Within the Woods S3E1 (Second Story)

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"I give that a big fat sloppy wet.....BOOYAKASHA !!!" Mikey yelled and after they let Mikey celebrate, Donnie started cleaning up and April helped him. Casey stood where he was and Leo sat down on the haystack and Raph soon followed. Mikey babbled about how Leo was taking the Creep on his own, almost defeated him, and got away to save everyone else. "...it was so cool bro !" Mikey exclaimed and Leo noticed Raph wasn't totally present in the current conversation. "You ok Raph ?" Leo asked mid Mikey's story. Leo could tell something was up. Mikey looked at Leo questionly. "He's fine. Why wouldn't he be. Donnie just fixed him." Mikey said happily and Leo's comment caught Donnie's attention. Donnie walked over from behind Raph and touched his shell and Raph turned his head to look at Donnie and Donnie could see why Leo was worried. Raph looked drained. Pale. Tired. Weak. "Leo's right Mikey. You feel ok Raph ?" Donnie asked and Raph didn't say anything. "Raph ?" Donnie asked and sat next to Raph wrapping his left arm around his older brother's shoulders. "I'm fine Donnie." Raph said and pushed Donnie off and went to stand up but wobbled a bit and Casey caught him. "Woah there dude. You should probably sit down, take a breather." Casey said and Raph shook his head no and walked to the barn doors only to be stopped by April who stepped into his path. "Raph, what are you doing ?" April asked in a soothing voice so she didn't tick him off. Raph tried to move out of the way but April put her hand to his chest and he stopped. He closed his eyes, looking down, and sighed really loud, as if he'd been holding something in and he was trying to make it go away. "April, please move." Raph said and looked up at her and she could tell something was wrong with him. "I think you should let Donnie look at you Raph." April said and Raph stepped away from April and weakly walked out the barn doors and to the farmhouse. The five teens sighed in defeat after Raph left and hey heard the farmhouse door shut in the distance. Donnie helped Leo up and he was too tired, from just waking up the previous day and throwing up this afternoon and having to fight in a battle to save his brothers and friends, to walk to the farmhouse on his own with his crutch. So after Donnie helped Leo up and out, April and Casey helped Mikey lock up the barn. Leo and Donnie walked in the farmhouse and Raph wasn't in the living room. "Where is he ?" Leo asked looking at the shocked expression on Donnie's face. Donnie shrugged and helped Leo up to one of the bedrooms for him to sleep in. Last night, the night he woke up, he slept on the couch with Raph protectively watching over him and Mikey and Donnie also watching over him by sleeping in the living room. Donnie guided Leo to one of the bedrooms upstairs, which Leo noticed there were three others just like the one he was about to walk into with Donnie. Donnie opened the door and Leo took in his surrounding immediately.
There were two twin sized beds. Next to either bed was a small table with a lamp on each. In between the beds was a white shag foot mat.
On the bed on the right, closest to the door, laid a tired and passed out Raphael. Leo and Donnie smiled at their safely sound sleeping brother and Donnie let Leo down on the other bed. "The rest of us said you should get your own room and have Casey and Raph share, but Raph disagreed and said he'd only let you sleep in a room with him." Donnie whispered to Leo as they sat on his bed and watched Raph's shell rise and fall with sleeping breaths. "He didn't look very good back in the barn Donnie." Leo said after a bit of non awkward silence. "I know. But you both need rest. For now, try and get some sleep. I'll check Raph in the morning Leo, try not to worry about him too much." Donnie said and with that he left the bedroom and went to his shared room with Mikey knowing it was late and he was tired and Mikey was already in there. Donnie opened his door and hear his name being called. He looked over to see April and Casey at the doors to their rooms with their doors open in their pajamas. "Night Donnie !" April said from her room and went in. "Night Don." Casey said and went in his room as well. Once their doors were shut, Donnie went into his and Mikey's room and shut the door. He looked in his shared room, that looked just like Leo's and Raph's, and saw Mikey on the furthest bed fast asleep above the covers. Donnie went over and tucked Mikey into the blanket and went to his own bed and got under the covers.
3am the same night
Donnie was still tossing and turning. He didn't know why but he felt like he should check on his family. He got out of bed, thanking god Mikey was a heavy sleeper, and went to the room closest to his (their room is the last one. So the closest is the one on the left.) and it was Casey's. He quietly opened Casey's door and Casey was snoring like a dump truck, like he would usually hear through his wall at the lair since his room was next to Raph's. Content with Casey's safety, Donnie went to the next room. He opened the door as quiet as could be and saw Leo asleep still in bed where Donnie had helped him get in before he went to bed himself. He looked over at Raph's bed and he wasn't there. Donnie got really nervous for some odd reason. He went to the hallway and he noticed the light was on downstairs. He walked downstairs and he saw Raph, half awake half asleep, in the fridge eating a slice of pizza from the previous week or so. "Hey Raph." Donnie said and, apparently, spooked the ninja and Raph jumped and almost choked on his pizza. "Sorry." Donnie said and Raph sighed and closed the door. "It's fine. What are you doing up ?" Raph asked, Donnie, as he got studied by his direct younger brother as he ate his pizza. "I couldn't sleep." Donnie said still watching Raph to see if he was acting normal. "Me either." Raph said staring at his pizza in his hand. Donnie smiled at his sleepy older brother and his lack of remembrance. "Raph, you were already asleep." Donnie said and Raph looked down. "Oh, right. Anyway why are you up ?" Raph asked and Donnie got confused. "I just answered that Raph. Remember ?" Donnie asked and looked at his directly older brother in a concerned/scared way. "Yeah yeah, *groan* whatever." Raph said and Donnie's confusion turned into 100% concern. "You alright Raph ?" Donnie asked and moved closer to his brother to see his face was pale as he shoved the pizza into his mouth. "Fine." Raph said/moaned, his eyes looking glazed over and his face still pale. Donnie put his hand up to feel Raph's forehead and Raph swatted his hand away, slowly, but missed, which surprised Donnie all the more. "Raph, are you feeling ok ? You're really pale and you're vision is doubled, I think, and you're wobbling on your feet." Donnie observed and said out loud. Raph's stomach made a gurgling/bubbling sound and Raph groaned twice as loud as his last groan. "I'm going to bed." Raph said and pushed past his younger worried brother and walked slowly upstairs. Donnie watched as Raph slowly hobbled upstairs to make sure that he was ok and that he didn't fall. Once Raph knew he was out of sight of Donnie, he leaned against the wall and wrapped his arms around his stomach and moaned. He slowly sunk down against the wall until he was hunched over in a sort of squat position with his head leaned against the wall with his eyes tightly shut. Donnie watched Raph walk upstairs and once Donnie was sure Raph was in his and Leo's room, he made himself a pot of tea and went back upstairs to his and Mikey's room. While Raph was wrapped up in his own world, of trying not to spew chunks everywhere, he didn't notice the weird feeling of being watched and he felt two hands touch his shoulders. "Raph ?" Raph heard his name being said from the lips of his baby brother, and opened his eyes. "Raph are you ok ? What's wrong ?" Mikey asked and he moved one hand to Raph's arms that were wrapped around his stomach. "Nothing Mikey. I'm *gag* fine." Raph said and weakly wiggles to try to get out of Mikey's soft but firm grip. Mikey gets closer to Raph because he can hear him saying something. "What's wrong Raphie, please talk to me. Please." Mikey asks and Raph takes a deep breath. "Raphie. Talk to me or I'll have to find Donnie. Are you gonna throw up ?" Mikey asked his older brother and Raph's legs went weak and he almost fell if Mikey didn't catch him. "Donnie !!" Mikey yells and Raph's face gets 10x paler than it already was. "Raphie hold on." Mikey says and helped Raph sit down on the ground and Mikey's yell woke up April, Casey and Leo too. Their doors swung open and Leo hobbles out on his crutch and falls next to Raph. Mikey in front of Raph, Donnie runs up the stairs and gets on Raph's right side since Leo was in his left and Mikey's in front. April and Casey stand back a bit to let Raph have his space, because the two human friends could see Raph's face and knew it was safer to stay where they were. Suddenly Mikey started explaining to Donnie and Leo what happened and April got a psychic feeling from Raph. "Guys, I suggest you back up." April said and nobody had time to react until Raph pushed Mikey back as, not a lot but enough to be concerned, bright green liquid (bile) leaked out of his mouth at a slow but frequent rate. "Raph," Donnie said in a quiet sincere tone. When Raph's bright green liquid (bile) stopped coming out of his mouth, Donnie started barking orders. "Mikey, go to the bathroom and get a cloth and wet it with cool water. April go downstairs and get a mug of tea that I just made, Casey go into one of the rooms and in the closet get a bucket. I have to go get something from the barn. Leo I need you to wipe Raph's mouth off with the cloth Mikey gives you and..." before Donnie could finish giving medical orders to Leo, Raph actually throw up this time. "The pizza." Donnie said and patted Raph's back to help him get it out all at once. Raph threw up three heavy times until he stopped and leaned his head back against the wall. "Leo I need you take the cloth Mikey gives you and wipe Raph's mouth and torso and legs with it, and make sure it's cold. Give Raph the bucket Casey brings back in case he throws up again. Tell April to hold on to the mug, right now Raph's throwing up anything that gets into his stomach. The tea won't do him any good." Donnie said quickly and ran to the barn to get something he needed, leaving Leo with a sickly Raph. "It's ok Raph, it's ok, let it out, it's ok." Leo said and rubbed circles on Raph's shell and would pat his upper back if he started gagging or moaning but he didn't actually throw up or spit bile while alone with Leo. A little after Donnie left, Mikey came running back with the wet cloth Donnie requested. "Thanks Mikey." Leo said as he started wiping Raph's legs where he splashed throw up on himself. Then he wiped Raph's arms where he was trying to hold his stomach, probably in pain. Then he wiped Raph's chest which Mikey had to help with. "Hold still Raph, Mikey hold his arms please. Gently !"  Leo said and Mikey helped Leo by holding Raph's arms out a bit so Leo could wipe the bright green bile that was still on his plastron off. Then Leo went to Raph's mouth. Leo turned back, to Mikey to thank him, as Raph heaved with a pained face. The same bright green bile, all that was in his stomach now, splashed out of his mouth and down the front of his plastron, and pooled on the floor. "Oh no. Casey !" Leo yelled and Casey ran back into the hallway with the bucket, which it was too late for because Raph was already throwing up again. "Man, this is bad." Leo said as April came back up with the mug of tea for Raph."It's ok, ok Raph, let it all out, we don't want you holding it in." Leo said and Raph spewed more bright green bile out of his mouth. "Where's Donnie ?" Leo asked slightly out loud/to himself as he recleaned Raph's torso and arms. Then he looked at Raph's pained scrunched up face, covered in bright green bile. Leo asked Mikey to rinse off the cloth and he did and came back with it looking clean and Leo wiped Raph's mouth and he was clean once again. Then Casey and Mikey cleaned Raph's throw up and Leo leaned Raph against him so he could kinda rest, April was sitting across from them on the other wall till Donnie came back. Mikey and Casey were asleep against the wall on either side of April so she was kinda trapped, but she was asleep so she didn't care, and Raph was asleep leaning on Leo. Leo was awake watching his family sleep. Donnie quietly walked over the three sets of legs to get to Raph and Leo. Donnie slightly touched Raph's forehead and took out a jar like the one Leo had before and patted Raph's cheeks enough to bring him to consciousness and poured some into a spoon. "What is that stuff Donnie ?" Leo asked scared because of the last run in he had with this liquid, it made him throw up, and created the Creep. "It's your leftover Elexile but I've modified it for you and Raph to have it safely. I wouldn't give it to him if it wouldn't help." Donnie explained. He patted Raph's cheeks again and put the spoon in his mouth. Raph swallowed it and automatically moaned because something was entering his just emptied stomach. Donnie took the cup of tea April had brought up earlier and took it downstairs to get a fresh cup. Once Donnie was downstairs, Raph started stirring on Leo's shoulder. So Leo maneuvered Raph to get him basically in his lap and Raph cuddled up to Leo and placed his head on his older brother's plastron. Leo put his arms around his little brother and accidentally bumped his bad knee and winced in pain. Thankfully Raph didn't notice or he would have gotten up and started being stubborn as he usually was. April woke up at the slight gasp Leo let out when he winced and said, "You ok Leo ?" "I'm fine April, thanks." Leo said and wrapped his arms around Raph in a protective way. "Ok, just making sure." April said and looked at Raph sleeping soundly in Leo's lap. "He must really not be feeling good." April said and Leo looked confused. "What makes you say that ?" Leo asked and April said, "He's up in your lap in the middle of the hallway sleeping cuddling up against your plastron." April explained and Leo smiled and looked at his little brother in his lap. "If you ever bring this up, he'll deny it and you know it. When Raph's sick, he becomes the biggest cuddle baby in the world. When he was sick at the lair I would stay with him in his room. He would wake up in the middle of the night coughing or his throat hurting and I would talk to him. He would make me get in bed with him so he could cuddle up to my plastron because..." Leo was cut off by Donnie, saying, as he came up with two mugs of steaming tea,
"... he wanted to hear the beating of Leo's strong heart." Donnie handed Leo a mug and Leo smiled at the tea but asked him, "How did you know I wanted tea ?" "I knew you would want tea after being up this late and dealing with Raph's bile and moaning. I know you're not feeling well after earlier today, either." Donnie said and April looked confused. "What happened earlier today ?" She asked and Leo looked shy for a moment. "I gave Leo the Elexile before he left and he took some while he was out with Raph too. All that medicine in his empty stomach made him throw up while out. That's why they came back early. The Elexile reacted badly to Leo's immune system and caused his body to reject it so he threw up everything that was in his stomach right then and there." Donnie explained and he sat down next to Leo and Raph. "Wow." Is all April could say. Leo nodded his head and thought back to earlier. The taste of throw up coming back to his mouth and his throat started to burn and he felt nauseous, just like before. Donnie handed Leo the tea and he downed the whole cup, trying to keep down whatever was trying to come up. "Woah Leo, slow down." April said and Donnie looked at Leo worrily. "You ok Leo ?" Donnie asked and Leo took deep heavy breaths. Leo sat up and slightly broke Raph's consciousness enough for Donnie to grab him out of Leo's lap. Leo bent his leg and felt his throat burn intensely and could also feel the pain of his knee which took all his concentration to not yell out in pain. As he let his concentration go into his leg instead of not throwing up or spitting up bile, immediately, Leo sprung up from his sitting position and ran to the bathroom forgetting completely about the pain and focusing on not throwing up in front of his family. "It must be spreading. Then it can't be just a Raph side effect. It must be a bug of some kind." Donnie thought aloud. Donnie sprung up after leaning Raph against the wall so he wouldn't fall. Donnie got into the bathroom and Leo had his hands on either side of the sink, his arms straight his head over the sink and bright green bile spewing from his lips and his pale face. "Leo." Donnie said in the same concerned tone as before. Donnie walked over to Leo and rubbed circles on his shell as he spewed bright green bile for forty-five minutes straight. "Ok, you good bro ?" Donnie asked as Leo took his right hand off the counter and went to walk but fell back and Donnie ran over to his other side and caught him. "Woah there. Come on let's get you cleaned up." Donnie said as he sat Leo on the ground and sat in front of him and called April in. "April, can you get a washcloth and wet it with cold water please." Donnie asked and she did and came back and gave it to Donnie and Donnie tried to hold Leo still and clean him off but Leo didn't want help but he was too weak to fully put up a fight so Donnie was having trouble keeping him still, so he asked April to help. When they finally got Leo clean, he sat up against the wall and Donnie and April started talking. "I put Mikey and Casey to bed, then I forced Raph into his bed, they all looked tired." April said and Donnie nodded. "I'm pretty tired too. *yawn* after this we'll head to bed too. It's late April, it's 5am ! Oh gosh. You can go now if you..." Donnie was about to say April could go to bed, but they heard a blood curdling scream from Leo. They turned around and Leo was holding his knee. Donnie and April got down next to him. "What's wrong ?" April asked and Donnie said, "He sprung up too quickly and didn't use his knee cautiously and he's just now feeling it." Donnie said. "Can you go get the pain meds from my room April." Donnie asked and she did and came back and handed Donnie Leo's mug that she filled with tap water and two white pills for Leo. Donnie held out the two pills to Leo and he refused them. Leo kept moving his head from one way to the other as Donnie tried to put them close to his mouth. "Leonardo, take the pills, your leg won't hurt as much and I have to give you the Elexile and I can't give you the Elexile if your leg doesn't stop hurting." Donnie explained and Leo still wouldn't take it. "April, I'm going to hold his mouth open, you put the pills in." Donnie said sadly looking at April. "Ok Donnie." April said and Donnie held Leo's good shoulder down and used his other hand to open Leo's mouth. When he had Leo's mouth open, April put the two pills in Leo's mouth and she poured the water in his mouth to help get the pills down. Once they were done, Donnie got to thinking. "If Leo and Raph have this, let's call it a, virus then we should keep them in their room till they're better so that you, Casey and Mikey don't catch it." Donnie said and April shook her head no. "No Donnie, we're all family here. We take care of each other no matter what." April said and touched Leo's hand and Donnie's. "Thanks...April." Leo managed to say once his knee started to hurt and throb less, and his throat calmed down. "Alright, since you drank the tea it's most likely gonna come back up." Donnie said and Leo's stomach made a gurgling sound and he clutched his stomach with his arms. "I'm just preparing you for what's to come bro." Donnie said and Leo got closer to the toilet, just in case. Leo's stomach made a gurgling noise again and it sounded like it was making its way up Leo's intestine, up his throat, and up in his mouth. A brown liquid throw up came out Leo's mouth and into the toilet bowl. Leo threw up five heavy times and Donnie would soothe him by saying things like, "Ok, it's ok, let it all out now, you'll feel somewhat ok soon." When Leo was finished, and Donnie was satisfied he was finished, Donnie and April cleaned him up once more and put him in his bed across from a sleeping Raph. Finally Donnie went to his room and April went to hers and everyone in the house was asleep at the late hour......of 6am.

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