Within the Woods S3E1 (First Story)

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"Raaaaaaaaaaph !" Mikey yells as he, Casey, April and Donnie stand a few feet in front of injured Leo, spread out looking for Raphael. "He's been gone for hours. Raph !" Mikey yells again. "Raph ! Can you hear us ?!?" Casey yelled. April elbowed him and she says, "Don't you think he'd have answered by now ?!" April snapped/told Casey. "Alright, we split up..." as Leo said that, they heard moaning and grumbling from the woods. "Wait dudes. Do you hear that ?" Mikey asked and everyone heard it this time, if not all of them heard it last time, they all heard it. "That sounds like Raph !" Leo said hopeful and he hobbled towards the woods. As he started to go, Donnie stopped him. "Is that such a good idea ?" Donnie asked and Leo pushed Donnie off and said, "I may be injured, but if my little brother is in there, I'm going to help him. Even if I have to fight like this." Leo said and Donnie let Leo go first and he followed him, along with April, Casey and Mikey. They were walking for a little bit when they reached what looked like a shack in the middle of the woods area. "What the heck is that ?" Casey asked. "Only one way to find out." Leo said and he walked over to the shack and everyone eventually followed him. He pushed open the creaky door and they looked around. They saw a tiny table built into a wall with Leo's medicine on top surrounded in candles. The rest looked like it was a storage shed at some time. Leo stepped in with his bad leg on accident and winced and the noise he made echoed in the small room. After seeing Leo wince in pain, Donnie put his hand on Leo's shoulder. "You ok there Leo ?" Donnie asked and they heard someone say, "Fearless isn't ok. Whether he admits it...or not." Leo knew right away that was Raph's smug comment. Then he pointed the flashlight straight ahead and saw Raph sitting up against the back of the shed panting in uneven breaths. "Raph !" They all say and run over to him, Leo kinda hobbles, and they get down on the ground next to him. "Raph what happened ?!" Leo asked as Donnie checked him over for injuries. "No injuries." Donnie said to Leo. "I was...out...logs...firewood...thing...attack...me." Raph said at each panting breath. "Raph, Raph slow down, we can't understand you." Leo said and placed a hand on his direct younger brother's arm and he noticed Raph winced when he did. Leo looked down at his brother's arm and got concerned. "Um, Donnie, is his arm supposed to be this color ?" Leo asked as Donnie looked over to Raph's arm Leo was referring to and it indeed wasn't as green as it usually was. Donnie scooted closer to Leo to get a better look at Raph's arm. As soon as Donnie touched Raph's arm, Raph groaned and Donnie removed his hands. "I don't know what's happening to his arm, but what I want to know is how it ended up like this." Donnie said as Mikey tapped his shoulder. "What Mikey ?!" Donnie asked kind of annoyed and Mikey just looked scared looking at the door behind them. "Maybe you can ask him." Mikey said and they all turned around and saw a huge green monster standing there. "What the heck is that ?" Leo asked. "I'm not sure." Donnie said and Raph went into some kind of ball trying to hide from the thing. "That's the thing...that...sucked... my...mutagen." Raph said almost shivering with fear. "It's ok Raph, we won't let him near you !!" Leo said steaming with anger towards the monster. "That...thing sucked the mutagen out of Raph's body, draining some of his arms color hence the mutagen." Donnie said and looked at Raph's arm then the monster. "That thing's going down !! GOONGALA !!" Casey yelled as he charged at the monster with Donnie, Mikey and April. Leo stayed with Raph to calm him down and because he couldn't fight.

The rest of the episode goes like normal until the end where they chain The Creep to the tree .......then..............

That's what you get for messing with my mask freak !" Casey said and took his hockey mask back. "Now to help Raph." Donnie said and he, Casey and Mikey got the Creep back to the makeshift lab using the chains while Leo and April calmed Raph down and got him to the farmhouse. Raph sat on the couch and yawned but didn't loosen up at all. He was still tense, highly alert, jumpy and clutching his arm close to his plastron. April went upstairs and got a blanket off one of the beds and brought it back down to Raph and covered him in it. Raph's eyes closed and Leo put his hand on Raph's shoulder. Raph jumped and looked up at Leo from his ball form and warm blanket and sighed and went back to his ball and closed his eyes again almost asleep when he heard Leo start talking to him. "April said she went to check on the guys and make sure they're ok." Leo said. "Get some rest Raph, Donnie said you could use it since the Creep sucked out some of your mutagen from your arm. He said it's kinda like blood, after some rest and recuperation you'll be ok." Leo looked down at Raph and he was asleep in his ball with the blanket around his waist. Leo hobbled over from behind the couch to in front of his brother and pulled the blanket over Raph's shoulders causing him to jump again and Leo soothes him back into sleep by rubbing his arm and humming like he used to do when Raph was little and had nightmares. Once Leo was sure Raph was asleep, he stopped humming and rubbing his arm and hobbled away into the kitchen to get a drink. Tonight's events left him dehydrated and extremely thirsty. After only a minute or two Leo heard a scream and hobbled into the living room and Raph was awake panting and sweating and alert as ever. "Raph," Leo said like he was talking to a small child. Raph jumped higher than he had all night and Leo walked over and stood in front of him. "It's ok. You're safe. It was just a dream. Do you want anything ?" Leo asked and Raph shook his head yes really quickly like his life depended on it. "What is it ?" Leo asked and Raph took a deep breath and said, "Will you sit with me ?" Leo was shocked at the sound of his brother's voice. His voice quivered with every word, and he stopped shaking, but as soon as Leo realize how much Raph needed a brother by him Raph was already back to shaking uncontrollably. Leo sighed in defeat and used his crutch to sit on the other side of the couch and Raph got up and moved to Leo's side and cuddled up to him laying his head on Leo's plastron and his hands around Leo's middle in a small hug and drifted off. Leo didn't have time to process what was going on since Raph didn't want to make this any more embarrassing than it already was. One thing Leo did notice right away was that when Raph's head touched Leo's plastron, he stopped shaking. Leo returned his little brother's small hug with a protective big brother embrace. With his little brother in his arms, Leo felt better and knew that Raph was safe now. "I've got you." Was all Leo said and as soon as he did, he saw Raph's breathing even out and knew he was asleep once more. Leo slowly moved a bit to get the blanket Raph was using before and he quietly and smoothly pulled it over Raph and only then did Leo fall asleep too.

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