Crypt of Dracula S5E15

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They walked up the stairs with Raph in the back sulking and moaning. Mikey walked back to him and asked, "Dude, you ok ?" "Not...feeling so...good." Raph said when Leo already knew what he was saying, "I know you're not feeling good Raph, but we have to keep going." Donnie walked up to where Leo was walking and asked, "What do you mean you know he's not feeling good ?" "Raph's been fighting the flu for a week now. Then just now when he said he was feeling woozie, I know he's not feeling good. Just look at him. He's slumped over, moaning and..." Leo said and a carriage pulled up with a guy in it. "My friends, do not remain here. This town was consumed by the plague. I recommend going east." The guy said in the carriage. Raph stepped up a bit and said, "That voice." Ronnett stepped in front of him a bit. "Thank you sir, but we're going west to Dracula's castle." Ronnett said smiling. "Do not be foolish child that way lies..death." the guy said and his eyes glowed white for a second. "Yes, yes we should go...eeast." Raph said, sounding groggy. Then the carriage pulled away and Leo, Mikey and Donnie stood there watching it roll away, Raph behind them and Ronnett behind Raph. Raph took a few steps forward and stopped. "Not, Not feeling so..." Raph started to say when and he fell to his hands and knees and threw up. Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Ronnett jumped back. Mikey ran down to Raph and put his hands on his back. "Raphael ?" Ronnett said and got a bit closer. "He's sick." Ronnett said and Raph rolled his eyes back at her and said, "Ughhh, ya think." The scepter started glowing and Ronnett looked back at it and said, "Weird, the scepter can't diagnose it." "Well, is there someone here who can ?" Leo asked. "Hmmm, the scepter says there's someone nearby. Someone who emanates kindness and compassion. Maybe they can help." Ronnett said and Leo helped Raph walk to where Ronnett was walking with Mikey and Donnie. They reached a carriage that was hooked up to four brown horses. There were two people cooking in a pot over a fire. One was an older man peeling a potato with a knife and the other was a younger lady stirring the pot with a soup spoon. "Excuse me ? Hello there !" Ronnett said as they approached the two people. "What..What monsters are these ?!" The man yelled out and held up the blade with the girl next to him. "Great disguises Ronnett, we blend right in." Leo said sarcastically and crossed his arms. "Please kind sir, put away your blade. These are..friendly goblins..from the far realms. They are my guardians." Ronnett said and Leo sat Raph down on the ground behind Ronnett, Mikey and Donnie. Mikey walked over and helped Leo set Raph down comfortably. The girl started walking towards the turtles and Ronnett and the guy said, "Esmeralda !" The girl, Esmeralda, walked over and Ronnett and Donnie moved out of her way to Raph, Leo and Mikey and she got down on the ground in front of Raph and put her hand on his forehead under his hat. "Poor turtle creature. Father, this one is not well." Esmeralda said looking at the man. "We must take care of ourselves first Esmeralda." The guy said. Then Ronnett held up her pouch and took gold coins out and handed them to the man. "Will this help you kind sir ?" there were at least four or five gold coins. "So much gold ! I thank you, stranger. My name is Volgo, and this is my daughter Esmeralda. We, looking for work." The man said. "I am Ronnett, and these are the ninja tur...goblins ! They're goblins." Ronnett said and laughed and Volgo laughed too and slapped Ronnett on the back and said, "Come my new friends, we must hurry if we are to make it to our village before nightfall." Volgo said and they got in the back of the carriage. Mikey rode up front with Volgo. Mikey looked over at Volgo and saw he had a bunch of necklaces each with different shapes. "This one keeps vampires and werewolves away from me." Volgo said. "You got one of those for me ?" Mikey asked. "No." Volgo said. In the carriage, Raph was laying down asleep, and Leo and Ronnett were on his right and Esmeralda and Donnie on his left. "His paleness, his eyes, the marks on his neck ! He has been bitten by the evil one !" Esmeralda said. Volgo stopped the carriage. "What ?! He turns into a vampire ! And the sun is soon to set !" Volgo said and Leo asked, "Is there anything we can do Volgo ?" "First and foremost, he must not bite anyone ! Or he will become a full vampire." "Oh no !" Mikey said. They kept going to Dracula's castle. When they got there, Ronnett, Donnie, Mikey and Volgo went in. Leo and Esmeralda stayed in the carriage with Raph still asleep. It wasn't long till Raph opened his eyes. Leo was sitting next to Esmeralda on Raph's right. "Raph !" Leo said and sat up and went over to him. "Ugh, my skull is aching." Raph said, still laying down. "Be careful Leonardo, he might be under the evil one's control." Esmeralda said and touched Leo's shoulder. Leo went over to Raph and said, "How do you feel ?" "Like a barf bag full of barf." Raph said and put his hands on his stomach. "Here, let me help you sit up." Leo said and helped Raph sit up. Leo had to pull Raph up because he was pretty weak. "Thanks Leo." Raph said and got nauseous. "Who's the girl ?" Raph asked and sat up against the wall of the carriage with his hand still on his stomach. "This is Esmeralda, she and her father are helping us. She helped you." Leo said and looked at Esmeralda and back at Raph. "How exactly did she help me ?" Raph asked, getting more nauseous by the second. "She gave you medicine to help with the nausea and flu." Leo said and Raph said, "Well, the medicine doesn't work." Raph said and looked at Esmeralda and she put her hand on Raph's forehead and said, "His fever is not going down. In fact it's going up." she went over to the door of the carriage and opened the door. "You should get out and stretch Raphael." Esmeralda said and Leo helped Raph get out and stand up and he stood up on his own and walked three steps and stopped. He dropped to the ground and threw up. "Raph !" Leo said and went to him. "I thought you said the medicine would help Esmeralda ?!" Leo asked. "It was supposed to. Unless he's immune to this type of medicine. I have never seen a goblin before." Esmeralda said and Raph gagged. "What is happening ?" Leo asked and Raph grabbed Leo's shell and said, "MS knows." Raph let go and gagged once more and Leo went into the carriage and took out his T-Phone and called MS. "Wow, four bars in the 1800's." Leo said and MS answered the phone. "Leonardo, where are you ?!" MS yelled. "Long story MS, Raph threw up and said you know why. What's going on with him ?" Leo asked and MS was silent for a moment. "MS ?!" Leo asked again. "Raph is sick, he has three different types of illnesses. I told him it was the flu because I didn't want him to be scared. I did not want to tell you because I did not want you to know. They are not contagious to you three, but ARE serious for Raphael." MS explained. "Then why did you let him leave the lair ?" Leo asked. "Because I did not want to separate you four and single Raphael out." MS said. Leo and MS talked for a while and MS told Leo the three illnesses Raph has. "One is , the next is and the last is . Leonardo, just remember how to solve rational functions." MS described each one to Leo and Leo went back out to Raph and Esmeralda. "He's sick and a vampire ! What are we going to do ?" Leo asked and Raph was still on the ground. "I'm a vampire ?!" Raph asked and stood up with Leo's arm. "Yes you were bitten by the evil one himself." Esmeralda said and Leo was thinking for a while and Raph tried not to get sick. "They cancel each other out." Leo mumbled. "What does ?" Esmeralda asked and Raph asked, "What ?" "MS ! He said, just remember how to solve Rational Functions ! Rational Functions ! They cancel each other out ! You're not a vampire and you're not sick ! Well maybe a bit but not as much as you could be." Leo yelled out. "What do you mean Leonardo ?" Esmeralda asked and Leo said, "When solving Rational Functions, you have to keep the first fraction, change the sign and find the reciprocal. Then you might have something that cancels each other out." Leo said and Raph said, "I think I get it. But then why am I throwing up still ?" Raph asked and burped. "Because your body isn't adjusted to it yet. You're fine Raphael." Leo said excitedly. "Great Einstein, I'm glad you figured it out, but I'm still...still...s..." Raph said and got dizzy and fell and got nauseous again. "Raph ?" Leo asked and got down in front of him. Raph pushed Leo back and spit to the right. Leo stood up and talked with Esmeralda for a bit. Then a few hours later, Donnie, Mikey, Ronnett and Volgo came out with the backup charger and they had defeated Savanti Romero and Dracula. "Nice work guys !" Leo said. "Raph !" Mikey and Donnie said and ran to where Leo was talking with Esmeralda in front of Raph and Leo pushed them back. "Just give him a minute." Leo said and Raph still sat there in the same position and Leo explained what happened to Donnie, Mikey, Ronnett and Volgo. Volgo didn't really understand but Donnie did. "So is he ok now ?" Donnie asked and Leo said, "Kinda, but he's still nauseous. So I'd just give him some space." Esmeralda and Volgo left in their carriage and the rest of them had to wait till Raph felt better. It was almost night when Raph stood up on his own. "You need help ?" Leo asked and Raph shook his head no and took off his trenchcoat and gave it to Leo. Donnie, Leo and Mikey exchanged looks and Raph said, "I'm...gonna..." Mikey, Donnie and Leo were prepared for Raph to throw up but he didn't. He sneezed. "You good now bro ?" Mikey asked and Raph gagged and Leo said, "Not quite." Then Raph turned around and threw up three times separated by a minute each. After he hadn't gotten sick for a while, Leo, Donnie and Mikey went over to Raph and Donnie and Leo helped Raph up and Ronnett opened a portal to the lair and they went home.

(Another chapter out later)

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