Beyond the Known Universe

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MS is gone, they couldn't believe it.

Leo, Mikey, Raph, Donnie, April and Casey were at their sensei's side, everyone crying for their fallen master and father.

The Black Hole Generator was sucking the Earth up into its gravitational singularity and things were not looking good.

The four turtles held tight to each other and to their human friends.

But not all grips are iron.

Donnie's hands slipped from both Leo and Casey's grips and he flew into the direction of the BHG (Black Hole Generator)

"DONNIE !!!!!!!!!"

Everyone yelled out for Donnie as he looked and felt terrified.

Raph looked at his little brother floating towards destruction and ultimate death and made a split decision.

Raph turned to his two brothers that were on either side of him and hugged them tight.

Leo and Mikey looked confused and watched Raph do the most honorable and selfless thing you could think of.

Raph let go of April and Leo's hands and jumped out towards his brother in danger.

"RAPH NO !!!!!!!!"

Leo and Mikey yelled out and Mikey grabbed hold of Raph's leg as he wasn't far yet.

Donnie was holding onto a tree about to be sucked away.


Raph said and Mikey started sobbing.


Mikey yelled and Leo looked at Mikey and hugged him tight.

"It'll be ok Mikey."

Leo says and pulls Mikey off of Raph and Mikey screams out for Raph and Donnie.

Leo has to hold Mikey back and Leo doesn't want to, to be honest.

What Leo really wants is to have all his little brothers in his arms to protect them.

But he failed by letting Donnie and Raph go out into the BHG's path of destruction.

Raph finally got to the tree Donnie was holding onto just as his hand slipped.

Raph grabbed Donnie's arms and held tight to the tree and Donnie.


Mikey yells and Raph turns around just as debris flies towards them and hits Donnie on the arm and cuts his cheek and hits his head.

"Ah !"

Donnie yells in pain and Raph pulls his little brother close to him and Donnie holds onto his big brother like a life line.

"Hold on bro."

Raph says and jumps down and tumbles and flips until they're almost to their family.

Then a car flies around towards Raph and Donnie.

"LOOK OUT !!!!!!!"

Leo yells and Raph looks up and sees the car, just in time for Raph to see they're close enough to Casey and Mikey so he throws Donnie to them and they grab onto him and hold him tight and Raph gets hit with the car.

"RAPH !!!!"

Leo yells.

Raph is knocked down and tumbled on and he gets back up after shaking his head to see his vision blurry and his head is pounding and his, basically, everything hurts.

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