea got ahold of Raph's body. Raph tried his best not to puke but ended up gagging three times and throwing up once. "We have to keep moving Raph, can you walk with help ?" Leo asked and Raph wipes his mouth and said, "I'll be fine on my own." "No Raph ! Donnie and Mikey will help you." Leo demanded and without argument, Raph let Donnie and Mikey lift him off the ground and walked forward. They only got fifteen minutes out when they had to stop because Raph's stomach was cramping. They set Raph on the ground and Donnie put his hand on Raph's forehead and Raph pushed him off. "He's burning up." Donnie said and looked at Leo nervously. "That's not good right ?" Mikey asked. "No Mikey it's not good." Donnie said and Leo asked, "Renet, is there anyone you know in any time period that can help us in this situation?" Leo asked trying to think of a way to help Raph and at the same time stop Savanti. "I mean...there is this one..guy..." Renet started when Mikey got jealous and said, "What ? What guy ?! There's another guy ? How come I've never heard of this guy ?" Mikey started rambling and renet said, "No no no. He's-he's my brother." Renet said almost shyly. "You have a brother ?" Donnie asked and Renet fiddled with the scepter and said, "Yeah, his name is Ross. He can totally help us out. He can take Raphael to the future and they can get him medicine and treatment he needs and get him to an actual doctor." Renet started talking really good things about Ross and Leo got nervous with how sick Raph really was looking and said, "Whatever we do we have to do it fast. He doesn't look good." Leo got down to Raph's level and Raph pushed him back a bit and threw up again. "Oh no. He's really sick." Donnie said and Raph tried to stand but his stomach was cramping really bad so he could only stand hunched over. Leo, who was right next to Raph, tried to help him but Raph refused the help util he got nauseous and his head hurt so bad he lost balance and fell into Leo. Leo caught him and Raph held on to Leo's arm and leaned against Leo's plastron with his eyes shut in pain. "Raph you need to sit down bro." Donnie said and Raph shook his head no and all of a sudden, Mikey jumped and knocked Leo and Raph off their feet and to the ground. "Mikey !!" Leo and Donnie yelled and they all heard the voice that said, "Well well well, my turtle enemies, we meet again. But this time one of you doesn't look so good." Savanti stood a few feet to the left of them with his arm pointed toward where Leo and Raph were standing. "Thanks Mikey." Leo said and he turned to Raph as the rest of the fought with Savanti. "Raph ! Raph you alright brother ?" Leo asked helping Raph sit up from laying on the ground. Raph shook his head no and Leo yelled, "Renet ! Get Ross out here now !" Renet ran over to Raph and Leo and opened a portal and a boy dressed kinda like Renet came though. He had blond hair and blue eyes just like Renet and blue boots, a blue male jumpsuit and grey wrist bands on. "Renet ! and the turtles of legend ?!" the boy said looking at Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey. And Renet looked happy. "Ross ! I need you to take Raphael to the future and get him medically treated. He's been throwing up, complaining of headache and severe stomach cramping." Renet said and Ross put one hand on Raph's forehead and said, "Oh man he is bad. I'll take him right away." Ross said and saw the worried look on Leo's face and said, "Don't worry Leonardo, I'll take good care of your brother and make sure he gets what he needs." Ross said and he tried to help Raph up and Raph wouldn't let him. "Raph, let him help you." Leo said and Raph shook his head no and said, "Don't...neeeeed...hlp." Donnie and Mikey came over after Savanti retreated and Donnie looked at Leo and said, "If he doesn't get help now I don't know what will happen." "Raphael, either you go with Ross, or Donnie, Mikey and I will have to force you there." Leo said and after a few seconds, Raph threw up again and Ross said, "Alright Raphael, I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I didn't think it would be this hard. Leonardo and Donatello, I need your help to get Raph up on this stretcher and strapped in." Ross said and pressed a button on his wrist band and a stretcher popped out and Donnie and Leo lifted Raph onto the stretcher and Leo held him down as Mikey and Donnie strapped Raph in. "It's for your own good Raphael." Leo said and with that, Ross wheeled Raph through the portal. Leo, Donnie, Renet and Mikey were left standing there watching Raph disappear. Leo looked scared and Donnie picked up on that. Donnie put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "He's going somewhere he'll get treatment Leo, I'm sure Renet's brother will take good care of Raph." Donnie said and Leo sighed and said, "I'm sure you're right Donnie." They kept on their journey and Leo couldn't think straight the whole time. 

(Part 2 out soon)

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