Surpent Hunt S3E10 (Part 2)

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Two hours later....
"Do you feel any better Leo ?" April asked after Leo took a two hour nap. April rubbed his chest and he coughed a bit then said, "I didn't sleep. I woke up coughing every ten minutes." Leo stayed laying in April's lap as she rubbed his chest and MS walked back in. "How was your rest Leonardo ?" MS asked and Leo was about to respond when he started choking on his own breath. So, April responded for him. "He didn't sleep well MS." April said and Leo sighed in relief of not having to speak. Leo looked around and noticed no one was there besides him, MS and April. "Where did the guys go ?" Leo asked and MS said, "I sent them to go get Karai back." Leo's eyes went wide and he stood up so fast his head started spinning. "What !?!!!?" Leo yelled. "Why ?!?! Alone ?" Leo asked and April made him sit down again. "Leonardo, they will be fine. You need to take it easy my son." Leo looked at April and realized his head was spinning and his stomach felt weird, but he knew he had to go help his brothers and Casey at any cost. He stood and walked limply over to where his katanas were sitting up against the wall and picked them up. "Leo..." April said and Leo looked at her and MS could see Leo was thinking about his decision when he started walking to the door which was in the general direction of behind MS. "Excuse me MS." Leo said and MS didn't move. He studied Leo's eyes and moved out if the way. "MS ? What are you..." April started when MS cut her off. Leo started walking and MS said, "He won't make it very far, April." A few seconds and Leo was almost out of the pizza joint and he burped three times. April and MS could hear his stomach rumble uncomfortably and watched as Leo gripped his stomach in pain. "No...I need to help them." Leo said in a groan. It didn't take Leo long to belch and throw up in his mouth. April ran to him and put her hands on either side of his shell and he threw up right there. "Ap-I don't feel well." Leo said after throwing up. "I know Leo. I know." April soothed Leo as he leaned against her and laid in her arms. With his eyes closed. "April...thank you." Leo manages to breathe out those words before falling asleep. April smiled at Leo and said, "No problem. I'll always take care of you guys." April and Leo sat there for another half hour till Leo woke up again moaning and stomach groaning and he threw up again. Leo laid back down in April's lap and fell back asleep. Leo rested for an uninterrupted hour until he heard Mikey charting away and two someone's groaning and then he heard a voice he thought he'd never hear again. "Father, where is the first aid kit ?" It was Karai.....

Leo's eyes opened and he saw April was no longer the lap he was resting in. It was now Donnie's lap. "D-Don-Donnie ?" Leo asked and reached up and hugged his brother tight. Leo noticed the bandage on Donnie's leg. "What happened ?" Leo asked also noticing the throw up was cleaned up and the couch was occupied by Raph and Mikey. Casey was on his knees next to April on her knees in front of Raph, and Karai was on her knees in front of Mikey. Each of them wrapping one of his brothers in bandages. "Well, apparently, Tiger Claw got his hands on pistols. No one was seriously hurt thank goodness." Donnie said and he stood up and helped Leo stand
up and Leo walked on his own over to Raph and Mikey. MS was standing in the room next to Karai. Karai saw Leo and stood up, she was done wrapping Mikey, and Leo saw Raph had bandages on his upper right arm and his right thigh. Mikey didn't seem to have any bandages that Leo could see. "What happened ?" Leo asked and Raph winced out of pain and Leo sat in between him and Mikey. "Tiger Claw got pistols somehow." Raph said and looked at Leo and then Karai. "MS said to do whatever we needed to do to get Karai back here." Raph said and Leo looked confused. "Raphael took a bullet for me." Karai said and Leo looked at Raph shocked. "Me too." Mikey said. Leo wasn't as surprised Raph would take a bullet for Mikey as he was surprised he would take a bullet for Karai. "MS said she could help you. Plus I didn't want her to die. It was no big deal." Raph said and Donnie looked at MS and said, "What are going to do now sensei ?" MS looked at Leo as he had another coughing fit and held his stomach and his other hand was in a fist over his mouth like the usual. " need to kiss Leonardo." MS said and everyone was very confused. "MS, she's poisonous." Donnie said and MS put up his hand to all the other comments from everyone. "Karai's venom can get into Leonardo's system to kill the infection in his bloodstream." MS explained, short and sweet. "But..." Donnie started to say something when MS interrupted him. "Donatello my son, it is the only way to get the poison gas out of his system." MS said and Karai took a deep breath before saying something of her own. "My poison liquid can push gas out of the victim and replace it with my liquid." Karia said and Leo thought about it as did Karai. "Fine. But quickly." Leo says and Karai nods her head and drags Leo into the next room for a bit of privacy. Karai smiles and looks at his lips and puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him. Leo's shocked she did it so quickly and both of them are enjoying it. His arms wrap around her waist and hers remain on his cheeks. They're kissing so long that Leo slips his tongue in her mouth and they begin to french kiss. Leo's getting turned on and Karai notices and pulls away with a frown and starts wiping her mouth. "There, my venom is in your system now. I should get you to Splinter so he can do the healing hands before it gets too..." Karai can't finish her sentence because Leo pulls her back into another kiss. "Mmmm~Leo~let~mmmme~mmmmmmm~go." Karai pushes Leo away and he stumbles a bit and falls back and before he hits the ground Karai catches him and slowly goes to the ground with him in her arms and in her lap. "Oh no. FATHER !!!" Karai yells and MS, Donnie and April run in the room. "Miwa, what happened ?" MS asked and knelt next to his fallen son. "I didn't get him to you in time..I'm sorry father." Karai says and looks away and MS puts a hand on Karai's shoulder and she looks at him. "It is ok my daughter. He is going to be fine once I do the healing hands mantra on him." MS says and Donnie gets next to him after limping over with April walking with him. April goes next to Karai and puts a hand on Leo's cheak. "You should do it soon MS. He's getting a fever." April says and MS nods and gets into a meditation position and starts the mantra and his hands glow white and he thoughts Leo with him still being in Karai's arms and heals him. MS finishes and Leo sits up groggily. "Ahh. My head." Leo says and MS smiles and touches his oldest son's head and asks, "How are you feeling Leonardo ?" "Better than I did a while ago MS." Leo says and Karai and MS help him stand up but he can't stand yet so MS helps him to the couch where Mikey and Raph are still and Casey is talking to them. "Leo !!" Mikey and Raph shout happy that their oldest brother is ok. "Ahh my head you guys." Leo says and they apologize and make room on the couch for him to sit. MS sets Leo down and walks away into the other room to talk to Karai. April and Casey watch tv with the turtles on the couch and Donnie plays with his science equipment for a bit.

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