Clash of the Mutanimals

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(This chapter is for Evanora_TORTUFAN, sorry it's late but here it is! Hope everyone enjoys!)

Once the Mutanimals left the lair, Donnie asked his brothers to the lab to examine them to make sure they didn't have any major injuries from the battle.

"Alright Mikey, you first."

Leo said and before the youngest could hop up on the examination table, Donnie stopped him.

"Wait a minute. You need that arm stitched up first, Leo."

Donnie said and pulled Leo's left arm to direct him to the table.

"Ugh, I'm fine, it's just a small scratch. Mikey might have a severe concussion."

The oldest tried to argue but in the lab, he wasn't in charge.

"Sit, now."

The doctor turtle instructed and Leo pouted but hopped up on the table with a huff.

Donnie took his brother's left hand and moved it off the wound so he could properly see it.

"I'm guessing you put your hand over it to stop the bleeding. Must mean you guys pay a little bit of attention to what I say in our first aid meetings."

The purple turtle babbled as he cleaned the wound with water.

"Only a little bit though."

Raph chuckled from his spot in Donnie's desk chair.

Mikey got a laugh out of it too, sitting on Donnie's desk in front of his red masked brother.

"Oh don't think you're getting your shell out of anything today, Raphael. You had a worn inside you, probably doused in chemicals and who knows what else."

Donnie said, as he got out a bottle of disinfect for Leo's cut.

"This is gonna sting, bro."

Before Leo could even start to brace himself for the pain, Donnie poured the liquid directly on his wound.

"AAHHH ! Donnie ! A bit more of a heads up next time ?!"

Leo screamed and clenched his teeth in pain, not looking at his arm.

"Sorry. I'm gonna give you something for the pain before I stitch you up, this cut is pretty deep."

He said and looked over Leo's shoulder at Raph who was shaking his head and scrunching his eyes a smidge.

"You ok, Raph ?"

Donnie asked, fighting the urge to leave Leo to check on their brother.

"Huh ? Yeah. Just - .........I'm fine."

Raph said and blinked a few times then looked back to his phone in his hand.

"Uhhh ok ? I'm gonna inject you with a numbing agent so I can stitch you up quickly."

Donnie explained and gave Leo a shot and quickly grabbed his stitching items.

Only a short minute later, Donnie was done and he did a quick once over on Leo and a cognitive evaluation and let Leo get down.

"Alright, I wrapped your wound in gauze. You need to wash around the wound with clean water 2 times a day. Don't use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, those will slow the healing. You may cover the wound with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, and a non-stick bandage. Apply more petroleum jelly and replace the bandage as needed. And if you need help, please ask me."

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