Cosmic Ocean S4E9

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With Hydrola wrapped up in Lord Dregg hand minion about to be shot in the face by a missile from Lord Dregg chest, Leo was the only one to see this and he fought through the bugs and used one of Dregg bugs he shot himself into the air and in between Dregg and Hydrola and the missile hit Leo's shell and he went down so fast he rolled and landed a few feet from the ledge Hydrola sits on and fell unconscious.

"Leo !!"

Donnie runs over to his hit and fallen brother as Hydrola screeches really loud everyone covers their ears and everything freezes as Kathuga comes through and wipes out all the buggy freaks and takes Dregg and saves Mikey from Armagon and Raph runs over to him just as the place becomes bug free.

"Mikey ! You okay bro ?"

Raph asks as he helps Mikey sit up and April goes over to Donnie since she sensed Leo in pain and Casey goes over to Raph and Mikey.

"What happened Donnie ?"

April asked as she watched Donnie freak out saying no over and over again and shaking Leo to wake him up and April put her hand on Leo's forehead and closed her eyes sensing what was wrong.

"I can't focus here. Mikey's down too and Raph's pretty weak, we should get back to the ship Donnie." 

April tried to take charge since her family isn't standing too strong right now. The Professor comes up behind Donnie and looks at Leo then Donnie, Mikey then Raph and he decides it's time to go too.

The ship comes into the front of the Ocean cave and they load up and leave.

Donnie carries Leo as Raph's too weak to help Mikey so Casey helps him instead.

They got Leo and Mikey to medical beds in the infirmary and Donnie checked out Mikey since he wasn't as bad as Leo.

The Professor checked out Leo because Donnie didn't want to screw it up.

"Well Mikey, your very lucky that your pastron protected you from Armagon's teeth or you might not be alive right now. I just need to buff your plastron and shell a bit and you'll be as good as new."

Donnie says and pats Mikey on the head and looks over to Raph who's standing next to Leo looking sad but in physically in pain as well.

"Raph, you need a check up too. You're sore and I'm not sure why."

Donnie says and Raph shakes his head and looks at Donnie with only a bit of anger in his eyes.

April made eye contact with Raph and walked over to him and he looked away.

"You're hurting Raph; I can tell. Just let Donnie look at you."

April says and Raph sighs heavily and winces as Casey walks over and helps Raph to a medical bed next to Mikey.

Once Raph's laying down, Donnie checks him out and after thirty minutes he comes to a conclusion.

"Well Raph, your muscles are pulled a bit so they're going to be sore. The best thing for you right now is rest and aspirin."

Donnie says and Raph sighs and April walks over with Raph's red blanket from his cot in the bedroom area and covers him with it.

Casey looks around and sees she's done the same for Mikey and his orange blanket and Leo and his blue blanket.

Raph doesn't fight sleep as he cuddles into his blanket and falls deeply asleep like Mikey has moments before.

Donnie goes to a chair between Leo and the wall and cuddles into his own blanket that is from the other room and falls asleep.

April and Casey go to the couch across from al the bed in the middle of them and they fall asleep too.

The Professor turns the lights off and walks out.

"Rest now my friends."

Author's note
I will add a Cosmic Ocean (2) meaning continued in the future but for now it stays like this. Writer's block. Sorry my amazing fans 😢

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