The Crypt of Dracula S5E15 (Different Part 2)

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The rest happens normally......they go to the future and............

The three turtles, April, Casey and Renet are standing on the roof and Renet says, "I have to get Volgo and Esmeralda back to their time. I'll be right back for you dadios." Renet opened a portal and Esmeralda and Volgo followed which left the three turtles, April and Casey standing on the roof. Then Donnie and Mikey started to explain what happened to Raph. Leo looked depressed the whole time and everyone else picked up on it but couldn't say anything before, Now they can since they have nothing else to do. "Leo are you ok ?" April was the first to speak up as she placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. "I'm fine. I'm just...worried...about Raph. He looked really sick." Leo's voice cracked and he stopped talking. All of a sudden, he was pulled into a warm embrace he recognized as his baby brother. "Raphie will be ok Leo. He's a tough turtle. No sickness will hold him back." Mikey smiled and Leo hugged him back as his eyes got all misty and Mikey let him go but Donnie could tell something else was bothering the leader in blue. Without a second thought, Donnie hugged Leo too. Unlike normal, Leo accepted his younger brother's hug and hugged him back. "What's bothering you bro ?" Donnie didn't release Leo and he just sniffled before explaining himself. "...I failed..." Donnie wasn't expecting those words from his older brother's mouth. He looked actually shocked. "What do you mean Leo ?" Donnie asked. Donnie didn't dare move. He thought if one thing changed then Leo would shut down and never say what was wrong. "I failed Raph...I failed MS...I failed myself...I failed you guys..." before Leo could go any further, Donnie felt his shoulder become wet with Leo's tears. "You didn't fail us Leo. Why would you say, or think, such a thing ?!" Donnie didn't know what to say. "I failed Raph by letting him wonder off and get himself sick...I failed myself by letting Raph walk away and not protecting him...I failed you guys by letting Raph get sick...and I failed MS by not watching my brothers like I told him I would.....I'm a failure." Leo started sobbing on Donnie's shoulder and Donnie just rubbed Leo's back soothingly and rocked him a bit. "Raph will be ok Leo, just remember that. He's tough, and like Mikey said, he's not going to let a bug bring him out of the game. He'll be back to slapping Mikey and blowing off steam with Casey in no time. I promise." Donnie reassured Leo and Leo nodded but kept crying for a minute longer until Donnie let him go and Leo wiped his face and Casey took that opportunity to be annoying and rude. "Wow Leo, I didn't know you were so touchy feely." Earning a smack on the head from April and death looks from Mikey and Donnie that read you-better-leave-him-alone-or-we'll-kick-your-ass. "Fine fine I get the hint." Casey said and backed off not wanting to be beaten up by two ninjas and a kunoichi. Then Renet came through another portal and hugged Leo. "What's the hug for ?" Leo asked, trying to act like nothing just happened. "You and Raphael are some of the same you know that. You both act like you're not sensitive, when you both are very sensitive on the inside." Renet said and Donnie, Mikey and April smiled. "Can we go see Raphie now ?" Mikey asked and Renet nodded her head yes and opened a portal and Mikey and Leo jumped in right away and Donnie after them. Casey stopped in front of it and looked in but couldn't see anything. "Are you sure this thing is ok to use. I mean does it make you dizzy or wet or..." Casey didn't get to finish his questions before April pushed him in. "Now you see what I deal with." April smiled and her and Renet went through the portal. When they got through the portal, they saw a hospital that looks almost like one on earth but more future like. They follow Renet to a door that's closed and on the front is a holographic word that reads, HAMATO RAPHAEL, TURTLE OF LEGEND in large letters. "This is Raph's room." Renet said and grabs her keys from her belt. "One of these should open it." She says and finds one key and says, "Got it !" She puts the key in and the door opens and Leo, Donnie and Mikey push in and there's no bed or Raph. "What's going on Renet ?" Leo asked and they all looked at her. "I don't know dadios. I'll ask the hospital computer." Renet walls out and Leo follows closely behind her and everyone else follows behind him. They get to the front desk and Renet goes behind the counter and pushes a button on the counter and from nowhere pops out a holographic schedule looking thing. "Hamato, Hamato, Hamato, HAMATO !!" Renet touches a name and reads out. "He was taken from the room two hours ago and taken to..." Renet gets a sad look on her face and looks nervous. "WHERE IS RAPHAEL ?!?" Leo asks furious that his little brother is lost here. "He had to go through surgery so they took him to the ICU." Renet said and Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Casey and April gasped. "When is he coming back ?" Donnie asks since he has the most doctor-like experience. "Another hour or two." Renet said and closed the hologram. So the three brothers and April, Casey and Renet went back to Raph's room to wait for him. Mikey fell asleep in the chair, Donnie talked with some of the nurses about random stuff to keep himself busy, Casey played with the holo tv, April watched Casey and worried about Raph constantly watching the door, and Leo stood by the door ready for his brother to come in and to comfort him. Three hours goes by and the door opens slowly and everyone gets up and sees it's only a nurse Donnie was talking to a while ago. "Hamato Leonardo ?" The lady asked, looking at the holo clipboard in her hands. "That's me. Where's my brother ?" Leo asked and the lady put up her hand to silence Leo which only ticked him off and Mikey and Donnie restrained him. "You are above 18 am I correct ?" The curse asked. Leo looked at the nurse and nodded his head. "I'm 19 miss." Leo says and the nurse says, "Follow me Leonardo." And walks out of the room with Leo in tail. Mikey paces while Donnie and Casey fell asleep and April watched Mikey trying to talk to him to keep him calm. It was now 2am back in their time so Mikey was tired but didn't rest or stop pacing the whole time, worried about his big brother. At 3am April fell asleep too and it was only Mikey awake and pacing. 

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