The Pulverizer S1E16

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( This chapter is for my loyal fan Evanora_TORTUFAN. Hope everyone enjoys it! )

Raph has both of the fish's legs up on the wall with his sias so he can't move.

"Whatcha got besides legs ?"

The red turtle asked, seeming confident he had FishFace trapped.

Suddenly the fish sits up and opens its jaw wide and bites Raphael on the shoulder.

Letting go of his sias, Raph clutches his shoulder and watches Fishface run away.

Almost immediately, the bitten turtle collapses to the ground unconscious.

Mikey runs to his fallen brother's side.

Leo looks around to see that Dexter and Fishface had disappeared and ran to his brothers.

"Raph! Raph! Are you ok ?"

Mikey asked and shook his older brother to wake him.

It seemed to work as the second oldest started to try and sit up.

The leader helped Raph into a sitting position but he suddenly gasped in pain and fell forward into Leo's arms.

Groaning in pain, Raph can't talk as he's flipped over onto his shell and his brothers examine his shoulder.

"There's three marks that broke skin, Mikey give me your extra padding from your belt."

Leo said and Mikey didn't hesitate and handed Leo his extra knee pad wrapping.

Placing the padding onto the wounds to stop the bleeding, Leo tried not to panic.

"Get my T-Phone, call Donnie, now!"

Leo instructed the youngest and was happy to not get into an argument as the orange turtle did as he was told.

The phone rang only twice before Donnie picked up.



That's impossible, if he was bitten by a fish then it was most likely venom. Not poison.

Oh, how interesting. WHAT DO WE DO

Donnie, I've got padding on the wounds that broke skin to stop the bleeding. But I don't know what else to do. I don't think Mikey and I can get him home like this.

Ok ok. Make sure he's awake, I'm on my way.

With that, Donnie hung up and left the two panicking turtles with a poisoned Raphael.

"Raphie, wake up."

Mikey said and gently shook Raph with a hand rubbing his plastron.

"Mmmhhmmm, m' wake...fine."

Raph said and Leo rolled his eyes as he held his little brother tighter and put more pressure on his wound.

"You're not fine, Donnie's on his way. You have to stay awake till he gets here. Can you do that for me ?"

Leo asked and Raph put on a weak smirk and looked up at his older brother.

"I love you guys."

Raph said and both the other turtles' eyes widened to dinner plates.

"We love you too, Raphie."

Mikey said and was suddenly shoved out of the way when the poisoned turtle threw up beside himself and groaned, falling back into his older brother's arms.

"Shell, that's not good. Donnie better get here soon."

Leo said and looked at Mikey, then back at their ill brother.

"Leo, is it hot in here ? I feel like my shell is gonna melt off through my butt."

Raph said and it made the orange turtle chuckle, but the look he got from their oldest brother made him stop rather quickly.

"It's not that warm in here, Raph. Just hang in there. Mikey, take off one of my knee pads and dunk it in that puddle that leaking pipe made over there."

The leader said and Mikey did what he was asked and took off the pad from Leo's right knee and ran halfway across the room to the puddle his brother described.

Returning with the soaked knee pad, Mikey went to hand it to Leo but got a head shake in response.

"Place it on his head, it'll help with the fever. Hopefully keep him cool enough till Donnie gets here. Gosh, I feel so useless right now. I wish there was something more I could be doing to help you Raph."

Leo said and Raph groaned and turned a bit so he could be facing his oldest brother and placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"You're doing great, bro. I would have noooo idea what to do if this were you. I mean, you would never let yourself get into this position in the first place so it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm the idiot that just jumped into the fight without thinking about if that stupid sushi would bite me or something. But that's what makes you a great leader. You think about the stuff that matters. But that also makes you a real dud sometimes."

The red turtle said and Leo chuckled but also looked like he might cry.

The last time Raphael said anything like that to any of his brothers, he was a small child.

Mikey was already practically in tears next to them.

Raph heard Mikey sniffle and turned to him.

"You're great too, bro. Just in your own ways. There's nobody quite like you, Mikey."

If Mikey wasn't crying before, he definitely was now.

He hugged his injured brother so tight that he thought he might suffocate him.

"Ok Mikey, don't kill him before Donnie can come save his shell."

Leo said and he and Mikey kept Raph awake for the next twenty minutes it took Donnie to get there.

The Shellraiser came smashing through the wall and into the room with a bang.

Doors flying open, Donnie and the Pulverizer came running out of the vehicle.

"How is he ?"

Donnie asked and ran to his brothers' side and took the pad off Raph's head and shoulder.

"The bleeding isn't as bad now, but he's thrown up a few times now."

Leo explained as Donnie administered two shots of a weird liquid and Raph gasped and sat up.

"Geez, that's cold."

Raph said and everyone exhaled, knowing Raph was gonna be ok now.

"You're welcome for saving your life by the way."

The genius said and helped his brother stand with Leo's assistance.

"Come on, you two can yell at each other in the Shellraiser on the way back to the lair."

Leo said and led them to the vehicle and drove everyone home...after dropping The Pulverizer off at the nearest bus station.

Once they were back at home, Raph was situated in his room by Donnie and Leo.

Before the genius could leave, Raph stopped him.

"Thanks for saving my dumb shell, Don."

Raph said and Donnie smiled and pat his brother on the shoulder and left the room, closing the door behind himself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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